Affirmation of Welcome
Reformation, a congregation of Christ's Church, welcomes everyone to join with us in a journey of faith. We are committed to providing worship, programs, ministries and pastoral care to all, regardless of religious background, age, color, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or national origin. Everyone is welcome in this place, where the love of God is the foundation of all that we say and do!
The Reporter
Reformation Lutheran Church
ALL Are Welcome & Affirmed Here!
Worship Service Update
We have resumed the in-person worship service on Sundays at 10:00 AM. In addition to this, and in order to ensure the health and safety of our congregation, we will continue to broadcast the service online via Facebook Live. Please join us for worship online HERE.
The Pastor's Perspective
Happy New Year! Pastor Tim is taking a much-needed break. The Pastor's Perspective will return next month.
Prayers of the Church
Sick and Homebound: Tracy Hamiter; Barbara Prosser; Connie Pool; Bobbie Black and Beth Mayer.
Health: Emmy Reeves; Bobbie Prosser; Sarah Trani; Michael Reames; Sharon Baldwin’s mom, Martha Bolton and Lynn Black’s brother, Bill Black.
2022 Leadership at Reformation
Council elected officers for 2022 at its December meeting yesterday. Please join me in congratulating our new officers:
President: Jim Prater
Vice President: Jim Potts
Secretary: Michelle Couri
Treasurer: Sharon T. Baldwin (and Council Member)
Remaining Council members are: Michael Watson, Liam Hein, and Lynn Black
Committee Chairs for this coming year are:
Worship & Music - Julia Prater
Stewardship - Carolotta Stackhouse
Safe Space Dinners - Mike Watson
Servants - OPEN
Property - Fred Mansperger
Information Communications - Jerry Huber
AV / Communication Technology - OPEN
Finance - Peggy Thompson
Christian Education - Steve Asbill
Archives & History - Dot Jeffcoat
Submitted by: Ginny Eiwen, 2021 Reformation Lutheran Church, Council President
New Prayer Group
The response to our new written Prayer Request in the back of the bulletins has been awesome. I have received many prayer requests, which, besides lifting those received names during the Prayers of the Church during worship, I devote various times during the week, praying over them. I would like this to be a ministry of the church, not just the pastor’s. I’m planning on a mid-January meeting — to be determined once I hear back from those interested in practicing our faith in prayer.
Please, if you feel the Spirit moving you to be a prayer-partner, contact the Church’s office or text me at 803-201-6822
Thank You,
Pastor Tim
Safe Space Dinners Update
Outstanding! Remarkable! Incredible! These are the words that come to mind as I share this update with you. As you may already know, this ministry has just been awarded a new $2,500 grant from the Parrish Family Foundation. Our committee is extremely grateful to Ben Bullock for applying for this on our behalf. This is definitely an unexpected blessing and will go far in helping us find and serve homeless youths. We have also just finished our holiday fundraiser on Facebook. We set an ambitious goal of $2,000. It’s my pleasure to share with you that we raised 158% of our goal! Yes, once we included a couple of checks sent to us, were received a total of $3,150 in donations. I can not tell you the number of options this gives us to achieve great success. We will be sharing updates about how this money is utilized for our homeless youth community, especially the most vulnerable LGBTQ+ kids. Also, If you don’t already, please start following, liking, and sharing our social media. We can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and our webpage.
This isn’t the end of our great news. Thanks to the continuing efforts of our Safe Space committee and each person’s dedication and willingness to create new ways to reach the kids, we had our first attendee in December. This is huge! This is when word of mouth begins. This is the start of gaining trust among the homeless youth in Columbia. As a result, our December 9 Dinner was a joyous occasion. It turns out our guest is quite the accomplished pianist. In fact, much of the evening was spent being serenaded with beautiful music from this talented young man. There was really no better way to celebrate the holidays than to share ourselves and our services with this person and to have him so gleefully return the gesture with his art. After sharing a wonderful meal, lovingly provided by Joanna Zaleski, our guest departed with a backpack full of supplies. He left us with the promise to enthusiastically spread the word about our ministry and what it now means to him.
All this positive news points to one thing. We have now established a firm foundation upon which we can build a sustainable service to those uniquely in need. We have now moved forward from the gestation period associated with beginning any new ministry, to the actual birth itself upon hosting our first youth. For me, this seems to be a somewhat symbolic and wholly appropriate way to celebrate Christmas. Today, thanks to everyone who’s hands have touched this ministry in any way, we can begin our growth phase. Our entire committee, as well as Reformation Lutheran Church as a whole, is pleased to be taking this journey with you. Things are about to really take off!
Michael Watson, Safe Space Dinners, Committee Chair
In-Person / Gathering Update
In light of vaccination availability and current COVID conditions in Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw counties, and in conversation with congregation members, we will resume with the following practices.
In Worship we will wear masks, covering both mouth and nose. Registration for Worship will not be required. We will add more musical liturgy back into the Service, making the Service more closely resemble pre-COVID structure and content. And we can sing! The congregation may choose to sing hymns and liturgy — softly (not projecting) behind their masks. We will continue to use pre-packaged communion elements, including wine and grape juice options and to practice social distancing in the Sanctuary — 16 feet distance from singer(s) to congregation and 6 feet distance between household groups.
In groups of 15 persons or less, non-vaccinated persons are required to wear a mask at all times, but if all agree, vaccinated persons may remove their masks. If possible, doors should be opened to increase air circulation in the room. We are not yet ready to have indoor shared food events.
We will not encourage children to gather in groups (like Children’s Chatter, Nursery, or in person Education) until children can be vaccinated and we have better guidance from the CDC. Children who are able are encouraged to wear masks. Children will be invited to participate in worship as acolytes, cross bearers, or lectors as they are interested and able.
January Lector and Usher/Greeter Schedule
January 2
Gary Parish & Lynn Black, Greeter/Usher
Julia Prater, Lector
January 9
Daniel Stackhouse & Eddie Ritchie, Greeter/Usher
Jim Prater, Lector
January 16
Jim Prater & Shirl Lamontagne, Greeter/Usher
Colleen Clark, Lector
January 23
Raymond Cook & Sam Ruff, Greeter/Usher
Steven Asbill, Lector
January 30
Michelle Couri & Shirl Lamontagne, Greeter/Usher
Carlotta Stackhouse, Lector
Lector volunteers are needed for the worship service. Can you volunteer and lend your voice? If you cannot volunteer on the scheduled day, please inform Julia Prater, so that a substitute can receive the worship materials in advance of the worship service. Contact Julia Prater - 803.360.7583 for more details on how you can serve.
If you have any questions about the volunteer duties of a greeter or an usher. Please contact Shirley Lamontagne for more information.
January Celebrations
Taunya Cribb, January 2
Sebastian Cuadra, January 6
Eric Wolf, January 6
Dorothy (Deacon) Jeffcoat, January 9
Bonnie Nelson, January 10
Dawn Ritchie, January 10
Aiden Miles, January 12
Sabra Custer, January 16
Jody Hodge, January 22
Ginny Eiwen, January 25
Michael Reames, January 26
Emilio Martinez, January 26
Rachel Dean, January 26
Clay Carlisle, January 31
William Ryan Marcella, January 31
Vincent & Jill Allawos, January 1
Fred & Jamie Mansperger, January 12
Marge Dorey & Dianne Perry Odom, January 12
Michael Watson & Bryan Burgin January 14
From the ELCA Website -
Youth Gathering
If you know of anyone who will be aged 19-30 at the time of the ELCA Youth Gathering next summer and would like to serve, encourage them to apply as a Servant Companion! Applications are currently open and will close on Jan. 22. Learn more and apply:
Young adult Servant Companions will accompany congregational groups as they encounter and serve the people of Minneapolis during their Service Learning day.
An updated 2022 schedule and listing of Zoom meetings and ID numbers will be on the RLC website and updated as necessary.
Announcements and Reminders
Calendar Updates
Check the calendar on the church's web page ( for the latest updates, changes, cancellations, and postponements in church activities and meetings.
Adult Forum - formerly known as Adult Sunday School
Adult Forum will continue to meet virtually at 8:30am, and will start new discussions on January 2, 2022 relating to Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Call to Action, which is a set of study guides published by the ELCA. This material can be found at Our first discussion will follow the first study guide. All you need to join us is a computer with internet access! There is no pressure to read beforehand, speak up (unless you’d like to share your thoughts!), or carry out any specific tasks. The goal of Adult Forum is to provide spiritual growth and restoration, and our forum will be stronger with your presence and/or perspective! You can attend forums as little or as often as you’d like; there is no pressure or obligation involved.
If you’re interested in joining us, we’ll be online at 8:30 am every Sunday beginning 1/2/22 and would love to count you among us! I’ll be sending out a Google group reminder which will contain the Zoom link information. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me via phone or e-mail for any questions, suggestions, or clarifications.
Steve Asbill
Adult Education Committee Chair (2022)
Cell: 803-528-7859
Keep in Touch with Your Church Family
Do you need a Reformation Lutheran Church Membership Directory? To request a copy, please contact Mikita at the Church Office at (803.252.1507) or via e-mail at
Updating Our Records
Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date with the church office. Our records include your birthdate and anniversary date (if applicable), mailing address, email address(s), phone(s), and family members. If there is any change, be sure the church office knows. If you want to check to be sure the records are up to date,
call (803-252-1507)or email ( the church office.
Reformation Lutheran Church Newsletter
The Reporter is published monthly at Reformation Lutheran Church and is sent electronically or mailed to members and friends who wish to have a copy. A link to The Reporter newsletter is also posted on the church website: and on Reformation's Facebook page. A mid-month newsletter is also published and sent electronically with timely information and updates.
The deadline to submit articles or items to be updated, announced, or published is the eighteenth of the month. If you have news to share, please send it to the church office. Please email to
1118 Union St. Columbia, SC 29201
Tim Bupp, Pastor