January 2020
A monthly update for AgrAbility projects and friends of AgrAbility
AgrAbility funding for the current project year was confirmed at the end of 2019 by a Congressional appropriations agreement. Total program allotment was level at $4.6 million.
Register soon for the 2020 AgrAbility VIRTUAL National Training Workshop. The six webinars on January 28-30 include several by AgrAbility staff members. Topics include low-tech AT, cultural humility, and programs for under-served audiences like veterans and minority farmers. Visit for details.
Madison NTW Updates: Things "To Do" before the NTW

  1. Register! Registration is open through the NTW website HERE.
  2. While on the NTW website, don't forget to check out the great tours that are planned (additional fee).
  3. Make hotel reservations. Reservations may be made HERE.
  4. Register as an AgrAbility exhibitor. This is an option on the registration site. Please contact Tess McKeel if you have already registered online but would like to have an AgrAbility display.
  5. Suggest vendors or sponsors. Information for both may be found by clicking on either option- vendor or sponsor.
  6. Put together your State Raffle Basket. The State raffle baskets have been a hit the last two years. Put together a basket with items from your state or any theme that you would like and let's see whose basket gets the most tickets.
  7. Solicit auction items. Several auction items are needed to help support the cost of NTW farmer guests. Items may be mailed ahead of time, if need be, to Amanda Harguth / 460 Henry Mall, Room B20 / Madison, WI 53706. Please indicate that it is for the NTW and also include the item description form.
  8. Start thinking about the snacks you would like to share for the Hospitality Suite. 

If you have any questions, contact anytime.
Tess McKeel - - 585.447.9015
Or JoBeth Rath - - 585.402.2059
The recording of the December 9 all-staff meeting is now available at along with the telemedicine presentation file.
Toolbox Spotlight
Built to fit category 2 and 3 tractors from 80 to 160 hp, the Rear-Mounted Tipping Transport Box , with detachable tailgate, is designed to allow one to dig, scoop, scrape, level, spread, and/or haul all types of material weighing up to 600 pounds (depending on model).
On December 3-5, Alaska AgrAbility staff attended the statewide 2019 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Provider's Conference in Anchorage. More

In December, a staff member from Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA) attended a Farm & Food Meeting in Kenai, Alaska. More
California AgrAbility hosted the AgrAbility Regional Workshop in Davis, CA. The conference had over 30 attendees from various states and agencies including the CA Department of Rehabilitation and Ability Tools. More
Clinica Tepati, a free student-run clinic in Sacramento, conducted a train-the-trainer for their exercise class. More
California AgrAbility staffed a booth at the Small Farm Tech Expo in Santa Rosa, CA. Hosted by Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) and Farmers Guild, the Small Farm Tech Expo was the first exposition to introduce farm technology from around the state and private industry specifically for small farmers. More
December was the month for professional development. Colorado AgrAbility, in partnership with CSU Extension, hosted an agricultural suicide prevention one-day workshop featuring noted ag psychologist Mike Rosmann from Iowa. It was attended by 53 local professionals.

Later in the month, staff attended a local eastern plains workshop put on in Sterling, CO, by the Livestock Commission. In attendance were 27 ag professionals from the surrounding communities.
December 8-9, Georgia AgrAbility staff attended the 82nd Annual Georgia Farm Bureau Annual Conference hosted in Jekyll Island, Georgia. The conference was a great way for farmers to come together to celebrate achievements and to discuss the state's largest economic sector: More
Georgia AgrAbility staff member and engineer Kyle Haney recently received training on using 3D printers at the University of Georgia's Makerspace so that staff can print assistive technology for their clients at no cost. More
Kelly Gagnon, AgrAbility of Illinois communications coordinator, recently attended the official launch of the Farmer Veteran Coalition of Illinois at the Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 7in Chicago. More
Dr. Josie Rudolphi, AgrAbility of IL co-director, spoke at the Illinois Specialty Crop Conference in Springfield, Illinois, on Friday, January 10. More
Indiana AgrAbility staff members Bill Field, Paul Jones, and Steve Swain attended the 2019 Purdue University Extension Professional Development Conference, which was held on the campus of Purdue University. More
Indiana AgrAbility closed out the calendar year as an exhibitor at the 2019 Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis...Indiana AgrAbility client and advisory team member Mark Carter represented Purdue Extension and its drone specialists... More
Kansas AgrAbility staff participated in a two-day training session with Assistive Technology for Kansans. More

KAP will be participating the Women Managing the Farm conference on February 13-14, which provides a supportive setting in which women can develop the skills, resources, and knowledge needed for success in a competitive agricultural environment.
Using handheld clipping tools to trim the thousands of greens necessary to make the wreaths can take a toll on an individual's hands, and eventually making wreaths became a painful, unpleasant, task. More
Do you know Michigan ranks third in the nation for fresh Christmas tree production, producing over a dozen varieties of trees on more than 42,000 acres throughout the state? More
The Michigan AgrAbility Farmer Review Panel convened in December. MSU staff presented 2017 and 2018 annual survey results. Michigan AgrAbility was very much appreciated by their clients. More
Want to know the 2019 happenings at Michigan AgrAbility? Take a look at the Michigan AgrAbility 2019 Year in Review!
December was a busy month for Michigan AgrAbility staff attending conferences: Michigan Farm Bureau Annual Meeting (Dec 3-5) and the Great Lakes Expo (Dec 10-12). More
Mark your calendars! The 2020 Alpha Gamma Rho Beef Preview is soon to be here! Join the fun Friday-Sunday, February 7-9, at the MSU Livestock Pavilion in East Lansing. More
The University of Missouri Extension Missouri AgrAbility staff completed the following networking and marketing activities: More
Maureen Cunningham with the Brain Injury Association of Missouri featured the Missouri AgrAbility Project with an exhibit at the Coordinated School Health Conference in Columbia, Missouri, December 5-6. More
Emily Freudenburg was asked by the NAP team to present on farm/ranch-based assistive technology at the Regional Workshop in Sacramento. More
Specialists have been busy completing client visits before the year-end. Word from NE Vocational Rehabilitation is that more clients will be coming off the waiting list in January, and staff look forward to serving these clients.

Staff promoted AgrAbility at two events in December: the Nebraska Cattlemen Annual Convention in Kearney and the Cattle Confinement Symposium in Kearney.
It is a sad time for Nebraska AgrAbility and the entire Nebraska agricultural community. Longtime client and advisory board member John Dvoracek passed away in December. John served on several community and state boards during his farming career. More
North Carolina
On December 3 in Greensboro, NC, NCA&T SU agribusiness and food industry management undergraduate students under the leadership of Dr. Kenrett Jefferson-Moore presented projects. The students worked during the semester on case studies for two NC AgrAbility farmers. More
On December 5-7 in Wilmington, NC, NC AgrAbility participated at The Ag Expo Conference facilitated by the NC Agribusiness Council. More
On December 6 in Raleigh, NC, Beatriz Rodriguez provided a lecture to NCSU bio engineering students for their ag safety class. More
Ohio AgrAbility staff members have been busy presenting, planning, promoting, and collaborating this winter. Staff presented "How accessible are your events and programs for people with disabilities?" at the 2019 Ohio State University Extension annual conference. More
OAP held an advisory committee meeting in December and welcomed several new committee members from the rural health community, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, Ohio Farm Bureau, the ADA coordinator for the city of Columbus, Ohio, and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (Vocational Rehabilitation). More
AgrAbility PA wishes everyone a Happy New Year! The staff spent time in December preparing and prepping for big events at the start of 2020: two statewide farm shows and other key events and happenings. Staff look forward to connecting with AgrAbility colleagues in the coming year.
AgrAbility PA partnered with the PA Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) and Missouri AgrAbility to present an AgrAbility webinar, "Alternative Financing for Assistive Technology." More
AgrAbility PA has pulled together a one-page, front and back resource on cab cameras. More
South Dakota
Tatanka Ki Owetu AgrAbility Project on Pine Ridge has started to develop a wheelchair-accessible high-tunnel demonstration site at its Pine Ridge office headquarters. More
In addition, a second high-tunnel on site will be utilized by the program's first full-time AgrAbility incubator farmer client for in-ground production. The Tatanka Ki Owetu Project is exploring the use of incubators as a way to address land-access and equipment-access challenges that disabled tribal new farmers face in becoming involved in agriculture. More
Happy 2020 from Tennessee AgrAbility Project

There were leadership role changes for TNAP with the retirement of Tim Prather on December 31. TNAP welcomed Troy Dugger on January 1 as project director for UT Extension for Tennessee AgrAbility Project and Tennessee Beginning Farmer Outreach Program. More
Finis Stribling will continue to be the TN State University Extension project director for TN AgrAbility plus the director of TN New Farmer Academy. Joetta T. White and Eileen Legault will continue to be project coordinators with TN AgrAbility UT Extension area specialists.
TN AgrAbility was seen at the Tennessee Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. One attention grabber from the booth was the distribution of silicone rings for men and women. They were a huge hit and staff were able to talk about the AgrAbility program to those visiting.
AgrAbility of Utah attended the USU Extension Pesticide Training Workshop in Logan, UT, on December 3 and gave a presentation on AgrAbility. Ninety-five people were in attendance.
On Dec. 5, Michael Porter and Randall Bagley attended the Utah Cattleman's Association Convention that was held in Salt Lake City. A display table with brochures and handouts was set up and more than 100 people attended the event.

AgrAbility of Utah presented at the Core Pesticide Applicator Workshop on Dec. 9 in Kaysville, UT. The event was attended by 55 agriculturists and pesticide applicators and was sponsored by USU Extension.
The Wisconsin AgrAbility team had a great December. They attended the WI Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and YFA Conference held in the Wisconsin Dells. More
Tim Prather retired on 12/31/2019 after more than 36 1/2 years of service with University of Tennessee Extension. We appreciate all Tim did for TNAP!
Patrick T. (Troy) Dugger, with Center for Profitable Agriculture/UT Extension (CPA) assumed the role of project director for UT Extension's Tennessee AgrAbility Project and Tennessee Beginning Farmer Outreach Program January 1, 2020. Contact information:
Troy Dugger
Program Coordinator, Center for Profitable Agriculture
850 Lion Parkway
Columbia, TN 38401
931-486-2777 Office Phone
Problems? Contact Chuck Baldwin, National AgrAbility Project,

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