January 2023 Newsletter

To give aid and encouragement in promoting the education and welfare of at-risk children in the state of Georgia.

Circle Members,

Happy New Year! As 2023 dawns I hope you will resolve with me to maximize the glamour and giving at our annual gala. A Night at the Met takes place on Sunday March 19 at The Metropolitan club in Alpharetta.

Tickets are $145 per person and cover the cost of the event. Sponsors and the event auction are our core fundraising sources. We have sponsor packages at the $1000, $2500, and $5000 level. You’ve already read about our auctions baskets, remember to sign up for your contribution.

Wait, did I say Sunday? Yes, we are having a gala on a Sunday! The Costume Institute holds the annual Met Gala on a Monday; if Beyoncé can dress up on a Monday evening we can do so on a Sunday. Not only is it difficult to book a venue on a Saturday due to the post Covid wedding backlog, there is significant cost savings on Sunday. As a an organization focused on fundraising, managing cost is key to our effectiveness.

We are following Tim Gunn’s advice of “Make it work” that applies as well to philanthropy as to fashion design. In this weird time of high prices and pandemic fatigue when everyone seems uncertain about their priorities we are making it work. Let’s maximize what is available to us, individually and collectively, to raise the impact of a Night at the Met.

I hope to see you at the gala and at our general meeting on February 15 at Cherokee Town Club. We are working with Dillard's to bring some glamour to the meeting too, stay tuned for more details.

Make it work!

Belinda Vogel


Click Here for the Full Calendar of events!


Past President's Lunch

Tuesday, January 13

Executive Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 25  


Valentine Pottery Class

(Jr. Social) 

Thursday, February 9

Winter General Meeting

Wednesday, February 15 11AM

Bingo Night at City of Refuge

(volunteer event)

Thursday February 16

4:45 - 6:00pm


A Night at the Met Gala

March 19

2023 GALA



The time is NOW! A Night at the Met will be a wonderful philanthropic celebration benefitting The City Of Refuge. Be on the lookout in the next few weeks for your invitation. Please email Heatherrees27@gmail.com with the number of extra invitations you would like. We are asking that each member invite two additional people to the event. This is how we work to fundraise for our cause. 

The Sponsorship Packet is downloadable by clicking here. If you would like an emailed pdf version or a hard copy to give to people who may want the opportunity to support The City of Refuge, please email heatherreees27@gmail.com

Together we will make a difference in the lives of at-risk children in Georgia in 2023.  

Click Here to Sponsor "A Night at the Met"


The Gala Auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Please start planning your basket. We ask that every member contributes. Your welcome to tag team with a friend and work on a basket together.

You may sign up for a basket using Sign Up Genius. View suggested basket descriptions here. Your welcome to come up with your own ideas. Email VP of auction, Pat Iaffaldano and let her know what you have in mind.

We are also always looking for stand-alone items—items that may have significant

value that should not be bundled with anything else, e.g., jewelry, aesthetic treatments, artwork, sports memorabilia, experiences. And, of course, vacation homes or trips which tend to sell well and go for high prices.

Don’t be afraid to ask for donations from vendors! Their donation with be acknowledged

with the item and they will receive tax donation forms.

Click Here to Sign Up for an Acution Basket




Cost is $51.00 

Reservations and RSVP made through CIRCLE4CHILDREN.ORG/PAYMENT

or contact Jennie Johnson for options 678-595-7064

Wine/Champagne cost $12.00 cash purchase at reservation desk check in only

Donation list for City of Refuge:

        All Sizes of diapers, pull ups, nighttime diapers, adult diapers, and baby wipes. They may be brought to the meeting or dropped off at Che' Frost's home.

RSVP with Payment



Members got together for a time of laughter and good cheer at the Circle for Children's Holiday Celebration! This year we enjoyed a Holiday Tea at the Ginger Room in Alpharetta!



Thursday, February 16

4:45 to 6:00 pm

City of Refuge

1300 Joseph E. Boone Blvd. NW

Atlanta, GA 30314

More details to come!

Access the Directory online with new Password! The new 2020-2021 directory of active Circle members can now be viewed on our website. For the privacy of all members, the directory is password protected. You can access the directory under the membership tab on the website.

Susan Harvin 1/3

Sandra Dye 1/4

Sue Butler 1/9

Lisa Krueger 1/11

Dolly Fehd 1/15

Kristen Graham 1/20

Sally Davis 1/20

Bridget Connor 1/29

Kaitlin Fullness Holman 1/29

Pat Iaffaldano 1/31

If your birthday (month and day) is not in the Circle directory, please email that information. We would love to acknowledge that special day.

Circle Celebration Fund
Can't think of a gift for a friend? Consider donating to the Circle Celebration Fund in their name. A lovely acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree informing them of the donation you made in their name. Please contact thecircle4children@gmail.com if you would like to donate.
Circle Correspondence
Please send any Circle Correspondence to thecircle4children@gmail.com for announcements of births, loss of loved ones, outstanding events or illnesses. Please include the individual's address so the corresponding secretary can send the appropriate correspondence. Also, indicate if the information should be posted in the newsletter.

What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Circle for Children every time you shop at no cost to you.  When you shop at smile.amazon.com you'll find the exact same low prices and vast selection as amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the Circle. smile.amazon.com uses your current Amazon account.

How Do I Get Started?
Click the button below to get started or on your first visit to smile.amazon.com you will be asked to select a charity. Type in The Circle for Children. Click the "select" box next to it. Click "agree" to confirm you have been informed that you must go to smile.amazon.com every time you make a purchase in order for the Circle to receive the charitable donation from Amazon.
Click Here to Sign Up for Amazon Smile
Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion of your grocery purchase total to The Circle for Children.Please sign up for a Kroger Card the next time you're grocery shopping and link it to The Circle for Children.

To link your Kroger card go to www.kroger.com and login to access "My Account". Under "Community" select "Community Awards" then click the "link card" button. Then, search for "The Circle for Children" or enter number, CX636. You can also call Kroger at 1-800-562-4438 and they will sign you up over the phone.
The Circle for Children | circle4children.org
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