Volume 33 No. 1 | January 2022
Heart Lines Newsletter

Message from Hazel Bowman, RScP
CSLP Practitioner Core Chair

The new year is upon us and is filled with promise and possibilities. I can hardly wait to see what Spirit has in store for our Center, living to Its highest vision! 
So far Spirit is doing a darn good job – or should I say “we are” as Its expressions of Divine Activity.
We kick off January with Scott Thompson RScP as our guest speaker on Jan 2 on “Awakened Consciousness in 10 Steps” and make sure to attend his workshop that afternoon “Setting A New Course for 2022” which is designed to heal and let go of the past to embrace the future. Then on Jan 9 we welcome Rev. Karen Blakely with her topic “How Rich is Your Soil?” and the following Sunday on Jan 16 we have Rev. Jeff Hargis speaking on “The Inner Labyrinth & the Outer Crowd.” On Jan 23 we look forward to Dr. Karmen Smith who was the key note speaker in Charlottesville, VA at the Eastern Unity Conference with Marianne Williamson, and ending the month on Jan 30 is moi when I have the pleasure in being our guest speaker on “To Be or Not to Be: Is that Really A Question?”
This month we will be saying a loving farewell to our dear Sue Sharer RScP who will be moving with her son Robert down to Texas to be closer to family. We bless you both recognizing that God-centered you are always in your perfect place. Sue, thank you for all your years of devoted service to us. Your legacy of “only good can come from this” will always remain with us.       
If you’re not already enjoying our “Counting on Meditation” series with Jon Haass RScP and Music Director Jackson Rauch, then consider making it one of your New Year resolutions to join in on Monday mornings, live (you can watch on Facebook) at 12 Noon. It’s an awesome way to center yourself in knowing all the Good that surrounds you.
One great way to learn more about our teachings is with our Science of Mind (SOM) Study Group on Tuesdays evenings from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Facilitated by Board Members Chris Pearce and Jim Holmes, you have a chance to delve deeper into the SOM articles in its current issue. Reach out to Chris at 914.262.8599 or Jim at 414.581.0199 to find out more.  
There’s more exciting news! Due to the efforts of Grace McManus RScP and Scott Thompson RScP, on Monday January 17 at 6:00pm our beloved Swami Sankarananda will be leading an evening meditation at our Center AND he’ll be our guest speaker on Feb 20. Currently Grace is working on having Swami resume his monthly Monday evening meditations with us throughout 2022. How awesome is that?!
And best yet Sandy Kimmerle RScP is teaching “A Consciousness of Joy”, a four-week class starting Jan 15 from 9am-12 Noon that is certain to delight you. You may sign-up in the CSLP foyer or contact Sandy at 928. 925.3102.
And to think all this is just the beginning of the year! As Ernest Holmes reminds us, “The old year passes into the new and heralds in the possibility of triumph, the triumph of the Spirit in us.” And so it is! 
Love and more love,
New Committee Being Formed!
The Board of Trustees is looking ahead in creating a committee to engage both the Quad Cities and online communities in open dialogue, by moving forward in sharing our Centers mission and vision as a path to increase membership and awareness to a broader audience. By expanding the Centers Love and Joy outside of our walls we are including others as we grow. Anyone interested in this exciting endeavor please reach out to a Board Member.

6:00 – 7:15 PM
Satsang means “Gathering in Truth”
The goal is to uplift our vibrations,
to imbibe in and radiate Peace and Love.
                               20 minutes of Guided Silent Meditation
                               20 minutes of Kirtan – Singing/Chanting the Holy Names in Sanskrit
                               20 minutes of discussion – Bhagavad Gita
                               Additional Questions and Closing
January New Member Class
Join us to learn all about Center for Spiritual Living Prescott, including
our programs, our classes and how CSLP can serve you as you walk out your spiritual journey. This gathering will be at the Center, in person. We can't wait to get to know you! Let us know if you are interested!!!

DATE: January 15, 2022
DAY: Saturday
TIME: 12:30 pm — 2:30 pm
LOCATION: In Person, at CSL Prescott
COST: Free!
A circle for women seeking a supportive community to share and grow with while they transmute their hard times, heartache, loneliness, or anything else standing in the way, into something beautiful.
Meets third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in Sibley Hall
starting January 21,2022
First two sessions are open for women to check it out. After those sessions you will need to contact the Facilitator Mona Nyree
610-737-2698 or email: [email protected]
The Heart Connection is, again, up and running at CSL-Prescott. Members are Grace McManus, Sharon Tice, Jeri Arenson, Sudra Tolbert, Margaret Norton, DyAnn Brooks, Gena Bonacci, and Patricia Weiberg. 

The team has been working with Janet in the office and Chris Pearce of the Board to update our membership list. Each Heart Connection member has a team of folks with whom they will keep in touch, calling periodically and sending cards for special occasions. They will also be getting together for lunch periodically to enjoy time with their Heart Connection friends, discuss any needed updates, and write cards for their teams. 

If anyone is interested in joining our Heart Connection or have any questions, please contact Grace McManus or Sharon Tice. Talk to them at the Center; also their contact information is on the Practitioner Board. The Heart Connection offers the opportunity to get to know more CSL-Prescott members and to enjoy time together. We look forward to reaching out to our members and to including anyone who would like to join us.

Blessings Beloveds,
It is such an honor and a privilege for me be addressing this community as we begin 2022. As I personally look towards the future, I am consciously aware of the past and how each event in 2021 shaped us as a community and positioned us into areas unexplored.
2021 was indeed the year of transition for this community as we began to experience something I like to call other -wise. We may feel a sense of loss longing for the way things used to be. We certainly experienced personal loss from the transition of our wise and steady practitioner Dave Sharer and the transition to something else from our spiritual leader Rev. Kathleen Sibley.
2021 ended with new opportunities with the Board and the Practitioner Core joining as one. It brought the talents and wisdom of Rev. David Ault calling us to be more, do more and be grounded in our personal values.
We will have more of unique messages as 2022 greets us and an opportunity to find our next spiritual leader. We can attract that new leader to shine our individual lights as the unique and Divine expressions that we are.
The vibrancy and this strength of this community has repositioned us into something possible. I remember in childhood, adults asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. It’s funny that I am still asking myself that question and I always seem to get different answers. It does however all comes back to the heart and soul of service. How can I serve thee, as We?
I think we can apply that at CSL Prescott. What wants to be revealed through each of us, as each of us, in this community? What pearls of possibilities waits to be revealed? I’m excited to see what 2022 will reveal for us.
As Ernest Holmes the founder of our philosophy said “Like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind.”
Let’s attract the highest and greatest good to our center as we individually demonstrate that truth for ourselves.
Scott Thompson RScP 

CSL Prescott is still here for you, and Sunday services are happening each week online. Join us on Facebook Live and YouTube every Sunday:
10:00 AM for meditation and 10:30 AM for service. We can't wait to see you!

Meditation: 10:00
Service time: 10:30

Financial Contributions

Center for Spiritual Living Prescott is non-profit and your donations are tax deductible.
Watch Messages Online

With our YouTube channel, you'll never miss one of the Centers inspiring messages!
Contact Us

Phone: (928) 778-1602
3755 Willow Creek Rd
Prescott, AZ 86301
2022 Education Calendar
“Setting A New Course for 2022”  Scott Thompson, RScP
The time of change has come. If the sadness and sorrow of the past 2 years has prevented you from moving forward into a new. This workshop is for you .
If you are wanting to jump start a project or idea or maybe you are just ready to say, I am ready for change? This workshop is for you. Get your soul ready for 2022 and dive in with Scott Thompson. Scott has led this specific type of workshop in Las Vegas to sellout crowds year after year and this time he’s bringing it to Prescott CSL. All you need is a pen, a journal (new CSL journals will be available for purchase) and a desire to experience something new in your life.
Length of Course: 1 Day, January 2, 2022
Meeting: Sunday, 2pm – 3:30pm  In Person only at CSLP
Cost: $22
Masks and Social Distancing will be required for everyone’s safety

A Consciousness of Joy! Sandy Kimmerle, RScP
Everyone can use more joy in their lives! This class provides an opportunity to explore what joy means to you. We will explore ways to increase joy in our lives from the inside, whether anything has changed in our current world or not. This class is geared toward having fun as we learn. It will be a joy to have you here!
Length of Course: 4 weeks, January 15 – February 5
Meeting: Saturday mornings 9:00am to 12 Noon, In Person only at CSLP
Cost: $10 materials fee plus Love Offerings
Spiritual Principles On Zoom Rev. Lezli Goodwin

Living the best possible life takes practice, practice, practice. Discover proven practices that bring spiritual principle into action allowing you to manifest a desired goal or intention. Through this course, which offers spiritual practices and their methods that you can begin using NOW, you will begin to see results and changes in your life.
Length of Course: 5 weeks, January 26 – February 23
Meeting: Wednesdays, 5:30-8:30 pm Arizona Time
Location: Zoom
Cost: $175.00
Registration Fee: $45.00
Foundational Class
Prerequisites: None
Books: This Thing Called You - Ernest Holmes 
Practical Mysticism  Hazel Bowman, RScP Instructor, Sharon Tice, RScP, T.A.
This course is an exploration of mysticism, what it is and what it is not. It provides the framework for the student to live a more mystical life in present time. Each student sets a personal intention for their lives. Emphasis is given to the practice of meditation and the practice of witnessing consciousness. This course is ideal for those seeking to deepen their own awareness of the Divine reality in daily living. 
Length of Course: 10 Weeks, February 19 – April 23
Meeting: Saturday mornings 8:30am - 11:30am, In Person & Online/Zoom
Prerequisites: None
Foundational Course
Text:               The Foundations of Mysticism by Joel Goldsmith
                       Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul’s
                       Purpose by Caroline Myss
Cost: $295.00
Early Bird Special: $245.00 until Friday, February 11
CSL Registration Fee: $45/student
This Thing Called You (SOM203) Grace McManus, RScP Instructor
This class was created to deepen the students’ understanding that they are an individualized expression of God. Topics of exploration include: co-creation, the power of belief, you inner authority, and how to increase your faith. This is excellent for new students and as a refresher course for a more experienced student.
Length of Course: 8 Weeks, May 7 – June 25
Meeting: Saturday mornings 9:00am – 12 Noon, In Person & Online/Zoom
Foundational Course
Required Text: This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes
Cost: $245.00
Early Bird Special: $195.00 until Sunday, May 1
CSL Registration Fee: $45.00/student
Science of Mind Magazine
Tuesday Study Group
Join us on Zoom Tuesday nights at 5:30 pm Arizona time for fellowship, reading and discussion of an article from the current issue of the Science of Mind Magazine.

For Zoom Log In info and to get on the mailing list for reminders contact:
Chris Pearce at (914) 262-8599

If you are interested in joining others online for a daily spiritual practice,
please check out www.tucsoncsl.org and www.newvisioncsl.org for
their morning prayer groups.

Hi, all you CSLP friends!

Your bookstore is open and ready to serve your needs such as:
Class books and sign-ups, a good variety of books by Ernest Holmes,
as well as many Spiritual and Philosophical titles to explore.
Holiday items, Calendars, Divination cards, Magazines and more are available
and we will be adding new items weekly.
As a non-profit organization everything is tax free and prices well below retail as well.
Thanks to all of you who have stepped up to work in the bookstore. We will be having a training in the new year, TBA.

I want to remind everyone that if you need a ride, please reach out to me. I am working at getting Swoop set up again to make the process a little easier.

Phone: (207) 841-7505

Nina R
CSLP Guest Speakers for January 2022

And don’t forget to sign-up for Scotts' workshop
Sunday afternoon - "Setting the Course for 2022”
Chaplain Scott Thompson has been a Religious Science Practitioner since 2018. Scott currently lives in Las Vegas but thanks to Zoom, he has become part of the CSL Prescott Practitioner core since the beginning of this year.


In Science of Mind, we often explain the three sections of our teaching symbol as Seed, Soil, and Plant. We each know the importance of "weeding our mental garden", but what are we doing to enrich the soil, to allow the seeds we plant there to truly thrive? Join me on January 9th as we explore this rich terrain together.
Karen is a member of The New Vision Center CLS in Phoenix where she is a practitioner and ministerial intern. She describes herself as a creative analytic with a passion for establishing loving sacred space where ever she goes, and is grateful to be here today to share her gifts.  


Jeff has been a student of New Thought from his early twenties ever since his father handed him the book “Illusions” by Richard Bach as if to say, “Tag, you’re it!”
Jeff has an eclectic background in business and technology and spent much of his professional career as a Business Analyst. Feeling the need for a career that would take him deeper into the heart, he let go of his work to pursue employment at his spiritual center while at the same time entering into ministerial school at Holmes Institute. He recently completed his program and is awaiting panels in February for the official Minister credential.


Dr. Karmen Smith MSW LCSW DD is an Associate Minister at Center for Spiritual Living Greater Las Vegas and C.E.O. at NSITEFUL LLC.
In addition to being a metaphysical minister and spiritual teacher, she is a mental health therapist and author of the book The "I AM" SOLUTION - Simple Practices to Transform Fear back to LOVE,
a step-by-step spiritual/psychological journey through her own trauma to triumph.
In 2018 marking one year after the Charlottesville protests that shocked the nation, Dr. Smith was the key note speaker in Charlottesville Virginia at the Eastern UNITY Conference with Marianne Williamson where they made it safe to talk about race, spirituality and healing.
Dr. Karmen understands the pit of un-forgiveness and the bliss of ONENESS. Her teachings are easy to understand and provides the needed guidance combined with loving encouragement.


Hazel Bowman has been a member of CSL Prescott for over 15 years. She became a Religious Science Practitioner almost 10 years ago, recognizing the presence of Spirit in all people and in all things. In addition to enjoying being a guest speaker, she loves teaching, especially when a student has an “Aha!” moment. At those moments, she is fond of quoting Winnie the Pooh,
“I get where I’m going by walking away from where I was.” 

The Children's Association of Awesomeness has started having our own live Zoom CAA meetings on Sunday mornings. Your children, grandchildren, neighbor kids and young friends are welcome to join in the fun! Just have them log in with the link below at 9:30 AM for 30 minutes of age-appropriate spiritual fun.

Topic: Children's Association of Awesomeness!
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:00 AM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 987 8188 7916
Password: 3ZgaUv

Lots of love,
Erin & Diane
Love and Light is a group of people who enjoy celebrating the goodness that exists in and around us. We have used two books for our discussions over the last two years. One is FROM AGING TO SAGEING by Miller and Schachter-Shalomi and the other is COMFORTABLE WITH UNCERTAINTY by Pema Chodron. Our small group has been together for about two years finding inspiration and support for what is going on in our lives.

WHEN: First Monday of the Month
TIME: 1:30 pm
WHERE: CSLP in Sibley Hall
Originally, we were a Circle formed to bring together those individuals who were volunteering for candle lighting and greeting. However, you don't have to be a volunteer in those areas to join our group. Contact Kay Krizek at (818)486-1888 or just show up! You will be heartily welcomed!
 We ALWAYS need volunteers to greet people at the door and to light candles during the service. Feel free to sign up on the table near the front door!
Kay Krizek
Please reach out for prayer, conversation and emotional support during this challenging time. We can only be there for you if you reach out and let us know what you need. Remember, we love you so much, and it's our pleasure to be there for you.


Hazel Bowman: (928) 541-1521
Diane Gesell: (928) 308-8759
Mel Hirsch: (928) 254-7169
Jon Haass: (928) 632-2711
Sandy Kimmerle: (928) 925-3102
Grace McManus: (562) 595-3462
Karen Rader: (928) 710-1908
Richard Rader: (928) 710-6079
M Sue Sharer: (928) 771-2791
Sharon Tice: (951) 532-1691
Co-Coordinators: Bob Joslin (414-581-3519, [email protected])
Chris Hofer (914 262-8599, 
Jim Holmes • Kelsey Chambers • Beth Mosier
Marilyn Standish • Kay Krizek • Nancy Kelly

Albin Wisniewski • Richard Rader
Nancy Stanton • Ken Kasner
Claire LaPlume • Pearl Goodman
Kay Krizek • Kathleen Gustafson
Patricia Weiberg • Nancy Kelly

Kyra Molitor • Sonia Wijts
Nancy Kelly • Ricki Reynolds
Don Bishop • Beth Mosier

Sudra Tolbert • Jim Holmes
Sandy Kimmerle • Christi Scrivener
Coordinator: Grace McManus
Gena Bonacci Margaret Norton
Sudra Tolbert Patricia Weiberg
Susan Congdon • Sharon Tice
DyAnn Brooks • Jeri Arneson

Nina Rochette

Albin Wisniewski

Sue Sharer • Jon Haass
Karen Rader • Diane Gesell
Sandy Kimmerle • Mel Hirsch
Dave Sharer • Hazel Bowman
• Grace McManus • Scott Thompson
Sharon Tice

Albin Wisniewski • Sudra Tolbert
Joanne Carson

Clay Smith • Jackson Rauch
Nina Rochette
Thank you, Volunteers! Your time, talent and
energy are greatly appreciated!
The Practitioners continue to visit members in person and by phone.

December 2021 Visit Report:
12 home visits
26 phone connections
If you know of someone needing connection, please let one of the practitioners know.

Being n touch is so important and the practitioners are honored and willing to help.
Please let us also know if you are interested in taking a class on visitation or if you are willing to help with giving rides to services and events at the Center. The team effort of supporting each other is beautiful and meaningful for all.
Love, Light and Blessings,
Karen & Richard Rader

Eileen DiRienzo, 1/6
Nancy Christie, 1/11
Sharon Tice, 1/19
Albin Wisniewski, 1/22
John Swinton Brown, 1/26
Kelsey Chambers, 1/26
Eileen Sherrill, 1/26
Pam Van Driel, 1/27
Bonnie Haughton, 1/31


"Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a light and life at the center of all things and a consciousness that responds. This Imprisoned Splendor to the eyes that perceive it bursts like the glory of new dawn."
– Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Magazine, January 1991
“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. Don’t go back to sleep.” - Rumi
Please remember CSL Prescott in your financial giving.
You can make a contribution HERE.