A Message from WES Director Greg Geist
Looking forward to a better, brighter new year!

The Covid-19 crisis changed the daily lives of Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) employees and our customers for much of 2020. And it is not over. We are dealing with the effects of the pandemic as 2021 begins.

To ensure services continue uninterrupted, WES staff members will continue to use new personal protective equipment (PPE) and practice physical distancing to ensure we remain healthy and on the job to serve you.

WES recognizes the financial hardships for many customers created by COVID-19, so we will continue to waive late fees for unpaid wastewater or surface water bills for the duration of the crisis. We also offer a low-income discount for those in need. Please contact our customer service to learn more about what support we can offer you.

Despite the challenges of the last year, WES reached major milestones in projects that strengthen our ability to serve you. To learn about these accomplishments that we will build upon in the new year, please take a few moments to check out our 2020 Annual Report.

As we begin the new year, WES remains committed to providing a safe and inclusive atmosphere for our employees, customers and visitors. WES also steadfastly supports the County’s commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion internally for employees and externally for residents.

We look forward to serving you in 2021 and beyond.

Greg Geist, WES Director
Carli Creek Water Quality Project: An Update
Since December 18, 2018, Clackamas Water Environment Services’ innovative Carli Creek Water Quality Project has been filtering harmful pollutants from stormwater runoff from surrounding industrial properties before it reaches Carli Creek and the Clackamas River.

Looking to Hire a Landscape Maintenance Service?
Learn more about how you can help protect our streams, rivers, and drinking water by following a few quick, easy tips.

An Update on the Kellogg Water Resource Recovery Facility
Learn about the upgrades at the Kellogg Water Resource Recovery Facility and how the improvements help us better serve our customers and neighbors.
Low-income Discount

Once you have completed your application, please return it to:
Attn: Financial Services
Water Environment Services
150 Beavercreek Road
Oregon City, OR 97045

If you have questions about the Low-income Customer Discount Program please call 503-742-4567
The WES Office is Open for Business!
Our office at 150 Beavercreek Road in Oregon City is open to serve you from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Our customer service phone lines are also open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Our Operations and Field staffs are continuing to provide you service.

If you are experiencing flooding or a problem with your sanitary sewer that needs immediate attention, please call 503-655-8211, and a WES representative will contact you promptly.

Sanitary sewer service and surface water management.
150 Beavercreek Road Oregon City, OR 97045

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