“Vision can be something as big as the world, but as specific as a postage stamp.”  – Leighton Ford, Founder, Arrow Leadership Ministries (Brother In Law of Billy Graham).

What is your Vision for 2023? What is God's Vision for your church? What is God calling you to do?

Do you have a personal mission statement or vision statement for your life? 

Does your church has a mission or vision statement that guides what you do as a church?

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Ministers' Monthly Conference

January 10th, 10am

LRBA Office

Tax & Retirement Seminar, Davis Blount, CPA

Lunch included. Davis will be available for individual appointments with pastors. He can be reached at 919-459-5604 or dblount@ncbaptist.org.

Reconstruct Conference

January 24th, 2023

King’s Cross Church, Greensboro

Recent assessments by the North American Mission Board and N.C. Baptists show that more than 50% of Baptist churches need substantial reconstruction.

Who is this conference for?

  • The “Struggling” Church: If you are a struggling church unsure of what to do or are considering Fostering, Adoption, Marriage or Replanting, come hear what God is doing across the state and what He can do through your church through one of these processes. This day will be informative and catalyzing for kingdom growth in North Carolina. 
  • The “Sending” Church: If you are a church that has started or are open to Fostering, Adoption, Marriage or Replanting another church, we invite you to hear from key churches in our state that have seen success in these areas of revitalization. Hear about their real situations, and learn tips for effective revitalization.

Mission Trip Opportunity

Pastor Joe Monk of The Gathering, will be leading a group to Guatemala from July 22-29, 2023. During the week people will have the opportunity to work in a medical clinic, do VBS type ministry, or construction. There over all goal is to plant churches in the outlaying villages around Jalapa. The trip is open to those who have completed the 9th grade and up. About half the group is made up of adults. The cost is $650 + airfare. If your church may be looking for something like this, plesae contact Joe Monk at joe@thegathering.cc


WMU January Mission - We will collect breakfast food for the children that attend the Refugee Center Sunday School located at North Raleigh International Baptist Church. Breakfast bars, instant grits, instant oatmeal, pop top canned fruit, danish pastries, etc. Please deliver to the LRBA Office on January 24th between 8am-2:30pm and we will load the items directly into a parked vehicle. Thank you for all that you do to be the hands and feet of our Savior!

~Becky Putnam, WMU Missions Involvement Consultant


 Neill’s Creek Baptist Church will host the Pastor Appreciation Banquet on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 6pm. Irma Duke will be the featured speaker. More information to follow. Invite your pastors and spouses for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and fun.

Church Job Openings
LRBA Calendar


1 New Year's Day

10 Ministers' Monthly Conference w/ Davis Blount, CPA

22 Baptist Men's Day in the Churches

22 Sanctity of Life Sunday

23 Associational Council/Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30pm


7 Pastor Appreciation Banquet, Neill's Creek Baptist Church, 6pm
