Volume 2 | Issue 1 | January 26 2022
Cosmology of Light Newsletter
Hello Friends,

The progression of a New Year invites us to renew commitment to the breaking of old paradigms and to the wholehearted creation and following of new ones.

In this spirit, I would like to draw your attention to a new series of books that follows the 6-book Cosmology of Light and the 4-book Applications in Cosmology of Light series. The purpose of this series, Artistic Interpretation of Cosmology of Light, is to further ground the concepts central to Cosmology of Light and make them more accessible through the medium of art. Thus far two books have been published in the last month which I highlight below.

I also draw your attention to a recent recording that summarizes the idea of Cosmology of Light and some of its implications for practical technologies.

While the series of books and videos are only an imperfect interpretation, if they can arouse curiosity or even point to a door behind which sit unknown riches, they will have served their purpose.

Best Wishes,
The Mandala Illustrated Story of Light
The Mandala Illustrated Story of Light explores a journey of light into more and more concrete layers of matter and life, using mandalas as an aid to enter more deeply into the journey. The journey begins with the slowing down of light to c, which is posited to have resulted in a big bang from which the process of the creation of the layers of matter began. Light projects properties of itself in each surfacing layer of matter and erects pathways, as it were, by which all of existence is structured. An initial layer is that of the wavearchetype-electro-magnetic-masspotential spectrum. This is followed by quantum particles as light-property accumulations. These in turn create atoms, then molecules, and subsequently cells. Each of these layers has been architected by the innate four-foldness inherent in light. Human experience, including sensations, urges, emotions, feelings, will, and thought, and subsequently, the structure of civilization is also seen to be projections of the four-foldness innate in light. This story reveals a deep oneness and because of that an innate power that exists in all creations, and reveals something of the deep mystery of Light.

Musings on Light
Musings on Light has been written at the end of a journey. This journey involved a mathematical articulation of the power in light summarized in ten books across two Cosmology of Light book series. It is a contemplative, primarily non-mathematical summary of many of the key concepts that are contained in the ten Cosmology of Light books. I intended for these musings to be meditative and to assist the reader to intuitively grasp what is meant by Cosmology of Light. To further assist with the meditation, each of the musings of which there are 50, is accompanied by a carefully designed illustration that will further allow the reader to enter more deeply into the body of Cosmology of Light.

Cosmology of Light is intended to be a unified theory of existence from the point of view of light. Hence, it ties together possibility that exists in the native state of light where it is imagined to exist infinitely fast, to the process of multiple quantizations by which light projects itself in layers mirroring symmetrical fourfold realities, to the emergence of space-time-energy-gravity as a cosmic container at the time of the big bang, to the emergence of matter and life in layers of quantum particles, atoms, and cells, to the emergence of humans and culture and civilizations, so that physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, and sociology are all seen as faces of the one body of Light, always behind, immanent in all, and of which all are only richer and richer expressions.

Selected Recording
A Story of Light
This video recording was recently created as part of the expert lecture series Swatantra Bharat 75..The Genius of India as a key to the crisis of humanity today. In this recording, I review the basis of Cosmology of Light, discuss the upper and lower bounds of layers of existence, and dive into the notion of the persistent quantum computation that animates Cosmos. I also draw attention to why quantum computing and associated technologies need to b be thought of differently.