Latest News About Business Incubators and Accelerators From Across NYS
January 2023
New York State Incubator Report
Featured Speakers:
Robert Herz, President, Insourcing
Marc Alessi, Executive Director,
BIANYS Advocacy & Lobby Day
January 31, 2023
Welcoming Reception - January 30, 2023: Bull Moose Club | Albany, NY 12207
JOIN US! Advocating for continued funding for New York State's Incubation Programs:
1.) Funding BIANYS’ role in providing statewide coordination of the State’s 10 Hotspot Regional Incubator programs.

2.) Increase the funding for the 10 Hotspot Regional programs from $250,000 to $300,000 to reflect the inflationary pressure on the programs. This funding has not increased since these programs launched almost 10 years ago.

3.) Increase the number of State Certified Incubators from 20 to 30 and increase the allotment for each Certified Incubator from the current $125,000 to $150,000 to reflect the inflationary pressures on these programs over the past 10 years.

Additionally, please join us for a Legislative Reception at the Bull Moose Club -- 150 State St. 4th floor, Albany, NY 1220 on January 30, 2023 at 6pm.
Global New York: Export Assistance
An opportunity for small NY-based companies that want to sell to Israel. Israel is a major international hub for innovation and technology. As New York’s 8th largest exporting partner, it is a natural market for US goods. Trade between the US and Israel has increased eight-fold since the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in 1985 and has led to the elimination of virtually all trade tariffs. This is true for companies that come through your program. They can also find partners in Israel with synergistic capabilities that can help both companies sell globally.
There is a Trade Mission in March that can help them do so – subsidized by NY State and SBA March 12-17, 2023. Global NY assists businesses with finding sales agents or distributors abroad through the EMAS program. They are offering up to $4,250 for travel/lodging and transportation fees.

Once accepted, Global NY provides local expertise, conducts customized research, and identifies potential partners to help your company do business in international markets.
Global NY helps New York businesses enter or expand their presence in the global marketplace. The division is recruiting up to 10 NYS companies to participate in a trade mission to Israel. 
The following sectors provide growth opportunities for U.S. companies in the Israeli market: 
  • Aerospace / Defense / Homeland Security
  • Communications, Telecom Equipment
  • Medical Devices
  • Fiber Optics
  • Computer Hardware & Software
  • Pharma / Biotech
Applications are Open | Technology Commercialization Fund Base Annual Appropriations National Laboratory

TCF is a nearly $30 million competitive funding opportunity managed by OTT and designed to accelerate the commercialization of promising energy technologies with the ability to impact today’s most pressing climate challenges. One of TCF’s ongoing goals is to foster strong partnerships between the National Labs and the external entities that bring energy technologies to the marketplace. Partners may include private companies, state or local governments (or entities created by a state or local government), colleges, universities, tribal entities, or nonprofit organizations.
Applications are Open!
New York I-Corps Hub 
Gotham Innovation Gambit
Lean Bootcamp Winter 2023 Course

This Lean Bootcamp Course will teach scientists, inventors and first-time entrepreneurs the Lean Launchpad Methodology – Customer Discovery through 20 interviews, Agile Development roadmapping, and the Business Model Canvas – specifically Value Propositions and Customer Segments.

In its 27th year, the NREL Industry Growth Forum (IGF) is the longest-running event of its type. It allows cleantech entrepreneurs, investors, and experts from industry and the public sector to build relationships, showcase innovative technologies, and identify creative business solutions. The 2023 IGF will be held on May 2–3, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, CO

The application period is open!
Since 2018 Hudson Valley Venture Hub at SUNY New Paltz has worked to recognize Hudson Valley as a vibrant entrepreneurial community that attracts and retains fundable, high-growth ventures to generate jobs and other economic and community benefits.

Upcoming Events:
January 25, Work for Yourself@50+, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, held at Newburgh Free Library, hosted by Women’s Enterprise Development Center

March 31, 2023. 11th Annual Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition, held at Marist College, hosted by the School of Computer Science and Mathematics

I-Corps Program Manager:
Executive Director - Battery NY:
Associate Director of Equity and Justice:
Associate Director, Southern Tier Clean Energy Incubator Program:
Administrative Assistant, Industrial Outreach New Energy New York:
Marketing Manager, Soft Landings NY Program:
Administrative Assistant, The Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships at Binghamton:
Instructional Designer, New Energy New York:
Marketing Communications Manager, New Energy New York:
Marketing Specialist, New Energy New York:
*If you would like BIANYS to advertise your job opportunities please email
Digital RESI March registration is now open! The Redefining Early Stage Investments (RESI) 2023 conference series continues March 14-16 in a virtual format.

RESI is a one-stop-shop for all buyers and sellers in the early-stage arena and is dedicated to connecting life science and healthcare entrepreneurs with capital, licensing, and strategic partnerships that fit their product and stage of development.

Save $300 on super early bird rates when register by January 27.
Manufacturing Grants | Applications are now open
Application Period Closes February 15

Eligible Applicants: New York State not-for-profit organizations that partner with at least one New York State small to medium-sized manufacturer in any stage of maturity.

Eligible Partner Manufacturers: Each manufacturer (industry partner) identified in the application will need to evidence:
  • At least one physical establishment in New York State, and no more than 500 employees across the entire firm or enterprise worldwide;
  • Registration with Dun & Bradstreet evidenced by a D&B account number. The D&B profile must include a manufacturing North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. See guidelines for list of eligible NAICS codes
  • At least 4 awards will be granted to projects in which the industry partner is a startup manufacturer who does not request funds towards the cost of purchasing equipment.

If you have questions about the application process, please reach out to Patty Rechberger, Fund Manager, at

Opening: Queens Tech Incubator
The Queens Chamber of Commerce and the Queens Tech Council anare seeking applications from tech companies who are interested in office space as part of the Queen Tech Incubator. The Queens Tech Incubator will launch with space at the Greater Nexus in Jamaica, a recently opened 10,000 sq. ft. co-working space managed by the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation. There are plans to open incubators in the Rockaways, Forest Hills, Long Island City and Flushing in the coming months.

Applications to the Queens Tech Incubator will be reviewed and selected by members of the Queens Tech Council. Companies chosen will have access to complimentary office space, mentorship opportunities from existing Tech Council members as well as resources provided by the Small Business Resource Network (SBRN). 

To fill out an application, click here
Archangel Imaging Takes $1 Million Grand Prize in the Genius NY Business Competition

Archangel Imaging, a British company producing equipment that helps help police and security forces watch over valuable assets and facilities in remote or challenging places walked away with the $1 million grand prize in the Genius NY business competition Thursday night.A five-judge panel chose Archangel Imaging Ltd. for the top prize after the company and four other finalists pitched their business plans.

Though Archangel won the $1 million grand prize, the four runners-up did not leave empty-handed. They will each receive $500,000.

The company plans to use the $1 million prize money to hire workers in Syracuse and start production of the latest version of its devices. The company is already looking for a local manufacturer with which to partner, he said.

All five finalists moved to The Tech Garden, a business accelerator in downtown Syracuse, in August. Under the terms of the contest, they must operate their businesses in Central New York for at least one year.

Science Foundation
NSF expands the National Innovation Network with five new I-Corps Hubs

The U.S. National Science Foundation today announced the addition of five new NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) Hubs that will scale the NSF-led National Innovation Network, accelerating the translation of discoveries into new solutions that benefit society. Each I-Corps Hub is funded for up to $3 million per year for five years and comprises a regional alliance of at least eight universities. The first five I-Corps Hubs were awarded in 2021, with each Hub expanding its reach this year by adding a new partner institution to their region.

I-Corps Hubs provide experiential entrepreneurial training to academic researchers across all fields of science and engineering. I-Corps Hubs form the operational backbone of the National Innovation Network — a network of universities, NSF-funded researchers, local and regional entrepreneurial communities and other federal agencies — that help researchers translate fundamental research results to the marketplace. The I-Corps Hubs work collaboratively to build and sustain a diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystem throughout the U.S.
Governor Hochul Announces Launch of $30 Million Pre-seed and Seed Matching Fund Program
Program Will Invest Up To $250,000 in Early-Stage Startup Companies With Matching Funds From Private Sector.

Part of New York's $500 Million Federal Funding Allocation to Support Small Businesses, Particularly in Traditionally Underserved Communities

Applications and Program Information Available Here
Interconnection Process for Energy Storage and Renewable Resources on the Distribution Grid in New York State
Are you stakeholder involved in siting energy storage and renewable resource projects in New York State, who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the New York State interconnection processes. If so, NY-BEST invites you to join us for our upcoming webinar, “Interconnection Process for Energy Storage and Renewable Resources on the Distribution Grid in New York State” to be held on January 31, 2023, from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. 
Course Overview:
This course will provide you with an understanding of the New York State interconnection processes for energy storage and renewable resources on the distribution grid and provide insight into navigating the process for your project.  This course will feature experts from the New York State Department of Public Service and New York’s Investor Owned Utilities and will provide an in depth overview of the SIR (Standard Interconnection Requirements) process as well as guidance and tips on best practices. Topics discussed will include:
  1. Overview of the New York interconnection processes and deciding which one is applicable to your project
  2. Overview of the SIR process 
  3. Walk through of utility interconnection process guided by utility representatives

Course Instructors: 
Jason Pause, Utility Supervisor, Electric Safety and Reliability, Department of Public Service
Elizabeth Grisaru, Deputy Director, Office of Electric Gas & Water, Department of Public Service
Marie Schnitzer, Director, NY Distributed Generation, National Grid
Joe White, Distributed Generation Ombudsman, Con Edison
Don Mathew, Manager Distribution Interconnections, PSEG Long Island

Date: January 31, 2023 1:00-2:30 PM ET
  • $75 members 
  • $150 non-members
Breakfast Series: 2023 Investor Outlooks
February 2, 2023 | 8:00AM
The Saturn Club - Buffalo, NY
On February 2, 2023, the Upstate Capital Association will host an Upstate Capital breakfast event at the Saturn Club. The event will start at 8:00am and will include networking and panel discussion followed by an invitation-only roundtable.

CNY Biotech Accelerator and Upstate Medical University Presentation:
Startup Funding with Jeff Knox

February 16, 2023 | 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EST
Jeff Knox, Associate Innospark Ventures

Jeff brings experience from his time in life sciences consulting, where he advised on development and commercialization for a variety of biotechnology and healthcare clients, covering a broad swath of modalities and care areas. He is deeply interested in the translation of technology through entrepreneurship and served as Managing Director of the founding Boston chapter of Nucleate, helping to build, educate, and support new biotech venture teams.

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Latest News About Business Incubators and Accelerators From Across NYS