January 2023

Rector Transition Process Update

What's Happening?

Candidates for the position of Rector are currently being interviewed. In the meantime, the Search Committee, the Wardens and the Vestry are in constant communication with the Right Reverend Carlye Hughes, Bishop of the Diocese of Newark, and the Reverend Canon Margo Clark regarding the search for our new Rector. If you have questions, feel free to contact Search Committee Chairperson Kurt Lutz, lutzk@robinsonaerial.com, Wardens Nick Pachnos, 908-256-6355, or Mary Ann Risley, 973-670-0493.

Worship with Us

Christ Church is open for worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. The live stream of the 10:00 a.m. service will continue to be posted on our You Tube channel! You can watch it in real time or at your convenience. Find it here.

New Year's Day

Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. on January 1st.


In anticipation of the Feast of the Epiphany, Choral Evensong will be offered on Twelfth Night, the Eve of the Feast of the Epiphany, Thursday, January 5th, 7:00 p.m. Evensong, the choral version of the Evening Prayer liturgy used in the Anglican tradition, will be sung by the Christ Church Newton Senior Choir under the direction of Music Director Joe Mello. The choir will chant the Evening service by Merbecke and offer the anthem “Arise, Shine, for thy Light is Come” by Healey Willan. The Reverend Tim Mulder will preach.

Christian Education

Christian Education for All Ages, Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

Sunday School

Children ages preschool through sixth grade are invited to participate in the joy of learning about God's immeasurable love by sharing the Gospel stories and actively engaging with the Holy Spirit, Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. on the playground or in the Sunday School rooms downstairs. Got questions? Contact Susie Mittelstadt at 973-600-7725 or email susan@njworks.com.

Journey Youth Group

The Journey Youth Group invites students in grades 7 - 12 to participate in group discussion, outreach ministries, and fun activities. Contact Randy Parks, 862-266-0513 or randolph.parks@atlantichealth.org, with questions.

Adult Christian Education

A discussion about the day's Gospel takes place in the parlor on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 

Parish Activities

Acolytes & Crucifers Needed

Students in elementary school, middle school, and high school are invited to serve as acolytes and crucifers during the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services. Contact Karrie in the church office, christchurch1@ptd.net or 973-383-2245 if you are interested.

Christ Church Women

The CCW meeting and potluck lunch will be held at the home of Patricia Taggart, 100 Warbasse Junction Road, Lafayette, on Thursday, January 19th, 11:30 a.m.

The CCW will host a Friday Fun Night, January 27th, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Join us for an evening of poetry, storytelling, and song. RSVP to Diana Greene at dianatgreene@gmail.com.

Join Zoom Meeting


Password: 848 9466 3013

Christ Church Book Club

The Christ Church Book Club will meet on Wednesday, January 25th, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss "How to Stop Time" by Matt Haigy. New participants are always welcome.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 424 529 2224

Passcode: Y6bT9G 

For more information, please contact Lori Parks at 862-266-3059 or lacparks@hotmail.com.

Sunday Volunteers

Those who have volunteered to serve as Ushers, Acolytes, Crucifers, Altar Guild members, Coffee Hour Hosts, or Brunch in a Bag Sandwich Slingers can check their schedule on the Christ Church website.

Manna House Volunteers

Christ Church provides volunteers to Manna House at the First Presbyterian Church of Newton on the 4th Wednesday of each month. The next volunteer opportunity is on January 25th. Those interested in volunteering are invited to call Laura Booker, 973-383-7635 or email lpbooker40@gmail.com

Manna House will host a spaghetti dinner on Tuesday, January 10th, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cost for adults, $5, children 5 - 12, $3. Children under 3 years of age are free. Proceeds benefit Manna House.

Christ Church in Stitches

Although the Christ Church in Stitches group will not be meeting in person until Apri, 2023, all those who enjoy crocheting or knitting are invited to join our merry tribe. We have plenty of yarn and supplies for you to start your own project or you can help by working with the group. 


If you know of ANYONE (family member/friend) who is ill, in need of, or would appreciate any of our gifts of comfort and love please contact Johanna Osborne (201)-788-6361 or at johannaosborne7@gmail.com.

Altar Guild News

Flower Team Members Needed

Be part of a rewarding and beautiful ministry by joining our flower-arranging team! No experience is necessary, just an appreciation of flowers and their place in our worship service. Extensive training will be provided. The duties involve a couple of hours on Saturdays every several weeks and a group activity at Christmas and Easter.  To volunteer or for more information, contact Alex Zander at: ahzander@yahoo.com and put "flower team" in the subject field.

Commemorative Altar Flowers

Parishioners are encouraged to contribute toward the purchase of the flowers on the altar in order to commemorate a special occasion or loved one; Sanctuary Lights or Candles, $20; Altar Flowers, $50. Contact Alex Zander at ahzander@yahoo.com or contact the church office to offer flowers or to make a monetary donation.

Sunday Brunch in a Bag Volunteers Needed

Sunday Bag Brunch needs you!

Every Sunday in the rear of our church, parishioners serve a bagged lunch to those in need. All are welcome to receive the "Sunday Brunch in a Bag," which contains a Ham & Cheese, Turkey & Cheese, or Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich, water, fruit, chips, and a cookie or snack.

If you would like to be a part of this fulfilling community outreach and ministry, please contact Geordie Compton (gcompton@constructmarketing.com) or Gizelle Garren (gizellegarren@gmail.com). The commitment is every 7 weeks; every week is staffed by a team of 4 - 5 individuals. Team members buy sandwich meat and fruit. All other supplies are provided.

Faith Community Nurse Available

Did you know that Christ Church has its very own Faith Community Nurse? Beth Batastini is available to assist you with healthcare issues, personal visits, and other concerns. Contact Beth at bethbatastini@gmail.com or 973-876-5579.

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servants!
  • Nick Pachnos, Denise and Mike Streeter, and all those who prepared food and helped set up and clean up for the Christmas lunch. Thank you to Katie and Laura Pachnos for providing music during the event.
  • Joe and Debbie Mello, Diana Greene, and the members of the Youth Choir and Senior Choir for a spectacular Lessons & Carols. A special shout out to Kathy and Mark Hoyer, and Lou and Maureen Slamer for their assistance with the reception following the event.
  • The members of the Search Committee for their diligence as we move closer to calling a new Rector.
  • Our Fearless Coffee Hour Leader, Lori Parks, and all those who purchase, prepare, and serve food in support of this important ministry.
  • George Compton and Gizelle Garren for coordinating our amazing teams of Brunch in a Bag Sandwich Slingers!
  • The dedicated members of the Christ Church in Stitches group for creating and donating a whopping 198 items to 13 organizations during 2022.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Looking Ahead
  • Lenten Retreat, with facilitator the Reverend Dr. Patricia Lyons, Saturday, March 18th.

Holley Hall Renovation

In January, extensive renovations to Holley Hall will begin; the area will be out of commission for the duration of the project, which is being funded entirely by Christ Church parishioner Danise Tellefsen in homage to her late husband Paul Pfeil. More details about the project will be forthcoming.

Church Calendar Online
Stay up-to-date with the events at Christ Church by checking out the calendar on our website .
Christ Church Newton | Phone: 973-383-2245 | Fax: 973-383-8077 | christchurch1@ptd.net | www.christchurchnewton.org
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