Ward 11 E-Newsletter

January 2023

Meet Your Elected Officials Local Community Event

MP Rechie Valdez, MPP Nina Tangri, and I look forward to meeting you, in-person, next week at the Vic Johnston Community Centre. I hope you can make it! The event details are as follows:


Meet Your Elected Officials Local Community Event

Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 7pm

Hazel McCallion Room, Vic Johnston Community Centre

335 Church St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1N1


Please click on the event poster for more information. See you on January 25th!

Fight the Cold Coat Drive

Do you have coats you no longer use, that you can spare for those in need? The Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale is hosting a coat drive, in conjunction with Fight the Cold, to collect gently used coats for infants, teens, and adults. The Coat Drive details are as follows:


Fight the Cold Coat Drive

Saturday, January 28, 2023, 10am to 12pm

Back Parking Lot, Streetsville United Church

274 Queen St S, Mississauga, ON L5M 1L8


Please click on the poster for more information. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!

Investing in Low-carbon and Resilient Solutions in Mississauga

Climate change is affecting Mississauga. In 2019, the City declared a climate emergency because climate change is taking a toll on people, health, infrastructure, services, and ecosystems. Mississauga’s 10-year Climate Change Action Plan was endorsed by Council in 2019. The plan sets out to decrease the City’s carbon footprint and prepare for the effects of a changing climate. It includes 89 actions, of which more than 70 percent have been completed or are currently underway.


Coming out of COP15 in Montreal, the City of Mississauga has joined more than 40 other municipalities around the globe in pledging their commitment to protecting biodiversity. The City is taking a comprehensive, holistic approach to protecting biodiversity and to supporting the health of our natural systems as is outlined in our Parks and Forestry Master Plan, Climate Change Action Plan, and Official Plan – which aligns with the 15 tangible actions outlined in the Montreal Pledge.


As of December 2022, the City has:

1.   Installed 59 electric vehicle (EV) chargers for the City’s fleet and 22 public EV chargers

2.   Added 38 kilometres of cycling infrastructure

3.   Installed 15 low-impact developments (LIDs) throughout the City’s road right-of-ways

4.   Acquired 38 acres of parkland

5.   Developed a Zero-Emissions Vehicle Strategy in partnership with the Region of Peel, the City of Brampton, the Town of Caledon, and the Conservation Authorities to help accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles throughout Peel region

6.   Added more than 60 low and zero-emissions vehicles to the City’s fleet and replaced more than 40 diesel buses with second-generation hybrids

7.   Launched the City’s first-ever Urban Agriculture Strategy to help grow more food locally and increase access to healthy foods

8.   Moved forward with a feasibility study on district energy in the City’s downtown

9.   Launched the We Are Resilient outreach and exhibition program to help raise awareness about climate change in Mississauga

10. Begun designing a home energy retrofits program for single-family homes to support improved energy efficiency and decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

11. Studied the feasibility of a shared micro-mobility system in Mississauga

12. Joined Partners in Project Green’s Circular Economy Leaders Consortium

13. Partnered with Project Neutral to provide residents with a tool to calculate their carbon footprint

14. More than 460,000 trees have been planted since launching the One Million Trees program

15. A comprehensive inventory has been collected for each of the City’s 36 priority woodland locations which provides valuable baseline information required for future management decisions that will support City woodland objectives

16. Continue to monitor and control invasive species as part of the City’s Invasive Species Management Plan and Implementation Strategy


Learn more about the City’s Climate Change Action Plan and its progress by visiting: mississauga.ca/projects-and-strategies/city-projects/climate-change-action-plan.

Keep Winter Fun and Safe

While fire prevention is important year-round, it’s easier to fall into dangerous situations in the winter when people are trying to stay warm. Help prevent fires from starting this winter season. Here are a few tips on how to stay safe:


Keep the kitchen cool


When it comes to your kitchen, ensure all appliances are monitored and turned off after use. In addition to the oven, keep your eyes on small appliances like air fryers – one of this year’s most popular kitchen appliances. Remember, an air fryer’s external parts can get hot and when left on too long, it can cause overheating.


With anything electrical, it’s always a good idea to read the appliance manual, which includes important safety tips, cleaning instructions and potential hazards that may cause a fire.


Handle the heat


Walking into a chilly house or office isn’t ideal. You might get tempted to crank up the heat, turn on the kettle or a portable heater. Remember, keep anything that can burn or catch on fire at least three feet away from heat sources such as a fireplace, stove, heater or furnace. It’s also important to keep kids and pets at a safe distance from all sources of heat.


If you have concerns about your heating equipment, contact a qualified professional to work according to local codes and manufacturer’s instructions. It’s also a good idea to have heating equipment and chimneys inspected and cleaned yearly by a professional.


Using scents?


Candles can create a nice ambience or fill the room with scent. However, they shouldn’t be placed near window coverings or in high-traffic areas where children and pets are. Use extreme caution when lighting a candle or moving it to a different location. Hold it away from your clothes or anything that may catch on fire along your path. If you leave the room or go to sleep for the night, be sure to blow out the candle.


If you choose to freshen up the home with an aerosol air freshener, only spray it in open areas that do not have a heat source or an open flame nearby. Air fresheners can be highly flammable.


Check your smoke alarms


Replace smoke alarms if they are more than 10 years old. Remember that you need working smoke alarms on every storey of your home and outside all sleeping areas.


Learn more about fire prevention from Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services: https://www.mississauga.ca/services-and-programs/health-and-safety/fire-and-emergency-services/fire-safety-at-home/

Keep Pets Safe and Warm This Winter

Around this time of year, Mississauga Animal Services wants to remind pet owners: if it is too cold for you, it’s also too cold for your pets. Follow these pet safety tips to keep our furry friends safe this winter:


Coat check – Dogs like Chihuahuas, Italian Grey Hounds and other breeds have very short fur. These dogs require a coat or sweater if they’re outside in cold weather, whereas dogs such as Malamutes and St. Bernard’s have thick double coats that protect them from frigid temperatures.


Protect paws – Put boots on your dogs and clean their paws after their walks. Repeatedly stepping on salt crystals can be uncomfortable and it can crack or cut into your dog’s paws, causing them to burn the paw pads. Be cautious of areas that aren’t salted – you or your pet could slip and fall.


Check your car engines – Sometimes cats and smaller wildlife crawl under the hood of vehicles to find a safe and warm spot in the winter months. Animal Services recommends banging the hood of your car to scare them away before starting the vehicle. Keep antifreeze locked away as it is poisonous. Make sure bottles are closed tightly and if you spill any, clean it up immediately.


Protecting pets – Keep pets indoors when possible and shorten bathroom breaks and walks during really cold days. If you must keep your pet outdoors, ensure they have winterized shelters. The outdoor enclosure must be:

1.   Constructed of hard, durable waterproof material that can be easily cleaned

2.   Maintained in a good state of repair from cracks, holes, rust and other damage

3.   Avoids the transfer of pathogenic agents

4.   Adequately ventilated for the health, welfare and comfort of the animal enclosed therein

5.   Insulated so all walls, floor and ceiling are protected against cold weather

6.   Equipped with a door flap during cold weather

7.   Cleaned with a dry bed provided


There are also by-laws in place for the general provisions of owning an animal. Every owner of an animal shall humanely treat the animal. This includes:

1.   A waterproof shelter for the animal

2.   Shelter for the animal that is large enough for its size and breed

3.   Enough food and water for the animal

4.   Access to shade during warm weather, which does not include shade provided by an animal enclosure

5.   Sanitary conditions for the animal

6.   Adequate veterinary care deemed necessary by a reasonably prudent person to relieve the animal from distress caused by injury, neglect or disease


If you have concerns about pets being left outdoors in cold weather, contact Mississauga Animal Services at 905-896-5858.

Are You Prepared this Winter? Plan Ahead for an Emergency

Winter can be dangerous. Storms bringing heavy snow, black ice, hail, heavy winds and freezing rain can appear in the blink of an eye. It’s important to know how to protect yourself and your family if your home loses power or heat, or if your vehicle gets stuck in the snow. Here are some tips to help you get prepared.


Get Your Home Emergency Ready

If a major winter storm hits, you could be stuck inside for a few hours or even a few days. That’s why it’s a good idea to prepare for a minimum of 72 hours.

·        Start with a plan: It’s important that you and your family know what to do in an emergency. This includes staying indoors and establishing a network of people (family, friends, coworkers and neighbours) who can assist you during an emergency.

·        Prepare an emergency kit: You should have an emergency kit for your home. Make sure to check your emergency kit twice a year to make sure everything is still in working order and the food is still safe to eat. Some of the items you may want to consider for your kit include:

o   Non-perishable food

o   Bottled water

o   Manual can opener

o   Battery-powered radio and flashlight

o   First aid kit

o   Blankets

o   Extra hats, gloves, coats and footwear

·        Know how to protect your home if there’s a power outage: If a power outage leaves you without heat for some time, remember to drain your water pipes and shut off the main water supply to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting (if you live in a house).

·        Prepare when you go outside: If you must go outside, it’s important to dress for the weather and let someone know your route and expected arrival time.


Plan for Safe Winter Travel

During a winter storm, it’s best to stay off the roads if you can. However, if you must drive in a winter storm, be extra careful on the road.

Before leaving:

·        Prepare an emergency kit for your vehicle: Your kit should include items like non-perishable food, bottled water, battery-powered radio and flashlight, a first aid kit, blankets, a small shovel, a warning light or flare, an ice scraper and snowbrush, anti-freeze and windshield washer fluid, jumper cables and sand, salt and cat litter.

·        Dress warmly before heading out: It’s best to dress for the weather, in case you may need to leave your car (e.g. vehicle stuck in the snow).

·        Plan for delays: Consider leaving earlier. If this is not possible, before you leave, alert those at your destination that you may be late.

·        Prepare your vehicle: Clear your vehicle of snow and ice, and make sure your windshield washer fluid is full.

On the road:

·        Reduce your speed: Slow down and drive according to the conditions.

·        Leave lots of space: There should be a lot of space between yourself and other vehicles on the road. It will likely take longer for your vehicle to come to a full stop when you apply the brakes. If your vehicle begins to skid, always steer into the skid until you regain control.

·        Watch for emergency vehicles or snow clearing equipment: Pay attention, and if you see an emergency vehicle or snow clearing equipment, move over to provide them space.

Stuck in the snow?

·        In an emergency, call 911.

o   Try to stay calm and don’t leave your car in blizzard conditions.

o   Keep the engine off as much as possible as there’s an increased risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

o   Turn on your warning lights to make your vehicle more visible.

o   Keep an eye out for other vehicles and emergency responders.

·        If you’re stuck, but the conditions are safe, you can try to:

o   Clear snow around your tires with a shovel. Make sure to clear your exhaust pipe to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

o   Use cat litter, sand or floor mats to gain traction. Lay it under your tires to help give you enough grip.

o   Melt the ice with salt under your tire. If you don’t have any, try windshield washer fluid or anti-freeze.

·        If you’re unable to get your car out, call a tow truck company. However, it’s important that you know your rights. Tow trucks must follow the City’s Tow Truck Licensing By-law.

o   If the vehicle is drivable, you can drive off yourself. However, if it’s not drivable, you have the right to choose your tow truck provider and where you want your vehicle towed unless told otherwise by emergency personnel on scene.

o   The cost to remove vehicles stuck in snow varies from company to company. It’s best to confirm the price when calling the tow company. Tow truck drivers must accept multiple forms of payment and provide you with an itemized bill of services.


For more information about how to prepare for an emergency, visit: mississauga.ca/services-and-programs/health-and-safety/how-to-prepare-for-an-emergency/.

Brad Butt, Councillor, Ward 11

300 City Centre Drive, 3rd Floor

Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1

Phone: (905) 896-5011

Fax: (905) 896-5863

E-mail: [email protected]

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