Chamber Connection | January 2021

To all of our new and renewing members, 2020 was a very difficult year for many of you and we appreciate your continued support and membership!

A message from U.S. Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis
Wilkes Business Links (WBL)
Wilkes Business Links is a business to business referral networking group that meets each Thursday from 8:30 - 9:45 AM. WBL is a "leads group" focusing on gaining a better understanding of chamber members businesses which creates referrals of friends, business associates, and clients. At each weekly meeting group members are given the opportunity to introduce their business/service/product to the group. Join the Wilkes Business Links and
experience business growth.
For more details contact Terrian Carter at 336-838-8662.
2021 Chamber Champions
Interested in becoming a
2021 Chamber Champion?

Contact Linda Cheek for more information at:
(336) 838-8662 or [email protected]
Thank you to our
2020 Chamber Champions...
--------------------------- Platinum ---------------------------
------------------------------- Gold -------------------------------
------------------------------- Silver -----------------------------
----------------------------- Bronze ----------------------------
---------------------------- Copper ----------------------------
Affiliated Member Programs...
Contact Wesley Hale with First Benefits at: [email protected]

 Click Here to pre-register for seminars. To learn more about the Small Business Center and seminars, contact Laurie Brintle-Jarvis, SBC director, at 336-838-6166 or [email protected].
Place Your Ad In Our Next Chamber Connection...
Contact Rachael Mahaffey for information on advertising opportunities at (336) 838-8662 or [email protected]