HUPOST Editor: Michelle Hill and Staff Editor: Amanda Oliveira
January 2021
Farewell message from HUPO Past President, Stephen Pennington
It has been a genuine privilege and honour to have had the opportunity to serve as HUPO President for the past two years. The COVID-19 global pandemic has made the last 9-10 months very challenging for the HUPO community and leadership team (Executive Committee). Our thoughts go to those in our community who have been directly impacted and especially those who have lost loved ones.
I’m sure we are all conscious of the devastating negative health and social consequences of COVID-19. Amongst the very many negatives it is reassuring, and perhaps necessary, to hold onto some positive outcomes from the pandemic. The increase in public and professional awareness of the science of biology and virology, of diagnostic testing and vaccine development has been remarkable to witness. Click here to read on...
Welcome message From HUPO President Yu-Ju Chen
It is truly a great honor and a big responsibility to serve as the HUPO president in the coming two years. Since the past January, I have joined the HUPO EC and witnessed the great efforts from the leadership team led by Past President Steve Pennington and Vice-President Susan Weintraub. Among the many impressive HUPO achievements, perhaps most notable and quite unique to everyone is the HUPO Connect 2020 – the very first virtual congress for HUPO. The HUPO leadership together with supports from HPP, committees, council members, speakers and sponsors have jointly turned the challenges of COVID-19 outbreak into a landmark congress in the history of HUPO. Big thank you to Steve and Sue for your contribution and congratulation to the achievements made in the past two years. Read full message here...
Introduction to Incoming Marketing & Membership Committee Chair, Professor Vera Ignjatovic
Vera is a Senior Principal Research Fellow and a group leader of the Haematology team at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia. She lead a highly productive, internationally competitive research team in the field of paediatric thrombosis and haemostasis (aka kids' blood). Her research efforts include the use of proteomic studies in the paediatric setting, where she established for the first time the concept of Developmental Proteomics. Click here to read on...
The Early Career Researcher Initiative
The HUPO Early Career Researcher initiative welcomes new member: Blandine Chazarin
The Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative welcomes Blandine Chazarin as a new member. Blandine brings her experience with the Youth Club of the Proteomic France Society to the ECR initiative. Blandine is a postdoctoral scientist at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Dr. Jennifer Van Eyk’s laboratory. Read more about Blandine...
The Human Proteome Project (HPP)
RAD-HPP Advances on the Roadmap for Precision Medicine
By: Cristina Ruiz-Romero, and Francisco J Blanco, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain
One of the priorities of translational proteomics is to facilitate the development of precision medicine strategies. These involve a deeper knowledge on the molecular profiles of diseases and patients, improving prediction and prevention and promoting a more personalized and participative medicine. In this field, the HPP initiative on Rheumatic and Autoimmune diseases (RAD-HPP) has focused on the application of proteomics for the development of predictive models for precision medicine. These models would enable the identification of disease phenotypes and the stratification of patients according to their future response to treatment. Read on here...
8th HPP Special Issue 2020 in Journal of Proteome Research is online
The Human Proteome Project (HPP) 8th Special Issue in the Journal of Proteome Research was published on December 4, 2020, with more 15 articles and one editorial addressing different issues related to the human proteome. This is issue is celebrating progress on establishing the existence at the protein level of 90% of the human protein coding genes. The Guest Editorial team comprising Drs. Young-Ki Paik, Gil Omenn, Lydie Lane, Eric Deutsch, Fernando Corrales, and Chris Overall (Associate Editor) were responsible for this 8th Special Issue. The whole issue is available at the Journal of Proteome Research website.
New neXtProt release with new human protein features
The neXtProt team is happy to announce release 2020-11-26 and that features updated protein-protein interaction data from IntAct and updated expression data from Bgee. Bgee is a database to retrieve and compare gene expression patterns in multiple animal species ,which is also developed at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Oct 10:gkaa793. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa793). For more information, see: The next important release of neXtProt with updated proteomics data is planned for February 2021 on which the C-HPP teams can measure their progress in completion of the human proteome.
Join Chromosome 21 and 22 research teams
C-HPP Consortium leadership is looking for partners to can join the C-HPP initiative to advance neXt-MP50 and neXt-CP50 projects by identifying missing proteins and identify function(s) to uPE1 proteins for chromosomes 21 and 22. Motivated PIs are encouraged to contact Chris Overall (Chair of C-HPP, email
We wish you and your family Happy New Year for 2021 and we hope that vaccination against SARS-CoV2 will allow our scientific community and others to meet each other again in person on international meetings, workshops and conferences.
Upcoming Proteomics Courses
Free online courses by Sanjeeva Srivastava, IIT Bombay, starting January 18, 2021
Disclaimer. HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Editor for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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