The Lorain Borough Wastewater project is located in Lorain Borough, Cambria County, PA and was completed in December 2020.

This project involved the replacement of Lorain Borough's entire wastewater collection system, at the same location as the former system. The wastewater collection system serves approximately 300 homes and businesses. Approximately 22,000 feet of mainline, 8,000 feet of lateral pipe, and nearly 140 manholes were replaced with new pipe, along with related appurtenances and restoration. Additionally, all mains, manholes and laterals were pressure tested.
Keller Engineers responsibilities included: design, permitting, survey, and construction inspection.

Our Water/Wastewater team provides designs for both water and wastewater systems and related components for municipalities and authorities, commercial development, and residential clients.

Contact Dan Carbaugh, PE, Director of Water/Wastewater, for project inquiries and questions about services: | 814-696-7430
We recently handed out Service Awards to employees who celebrated milestone anniversaries during the year 2020.

Please join us in congratulating the following individuals for their valued service to Keller Engineers:

~25 Years: Joe Bauer, Wendy Rossman, and Brian Wiser
~20 Years: Teddie Kreitz, Mike Seese, Stephanie Shoenfelt, and Brian Smith
~15 Years: Adam Long, Mary Nelson, Ron Samuel, and Jeff Wos
~10 Years: Rick Drahnak
~One Year: Jared Keller, Troy Luchau, Tim Larson, and Bob Yogus

We are grateful to each and every hardworking employee for their teamwork, dedication, and years of service!
Keller Engineers employees are participating in a 30-day water drinking challenge called Hydrate for Health! The goal is to drink 64oz (eight 8oz cups) of water each day for 30 days! This is a fun way to encourage employees to start a healthy habit in the new year!

The challenge comes to an end on February 10th... who will the winner of this challenge be? Stay tuned to find out! We encourage you to join us while we hydrate for our health!

Pictured from left to right: (first row) Nathan Patrick, Brittany Eckenrode, Angela Reilly, and Jared Keller and (second row) Brian Wiser, Jonathan Chwatek, Adam Charles, Lisa Mobley, and Joe Keller.
Congratulations to Alex Clark for recently passing the Surveyor-In-Training (SIT) Exam! Alex is now a certified Surveyor in Training!

The SIT certification allows you time to obtain additional education/experience as you move towards becoming a Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS).

We are so proud of Alex for this exciting accomplishment!
Title: Construction Inspector
Years at Keller Engineers: 2 years, 6 months
What is your favorite meal? Italian
What are three items on your bucket list? 1) Buy a bigger house for retirement 2) Take an international trip to visit various countries in Asia and Europe and 3) Attend a Cricket World Cup game
What is your favorite holiday and why? Diwali, because it's a religious holiday and I get to spend time with the family.
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Dolphin, because they are smart and can swim.
If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go? India
January Birthdays
Richard Drahnak
Jay Ebersole
Joe Gaeto
Ken Lynch
Lisa Mobley
Kishor Soni

Company Anniversaries
JR Baughman ~ 1 year
Troy Luchau ~ 2 years
Marty Marasco ~ 4 years
Randy Grove ~ 12 years
Angela Reilly ~ 12 years
Craig Rock ~ 12 years
Jonathan Chwatek ~ 19 years
Michael Seese ~ 21 years
Stephanie Shoenfelt ~ 21 years
Keller Engineers, Inc. |

Corporate Office (Hollidaysburg, PA): 814-696-7430
Branch Office (State College, PA): 814-231-2925