I have a very good feeling about 2023. We are not done with COVID, but I think we are now at least figuring out how to live with it. The hospitality industry was hit hard during the last four years, but business is back and booking events.
In developing my business plan for this year, I took advice from business coach Barry Demp, The Quotable Coach:
When is it time to let go or give up so that you can begin something new?
This is what he had to say:
Where do you currently feel stalled or stuck in your life? How are you wrestling with the sunk cost of time, effort, and resources where your pivoting is just not paying off? How can you tell when it's time to quit and when to stick things out? An approach that has served me over the years is the HHG method. This acronym stands for Head, Heart, and Gut. In most cases, when I evaluate my endeavors through these three filters, I can move on or stay the course with greater confidence.
Try the HHG (Head, Heart, and Gut) method for yourself and let me know what you discover. I also recommend Seth Godin's classic book "The Dip" as a resource to explore in times of potential transition.
Great thoughts here….So for 2023 I will be using the Head, Heart and Gut mantra and hopefully, it will allow me to cut down on the to-do list and learn to say "No". Check back with me in July and I will let you know how that plan goes.
Wishing you all success, happiness, and prosperity in 2023.
PS: If you are not receiving Barry Demp’s daily coaching words you can connect here: The Quotable Coach.
Ann K. Bruttell
President, Meeting Coordinators, Inc.
Meeting Coordinators, Inc.
In every great association or company there comes a time when a conference, seminar, sales meeting or special event must be arranged. Utilizing the services of Meeting Coordinators, Inc. will not burden your employees or volunteers with countless overwhelming logistical tasks. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. has a staff of experts to manage the day-to-day operations of your organization and also create professional events to exceed your every expectation.