January 2022
Village Administrator Transition
A Message from Village President, Susan Sanabria
It is with regret that the Village Board has accepted the resignation of our Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer, Casey Griffiths. Casey has accepted a new position as the City Administrator in Cudahy. His last day with Wind Point will be Friday, January 28.

During his time in Wind Point, Casey oversaw many projects including the sale of the Village-owned property at 4403 Main Street, the rezoning of the former Wind Point School property, the resurfacing of Lake Meadow Drive, and the construction of the first phase of the Wind Point Lighthouse Grounds beautification project. The Village's annual budget continued to receive awards from the Government Finance Officers Association. He ran our elections, including the successful elections in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. He oversaw the transition of key Village staff members including the hiring of a new police chief and new public works supervisor. Village residents have relied on and have appreciated Casey’s expertise, responsiveness, and hard work. His service demonstrates the importance of a skilled, dedicated Village staff to the quality and effectiveness of Village operations. We wish Casey continued success in his new position.

To find a replacement, the Village will conduct a search for a new position. In the meantime, we will manage with existing Village staff and volunteer support from board members. Look for updates on the recruitment process in future editions of this newsletter. In the interim, Village communications and meetings will focus on items requiring immediate attention.
Deepwood Drive Outlot One
The Village understands that the future of Outlot 1 on Deepwood Drive is of importance to members of the community. As we move forward in determining the disposition of the property, it is the intention of the Village Board to hold a series of neighborhood meetings to gather community ideas on the future of the property.  

The Village plans to initiate these community-led meetings in the Spring after a new Administrator is on board. Information about the community meetings will be provided through the Village E-News, on the Village’s website, and through social media.  
2022 Village Board Elections
Nomination forms for three positions on the Wind Point Village Board were due Tuesday, January 4. The Village received nomination papers from three Village residents. The candidates listed below will appear on the ballot for the Spring Election, held on Tuesday, April 5.

  • Brian Biernat, 5002 Wind Point Rd. (incumbent)
  • Alison McCulloch, 11 Sandalwood Ct.
  • Robert Loppnow, 135 Tera Lee Ct.

Absentee Voting By Mail
Absentee Ballot requests are only good for one year, (unless you qualify as an indefinitely confined voter). If you requested a ballot in 2021 and are interested in obtaining an absentee ballot for elections being held in 2022 you must make a new request. Requests can be made on the My Vote Wisconsin website. You can also drop off or mail an absentee ballot application to the Village Office, 215 E. Four Mile Road, Racine, WI 53402. Absentee ballot applications are available on the Village's website.

Voter Registration
Residents wishing to register to vote may do so online at http://myvote.wi.gov, by mail, at the Village Office or at the polls on Election Day.

If you have any questions about voting or elections, please contact the Village Office at 262-639-3524 or info@windpoint.org.
Christmas Tree & Wreath Disposal
During the month of January, public works personnel will pick up wreaths and Christmas trees left at the edge of the road. Lights, ornaments and other decorations must be removed for wreaths and trees to be collected. 

Please note the Public Works staff is only picking up Christmas trees and wreaths; no other yard waste or branches can be collected.

It is not necessary to call in your tree or wreath collection, but if you have left it out a week or more and it has not been collected, please call the Public Works Office at 262-639-3560.
Property Taxes Due January 31
The first installment of property taxes is due by January 31. Payment may be made by mail, drop-box, or in-person at the Village Office. Payment may also be made at any branch of Johnson Bank.

After January 31, payment of taxes must be made to the Racine County Treasurer’s Office.  If you need a copy of your bill, you can find it online using Racine County's website or contact the Village office at 262-639-3524 or info@windpoint.org.

Dog License Reminder
Attention dog owners: Don't forget to obtain the annual dog license! A dog license application can be found on the bottom of the insert mailed with the property tax bill. Additional applications can be downloaded from the Village website or picked up at the Village Office. The fee for a dog license is $15 per altered (neutered or spayed) dog and $35 per unaltered dog. The fee increases by $10 for licenses obtained after March 31.

Submit the application and fee along with a copy of an unexpired rabies certificate obtained from your veterinarian to the Village Office. If submitting by mail, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the receipt and tag to be returned to you. 
Reminder to Shovel Around Fire Hydrants
All residents are asked to clear snow around fire hydrants that are adjacent to their property after each snowfall. If a fire hydrant is lost or buried in the snow, firefighters can lose valuable time trying to locate and dig out the hydrant when they arrive. Clear the snow three feet all around the hydrant so firefighters have enough room to connect a hose.

We would also like to remind you to look out for your neighbors who are elderly or have disabilities, by taking a few extra minutes to shovel out their hydrants. Finally, whether you are shoveling around hydrants or clearing your driveway, please refrain from pushing snow into the roadway. Thank you for your help!
Reminder: Boats and Trailers Cannot Be Stored Outdoors During the Winter
Sec.36-75 of the Wind Point Municipal Code provides that boats, campers, trailers, or recreational vehicles cannot be stored outdoors on private property during the months of November through March. (Except for snowmobiles which may be kept behind the house between December 15 and March 15.) Up to one boat, camper, trailer or recreational vehicle may be stored outdoors on private property between the months of April through October only, in a location behind the house and between the side building lines.

If you will need to have a boat, trailer or recreational vehicle in your driveway for a temporary period, temporary storage permission may be requested from Wind Point Police for a period of up to five days (limited to four times per year, per property). Please contact Wind Point Police (non-emergency) at 262-639-3022 to request temporary storage permission (please leave a voice message if an officer is not in the office at the time of your call).

Thank you for your cooperation!
Village Board Updates
The Village Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on December 9, 2021. The following actions took place at the meeting:

  • Presented outstanding work recognition awards to Vassh Excavating for their donation of labor and the use of equipment to repair the Lighthouse shoreline and to Village Intern Madeline Moltzan for her work to design historical interpretative signs for the Lighthouse Grounds.
  • Approved the appointment of Election Inspectors for the 2022-2023 term.
  • Approved a private well permit application for 330 E. Four Mile Road.

Please note that this is a synopsis of the items discussed at the Village Board meeting. To view complete meeting minutes for all Village Board and Committee meetings please visit the Agenda and Minutes page on the Village's Website. Minutes are added to the website once they have been approved by the Village Board or the respective committee, which typically occurs at the next regular meeting.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 13 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in person at the Village Hall (Lighthouse) and virtually via Zoom. Information on how to access the Zoom meeting is below:

Meeting Link:
Phone Number: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 994 7542 7126
Passcode: 120780
Village of Wind Point, Wisconsin
215 E. Four Mile Rd.
Racine, WI 53402