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We recognize the impact, friendship and support

a CACI Mentor provides!

CACI provides mentoring services that support and encourage its members to meet and exceed the 10 standards required for their national accreditation: Membership Standards and Site Review, Case Review, Team Buy-In and Other Challenges, Tax Referendums, Board Development, Budget and Financial Management, Funding Resources, CAC Policy and Procedure Issues, Volunteer Recruitment and Management , Peer Review, Program and MOU development, and Supervision of Staff.

CACI also proudly provides mentorship to forensic interviewers who have been trained forensic interviewers, have less than one year of experience, and that seek extra support navigating protocol steps, knowledge of research, feedback on skills, and who are wanting a growth in confidence.

Please join us in saying THANK YOU to our Accreditation/CAC Director and Statewide Forensic Interview Mentors:

Lynn Aladeen, Ali Alstott, Billie Larkin, Jan Lutz,

Traci Mueller, and Beverly Tucker

(pictured in order below)

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Do what you’ll love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.

It’s a well-meaning sentiment, but it’s completely normal to love your job, but still think it feels like hard work. Unless you are a professional puppy snuggler!

We know that your hands and hearts are full, and everyone could use a dose of good news, so we are highlighting YOU and YOUR TEAM this Valentine's Day! Through the month of February CACI will be sharing Hearts of RockStars, and we are asking you to share!

Click here to add your heart by sharing your "Why I Love What I Do" story, or write a "I Appreciate You" heart letting your Team, Co-Workers, Clients (no names please), Collaborative Partners, Funder, Family, etc, know how much you appreciate them.

Submissions will be accepted until February 21, 2022!

Add Your Heart

CACI is excited to bring you the 13th Annual Champions of Children Conference!  

This 2-day, four separate track, hybrid experience, brings you nationally renowned experts in the field of child abuse, and is purposefully planned for multidisciplinary members and their specific discipline.  

With both in-person & virtual experiences offered, we look forward to bringing you an excellent CofC22!!

Click HERE for CofC22 Information

It is the responsibility of the individual for making their room reservation at the Westin Chicago Northwest. 

Reservations can be made by clicking here. Parking is free. 

To receive the 2022 Champions of Children Conference rate,

reservations must be made by February 15th.

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Top 10 of 2021
Did you know ICJIA maintains a database of nearly 1,000 articles, reports, and other products? Here is a list of our 10 most downloaded products of 2021:
  1. A Study of Drug Testing Practices in Probation
  2. The Victim-Offender Overlap: Examining the Relationship Between Victimization and Offending
  3. An Overview of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs in Prison Reentry
  4. Mental Illness and Violence: Is there a Link?
  5.  Programs and Practices to Prevent School Violence and Improve School Safety
  6. Community Violence Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression
  7. Individual and Community Trauma: Individual Experiences in Collective Environments
  8. Trauma-Informed and Evidence-Based Practices and Programs to Address Trauma in Correctional Settings
  9. Domestic Violence Trends in Illinois: Victimization Characteristics, Help-Seeking, and Service Utilization
  10. An Overview of Problem-Solving Courts and Implications for Practice

Stalking | Overview | Office of Justice Programs

In 2016, an estimated 3.8 million people age 16 or older in the United States were victims of stalking, according to a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Visit the following pages for additional information and resources produced or sponsored by the Office of Justice Programs and other federal agencies:

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Human Trafficking | Overview | Office of Justice Programs

Just as there is no one type of trafficking victim, perpetrators of this crime also vary. Traffickers can be foreign nationals or U.S. citizens, family members, partners, acquaintances, and even strangers.

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Priorities | Illinois Partners for Human Service

We are leading efforts to fund health and human services, so allIllinoisans can reach their potential and have access to a sector thatis equitable, sustainable, and speaks with a collective voice. Cross-sector Collaboration. We unify health and human services stakeholders by mobilizing a coalition of more than 850 organizations around the state and leading a collaboration among 20 health and human services associations .

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Representation of Children in Child Abuse and Neglect Proceedings

This publication examines State laws that specify when a State court must provide legal representation for a child involved in child abuse and neglect proceedings and whether that representative must be an attorney, guardian ad litem, or a court-appointed special advocate.

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How Does Vagus Nerve Stimulation Reduce PTSD Symptoms?

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) increases parasympathetic nervous system activity, counterbalancing fight-or-flight stress responses. Accumulating evidence suggests that non-invasive VNS bioelectronic devices may reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

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What Children Lose When Their Brains Develop Too Fast

The great Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget used to talk about "the American question." In the course of his long career, he lectured around the world, explaining how children's minds develop as they get older. When he visited the U.S., someone in the audience was sure to ask, "But Prof.

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Cara Vock

Director of Programs and Member Services

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Sharing an update from the

Attorney General’s Office: 

In June 2021, the Attorney General’s Office completely overhauled the Automated Victim Notification System and migrated it to the newly enhanced VINE Platform. Some of the new features include:

  • Expanded voice interaction with victims
  • Heightened emphasis on confidentiality and security
  • Mobile App
  • Registration Link, to make a seamless process for registration across all information providers including DOC, jail, and courts.
  • Google Ads to support The VINE website  
  • A service provider directory, including a description of services and contact information


The Attorney General’s Office would especially like to invite you to join the Service Provider Directory. The directory allows victims to search for resources; by organization name, type of needs/services, or location.  Here is a YouTube demonstration video that walks through how the directory helps victims find your services.    

If you would like to have your organization included in the VINE Service Provider Directory, at no cost, please complete the survey form


If you haven’t already, please visit the new website at www.vinelink.com.


Mike Burns

Statewide MDT Coordinator

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On February 9th, from 10:00 - 11:00 AM, please join us for our MDT Coordinator Round Table! CACI will facilitate MDT Coordinator Community Consult discussion. This is an opportunity for MDT Coordinators to network, assist one another with overcoming challenges and share ideas. Attendees are encouraged to come with a question or concern that they would like feedback on from their peers and more information from other Coordinators across the state.


The Zero Abuse Project and CACI invite you to join us, March 16-17, 2022 for a virtual two-day training institutes for child abuse prosecutors and members of MDT teams on opening statements, closing arguments, preparing children for court, cross-examination of defendants and defense witnesses, as well as other select topics.

Ya'Shika Reed

Training and Prevention Specialist

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Office of the Illinois Attorney General Presents: Crime Victims Compensation Program 


The presentation on the Crime Victim Compensation Program gives participants an overview of the Crime Victim Compensation Act, including a discussion of the implementation of the most recent legislative amendments.  A detailed explanation of how the Attorney General’s Office fulfills its statutory duty to; investigate and process claims, to determine eligibility for the program, make recommendations to the Court of Claims to award or deny compensation, and to assist claimants in the appeal process.  Participants will do through a step-by-step demonstration on Completing the Crime Victims Compensation Application. 

Crime Victim Compensation


MDT Coordinator Roundtable 


Please join us for our MDT Coordinator Round Table! Join us in networking, discussion, and fun! CACI will facilitate MDT Coordinator round table discussion. This is an opportunity for MDT Coordinators to network, assist one another with overcoming challenges and share ideas. Attendees are encouraged to come with a question or concern that they would like feedback on from their peers and more information from other Coordinators across the state.

MDT Coordinator Roundtable


Quarterly Advocate Round Table


Please join us for our Quarterly Advocate Round Table! Join us in networking, discussion, and fun! CACI will facilitate advocate round table discussion. This is an opportunity for advocates to network, assist one another with overcoming challenges, and share ideas. Advocates are encouraged to come with a question that they would like feedback from their peers and more information from others across the state.

Quarterly Advocate Roundtable



ChildFirst Ex. Expanded Forensic Interview


We now know that one single comprehensive forensic interview does not meet the needs for all children. Based on the nationally-recognized ChildFirst Forensic Interview Protocol, this training provides a defensive process for conducting interviews with children who may not succeed in a standard, single interview due to trauma, development, special needs or other complicating issues, including polyvictimization. This training will discuss the expanded interview process as well as research supporting multiple, non-duplicative interviews with child victims and witnesses. ChildFirst Ex. can be utilized with any forensic interview protocol model and includes not only lecture, but practice for participants in conducting an expanded forensic interview. Participants are not required to have been trained in ChildFirst/FindingWords to attend  this training, but rather to have had training in a nationally recognized protocol.


ChildFirst Ex.


Narrative Practice 

February 22-24 2022

By reviewing key aspects of the forensic interview including child development, language and memory development, the impact of trauma and the practical applications of approaches to enhancing rapport with youth, this training will strengthen skills of interviewers at the beginner and intermediate levels. Research supports that narrative practice increases a child’s narrative competence as well as the details provided in the substantive portion of the interview (Roberts, Brubacher, Powell, & Price, 2011). Attendees will build upon prior knowledge and experience, and enrich their techniques in engagement, gathering of details and fluidity of their forensic interviews.

Narrative Practice 



Illinois Prosecutor Institute Training

March 16-17 2022

The Zero Abuse Project and CACI invite you to join us, March 16-17, 2022  for a virtual two-day training institutes for child abuse prosecutors and members of MDT teams on opening statements, closing arguments, preparing children for court, cross-examination of defendants and defense witnesses, as well as other select topics.

Illinois Prosecutor Institute Training 


Kathy L Murphy

VOCA Fiscal Grant Monitor

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Upcoming Due Dates:

CESF January Fiscal Expense PFR due

Monday, February 7, 2022 (5th is on Saturday)

VOCA January Fiscal Expense PFR due

Thursday, February 10, 2022 

*Reminder expenses are required to be entered, the period closed, and both the signed PFR and PFR in Excel format, with any supporting documentation (if applicable) attached to and submitted with the payment request in AmpliFund.

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It has been a busy couple of months, and the Child 1st Center is very late in publishing our “Farewell” to Todd Tuggle our former advocate! After 4 fantastic years of working with our young clients and their families, he is off to his next adventure in Florida!   We welcome aboard Leann Markham in the advocate position!  The Child 1st team would also like to congratulate our MDT Coordinator Amanda on her marriage. Amanda Havener is now Amanda Stokes!   

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La Rabida Children’s Advocacy Center

POSITION TITLE: Family Advocate

REPORTS TO: Director

SALARY RANGE: $44,000-$49,999


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, January 31, 2022

Apply Here
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Do you have something that you want to share in the CACInsider?  An article, press release, celebration, employee highlight, fundraising event, job opening, training, etc?  


You can now submit your monthly newsletter information in Coalition Manager by clicking here or by logging into Coalition Manager - Custom Forms - CAC/MDT Resources - Share in the CACInsider

✅  Information received by 5pm on the 20th of each month will be shared in that month's newsletter.

✅  All pictures you wish to submit need to be in a JPEG or PNG format.  Documents can be in Word or PDF.  Place any links that you wish to share in the body of the request.

CACI reserves the right to make the ultimate decision

on what is published in the CACInsider

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