January 2023 | Issue 27
The TriCircle Connection
We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!
Click here to visit our website today!


169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are sharing space with the Women and Families Center. This will allow for wonderful opportunities for us to expand the reach of our resources and support services as we cultivate this collaborative partnership. This location also provides increased accessibility with bus and train stops close by.

Together WE are Stronger!
From the Desk of Ana Gopoian

Life is a Journey
We have all heard the old adage that life is a journey, not a race. As I ponder how technological advances have changed our lives over the past few decades, I am hopeful that the former is still true! With the plethora of tools we have at our disposal to speed things up, become informed, tune in to world events, research anything, locate whatever we need, have it delivered to our doorstep and supposedly save time, we find ourselves busier than ever with hardly a chance to breathe. Why is that? We seem to keep raising the bar in order to provide things that are quicker, cheaper and faster. We always want more!
We seem to grow impatient if we have to wait more than a few seconds for a file to download or a traffic light to turn green, never mind if we have to actually wait in line at a drive through, post office or grocery store.
What did we ever do without cell phones? I remember the days when we didn’t even have microwave ovens or computers. In those days, we were not attached to our electronic devices 24/7. It was not so long ago when our televisions only received 3 major network channels!
I am not saying that I don’t feel grateful for our fairly newfound ability to learn and evolve faster than ever. I just feel like we need to put it in perspective. In last month’s column, we talked about monitoring our thoughts and focusing on what we want to see grow in our lives in 2023.
As much as I’d like to reflect on the many stories and accomplishments of 2022, we need to focus forward as we move into 2023. Currently, I see TriCircle as a small operation with a large vision that has been built on a firm foundation of passion, dedication, diligence and perseverance. At this point in our evolution, we need to pivot so we can proceed with the desperately needed, life-saving mass production of services we have always intended to provide. We somehow need access to the didactic chaos without letting it overwhelm us.
Maybe part of the process is to turn away from the frenzy produced by our gadgets, games, phone calls, emails, texts, and social media and turn inward toward our innate ability to create our own realities by quieting our minds, accessing the wisdom of silence, and knowing that our thoughts become things. When we raise the vibration of our thoughts, we contribute to our own wellbeing and the overall wellbeing of the world around us.
We all struggle at times to practice what we preach, but maybe, just maybe, this year, together, we can find the balance we all so desperately desire. We can find the fine line between inspired action, fast forward motion and self-care.
I do believe life is a journey, and I know Together WE are Stronger, so above all, be kind to yourself; it is truly energizing. Simply put, it allows you to be kind to others! If you are struggling, please reach out to one of CT’s many resources, find time, slow down, go forward into the contrast and chaos, knowing we are meant to be here and meant to make a difference on this planet!
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year, filled with peace, love, prosperity, and joy!
Our January Spotlight
Ana Gopoian
From Trials to Triumphs
written by Ceci Iliff
 A fierce advocate for individuals and families who face the daunting challenges brought on by the disease of addiction, Ana still remembers the day she stopped using drugs. On July 13, 1995, she sat in her bedroom, broken and despondent from years of substance abuse. The then 32-year-old Wallingford native had battled addiction since the age of 12.

“I had a gun in my hand, and I was going to shoot myself — not to die, but to cause enough pain to feel like I deserved to live,” Gopoian said. Rather than harming herself, Ana called a friend who kept her safe before helping her enter rehabilitation.“ I was given the gift of desperation that day,” Gopoian said about her decision to seek help.

Ana has remained drug and alcohol free for over 27 years since, and, in July of 2016, founded TriCircle. Through this nonprofit organization, she is now helping others understand and overcome substance use disorders. Phase 1 of the development plan has seen the opening and subsequent relocation of a resource center in Middlefield and then Meriden, the implementation of clinical services, support groups for families, community engagement events, trainings and webinars to educate and engage professionals and lay people about the disease of addiction and memorial quilt making workshops. Professionally, Ana has earned certifications as a Progressive Recovery Coach, a Recovery Support Specialist, and a Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselor. Over the past five years, Ana has worked diligently to strengthen TriCircle's brand, recruit very talented professionals, engage new connections, and collaborate with powerful partners.

"One of our greatest resources is the strong and dedicated support we receive from our focused and evolving group of volunteers. We are very proud of our accomplishments and have become further established in CT by growing our reach and influence through our clinical services, educational opportunities, support groups, community outreach and the opening of our newly expanded resource center in Meriden," said Gopoian. "The time has come to look to our further expansion. We will focus intently forward in 2023 as we endeavor to establish and maintain our future growth and sustainability."

Ana is driven by a passion deep within her. She is an unstoppable force and has a determination that will change the way the world regards this disease. We would be hard pressed to find anyone who could accomplish more than Ana has in such a short period of time. She understands this disease inside and out, and she is not going away.

"Together WE are Stronger, and, as we fully engage our communities in this conversation, we will strengthen our presence and clearly demonstrate what our mission and vision bring to the table," said Ana. "We are dedicated to creating real, long-term solutions for individuals and families affected by substance use disorders and the disease of addiction, and we will not stop until we reach full implementation."

Together WE are Stronger!
2022 Save the Dates
Stay tuned as we look forward
to launching our new website
and releasing our 2023
calendar of events real soon!

TheCharityChallenge.net, in partnership
with TriCircle, Bags of Hope CT and the
CT Department of Children and Families hosted our 5th Annual Spread the Seeds of Change for Children Holiday Gift Drive and it was a
huge success. Thank you to all who
supported our efforts!

Click here for an event link to our Setback games.
Join us for card games and fun at 1741 Pub & Grill at Lyman Orchards in Middlefield!

Together WE are Stronger!
TriCircle is looking for people who are action oriented and passionate about our cause or have a need for community service hours to work with the Scholarship Committee or the Fundraising & Events Advisory Board. We welcome you to join us for the Fundraising & Events meetings; the schedule will soon be shared in the The TriCircle Connection. Please contact: [email protected] for information about joining Fundraising & Events! Also, stay tuned for information on when and where our next Scholarship Committee meeting will take place! If you are interested in honoring your loved one through our TriCircle Scholarship, please inquire about making a donation or joining the committee by contacting Trish Williams at [email protected].

Has TriCircle helped you find
Hope and Support?
We are seeking testimonials to feature on our NEW website. If you have found benefit from our support groups or clinical services and are willing to share a testimonial on our website, please send your submission to: [email protected]

If any of our readers know of an organization, group or idea that will add strength, availability and reach to our collaborations and services, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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Visit our website to learn more about
TriCircle and consider a donation today!
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Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!