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News from Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna

Whats in this issue......

Budget 2023 Drop-In Sessions….Have Your Say

Ward 6 News

Notice of Pre-application Public Meeting

re: 4279 Palladium Way Proposed Development

3399 Appleby Line Proposed Development

Headon Forest Dr. Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Update

Burlington Rural Active Transportation Plan

City News

2023 Proposed Budget

Burlington Launches Downtown Heritage Study and seeks input

Lobbyist Registry: Take the Survey

Arts & Culture Funding

Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund


Halton Region News

Notice of Road Closure Update: Updated Jaunuary 23 to February 18, 2023

Dundas Street Improvements Phase 1: Appleby Line to Tremaine Rd

Community Programs

Rural Winter Social

100 Women Who Care Burlington

CAP Community Engagement Webinar - STEP Heat Pump Evaluations

Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance - Burlington Footnotes

Budget 2023 Drop-In Sessions….Have Your Say

Council is now focusing on the 2023 Budget which will go to Council on February 14, 2023. 

I am hosting a series of in person drop-in meetings and would like to hear from Ward 6 residents. I welcome your input and feedback on what is important to you. 


Drop-in schedule:

January 18 - 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Starbucks, 2010 Appleby Line (Metro store)

January 26 - 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Starbucks, 2900 Walkers Line (Longo's store)

January 27 – 2 – 3:30 pm, Starbucks, 3051 Walkers Line (Farmboy plaza) TIME CHANGE

February 3 - 2:00 - 3:30 pm, Fortinos food court, 2025 Guelph Line

February 4 - 10:00 - 11:30 am, Farmboy cafe, 3061 Walkers Line


Please r.s.v.p. in advance to angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca with the date and time you would like to attend. If you cannot attend a drop-in, you are welcome to email your comments to me at angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca or call me at 905-335-7600 ext. 7592.



Ward 6 News

Notice of Pre-application Public Meeting

Re: 4279 Palladium Way Proposed Development

Rykka Care Centres will be hosting a neighbourhood public meeting to advise you of a proposed development coming to your area, for the property located at 4279 Palladium Way.


The purpose of this Public Information Centre session is to provide an informal opportunity for you to learn more about the planning application and the review process, ask questions and share your comments with the owner in advance of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment applications being filed with the City.


Meeting Details:

Date: January 25, 2023

Time: 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Location: New Apostolic Church, 4209 Palladium Way, Burlington


Or join us via zoom:

Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79165421274?pwd=njYb4bI6SaRtAuAxIUe15qZjaq5E36.1

Meeting ID: 791 6542 1274

Passcode: d9Azcd


Rykka Care Centres is proposing amendments to the 2020 City of Burlington Official Plan and Zoning By-Law designations, to permit a Long-Term Care Facility in an employment zone, that currently apply to the subject property.


The purpose of these applications is to permit the development of a four-storey, 224-bed long-term care facility. The new care home is to replace the Wellington Long Term Care located in downtown Burlington. The new home will provide accommodation for up to 224 residents, an increase of 92 from the current home.


City Planning staff will be attending the meeting but no formal City presentation will take place at this time. City staff will hold a required Statutory Public Meeting with Council at a later date.


At this time, the City has not received a formal application for this proposal. There will be more opportunities for the public to provide feedback after the development application is submitted to the City.


For more information and details about this application visit the City’s website at the following link: www.burlington.ca/4279palladium

3399 Appleby Line Proposed Development

Summit Industrial Income Operating LP has made an application to Planning to amend the

Zoning By-law on the property located at 3399 Appleby Line.


The proposed development is for a one (1) storey industrial building with accessory office uses and access to Appleby Line. The building proposed contains a total gross floor area of approximately 17,638 m² of which approximately 369 m² would be dedicated to the accessory office space. Additionally, 199 parking spaces are being provided along the west and north property line, facing Appleby Line and Highway 407.


No decisions about this application have been made yet. City Planning are asking for your feedback before we make a recommendation to the Planning and Development Committee of Council to either approve or refuse the application. Any written comments you may have about the proposal can either be mailed or e-mailed to the planner assigned to this file, Mariana Da Silva at marianadasilva@burlington.ca . Your comments will be included in the staff report about the application which will be posted on the City’s web site at burlington.ca/3399appleby


To submit written comments, or for more information, please contact:

City Planning Department

PO Box 5013, 426 Brant St.,

Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6


Your written comments should be submitted by: January 26, 2023

Headon Forest Dr. Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Update

I’m sure you have seen the crane in your neighbourhood, as the Headon Forest Dr. Pedestrian bridge replacement is underway. Construction work began in early January and should take approximately 6 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

The work to replace the bridge includes:

  • fencing around the construction area
  • silt and tree protection
  • removal of the old bridge
  • concrete repairs to the bridge foundations
  • installation of the new bridge

For your safety, do not enter the construction zone. We appreciate your continued cooperation, as we work to restore this important link in your community.

Burlington Rural Active Transportation Plan - Good News

The Burlington Rural Active Transportation Plan is intended to provide a framework for how the City can support people accessing and moving through the rural area by walking and cycling.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw more people than ever looking for opportunities to explore the areas around them, and a bike boom where people are cycling more and more. Improving access for people using active transportation will help to reduce dependence on cars, providing a more equitable transportation system.

During the planning process, the public was engaged on if and how they use active transportation in the rural area, and what kinds of improvements they want to see. The plan builds on this feedback by supporting people taking their dog for a walk, to people getting exercise, and people wanting to be able to more easily get to the Bruce Trail and Greenbelt routes. Feedback from people all across Burlington showed support for the plan recommendations and interest in the City taking initiative to support active transportation users.

The plan considers the different types of users who use active transportation in the rural area, including people of all ages and abilities as well as recreational users, to develop recommendations to suite both kinds of users. This will enable new opportunities for people who may not currently feel safe or comfortable to access the rural area. It will also support and improve conditions for the people who are already using the area.

The recommendations from this plan will be used along with the Cycling Plan to inform the City’s Integrated Mobility Plan which will provide a strategic, coordinated approach for planning and designing the City’s transportation systems.

City News

2023 Proposed Budget

On January 9, City staff presented the 2023 Budget Overview Report (F-01-23) to the Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee of Burlington City Council. A copy of the report and more information is available on burlington.ca/budget.


The proposed 2023 budget recommends an overall tax increase of 7.08% (including Region of Halton and Boards of Education). Of the 7.08% increase to the property tax bill, Burlington’s portion of the overall increase is 5.90%.


Budget pressures: The 2023 and 2024 budgets will both be challenging.


Today in Burlington, almost three years of COVID-19 impacts have meant revenue losses and increased expenses. Our city has not kept pace with investing in the services and amenities that our growing community needs. This means we need more amenities like community centres to support our residents. The city must continue to invest in our infrastructure such as our roads, buildings and transit buses. Many people feel this impacts every day.


Provincial legislative changes (Bill 23) will download the costs of growth to Burlington. This new provincial legislation reduces the City’s ability to collect fees from developers for future growth-related capital costs such as parkland, roads, transit and recreation facilities.


The 2023 proposed budget before City Council will: 


  • maintain service levels while recognizing higher than average inflation
  • address the continued financial impacts of COVID-19
  • dedicate funding to ensure our $5.2 billion of assets are maintained in a state of good repair
  • include community investments for the next 50 years such as two new community centers planned to open over the next few years
  • stabilize and enhance city services and address the immediate need for an updated non-union compensation program that keeps salaries market competitive
  • provide more city services to residents and businesses online digitally


The 2023 proposed budget also directly addresses feedback heard from residents. This includes the need for more bylaw enforcement staff, more animal services staff and education to support our coyote management strategy. It also includes automated speed enforcement to deal with local traffic concerns, additional firefighters and more transit operators. There are key investments in these areas, among others, to better service residents. Learn more at burlington.ca/budget.


Opportunities for public engagement

Members of the public can learn more about the proposed 2023 budget and share their feedback in the following ways:

  • Join the virtual 2023 Budget Town Hall on Thursday, Jan. 19, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Visit getinvolvedburlington.ca to join in and watch the meeting on Jan. 19, or in advance to submit your question.
  • Register to speak to City Council at the Feb. 6 meeting of the Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee where the proposed budget will be reviewed, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Members of the public who would like to speak at the meeting as a delegation can register by calling 905-335-7777, ext. 7481 or visiting burlington.ca/delegation. The deadline to register is noon on Feb. 3, 2023.


Key dates and milestones for the 2023 Budget

City meetings for the 2023 Budget are scheduled on the following dates at City Hall in Council Chambers, located at 426 Brant St., second floor. All meetings are hybrid and may be attended in person or watched by livestream online at burlington.ca/calendar.


Monday, Jan. 9, 9:30 a.m.

Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee: Overview of proposed 2023 Budget


Thursday, Jan. 19, 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Virtual 2023 Budget Town Hall – watch the meeting and ask your questions at getinvolvedburlington.ca/2023-budget


Monday, Feb. 6, Tuesday, Feb. 7 and Thursday, Feb. 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee: Review and approval of proposed 2023 Budget, including delegations from the public


Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 9:30 a.m.

Meeting of Burlington City Council: City Council to consider approval of proposed 2023 Budget

Burlington launches Downtown Heritage Study and seeks input

The City of Burlington is launching the Downtown Heritage Study and is looking for feedback from the community and stakeholders. Anyone interested in the project can visit getinvolvedburlington.ca/downtownheritage to take a heritage survey, pin suggested heritage features on a map and learn more about the study.


The study will run until next fall and will look at eight individual properties with potential heritage value. There are also six groups of properties that may qualify as potential “cultural heritage landscapes”. A “cultural heritage landscape” is a term for a group of heritage features such as buildings, trees, landscaping, views and spaces that have significance as a group that is different from their individual parts.


Residents are invited to join City of Burlington staff and a heritage consultant at a public consultation meeting to learn about the City’s Downtown Burlington Heritage Study and Engagement Program on:


Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Art Gallery of Burlington, Shoreline Room,

1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington


Staff will share information about significant places, stories, buildings and landscape features in the study area. Attendees are asked to submit questions in advance and share their ideas about heritage conservation in Downtown Burlington.


By the end of the Study, Burlington City Council will receive a staff report to decide if any of the properties or areas assessed in the study have heritage merit and should be protected through a heritage designation. Designation is only one tool to conserve historical character. Other conservation strategies will be explored with property owners and stakeholders during the engagement process. Based on study findings, Council will also consider whether the 26 properties added to the heritage register at the July 12, 2022 City Council meeting and the Sept. 20, 2022 Council Meeting should continue to be listed on the heritage register or removed.

For more information, visit getinvolvedburlington.ca/downtownheritage. This page also contains project background reports, policy documents and guidelines, a map, historical resources and videos and an option to subscribe for project updates. Residents can connect with the City’s Heritage Planner at heritage@burlington.ca or 905-335-7777, ext. 7427.


Heritage consultants have been retained to conduct historical research, inventory sites in the downtown, and host a series of engagement sessions with property owners, stakeholders, and the public. The team will be in the downtown heritage study area to photograph buildings, sites, and streetscapes, or to visit local archives.

Lobbyist Registry: Take the survey 

Burlington is seeking input from the public on the future of a City lobbyist registry. Feedback can be shared through an online survey, available at getinvolvedburlington.ca. 


In January 2022, the City launched a trial online lobbyist registry designed to document interactions between individuals who lobby members of Burlington City Council. Data from this trial, along with the community’s input shared through the survey, will help determine how to shape and improve the registry, and City Council accountability measures, over the next four-year Council term (2022 – 2026).


A report to Council about the future of the lobbyist registry is anticipated for early Spring 2023.

Arts & Culture Funding

In early January, the City launched the Burlington Arts and Culture Fund. Online applications will be accepted from January 3 through noon on February 3, 2023 and will fund projects that take place between April 2023 and March 2024. To be eligible for BACF support funding, applicants must be located in Burlington and be one of the following:


  • An individual artist or arts and cultural collective (defined as three or more individuals that exhibit high achievement in arts and culture programming);
  • An incorporated not-for-profit arts and culture organization or a charitable arts and culture organization;
  • A multicultural group that fulfills a significant role in the Burlington community through the arts and culture.


The program is intended to support the creation and presentation of arts and cultural projects in Burlington that reflect BACF objectives. Project grants are awarded for a term of one year and each applicant/institution/organization may apply for support for one project per year. The maximum amount awarded for each project grant is $7,000.


Applications are judged based on four key areas which include: artistic merit, program merit and strategic initiative, citywide and community impact, and economic impact. The program is administered by the Arts and Culture Section and applications are reviewed in part by a peer assessment jury selected by the Arts and Culture Council of Burlington.


Visit burlington.ca/artsandculturefund for criteria and guidelines, details on eligibility, funding requirements and the application process.

Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund

The City is excited to announce the launch of the 2023 Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund.


The Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund focuses on small projects that enhance the City of Burlington infrastructure amenities within parks, gardens, buildings on public lands or on lands that are accessible to public that met the goal of the fund. Applicants can receive up to a maximum of $10,000 for a project with a matching contribution from the community group. A few of the types of projects that may be eligible for the matching program could be:


  • Enhance a park to create a neighbourhood gathering place
  • Converting a space for alternate use to meet a community need
  • Plant a communal garden on lands that are accessible to public
  • Protect or restore a natural resource

Timelines will be:

  • Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2023. 
  • Applications announced in late April 2023. 

For more information visit Burlington.ca/neighbourhoodcommunitymatchingfund

Patio Program

At the December Council meeting the current temporary patio program was unanimously approved to continue into 2023. Council and staff will continue to work on a permanent patio program as we have directed staff to report back to Council in February 2023 with options for beautification of traffic barriers, costing and funding.


By continuing the patio program as it is in 2023, we provide certainty to our restaurant owners for this year’s patio season, while giving ourselves time over the balance of 2023 to develop an appropriate permanent program, including any appropriate supports.


For more information, click on the following links to the full staff report and appendices and the staff presentation.

Halton Region News

Dundas Street Improvements

Phase 1: Appleby Line to Tremaine Rd

Notice of Road Closure Updated: January 23 to February 18, 2023

Halton Region is making improvements to Dundas Street. Construction activities

began June 2021 between Appleby Line and Tremaine Road, Wards 5 and 6, in Burlington. This project will address future traffic demands and provide safe travel options for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.


Further to our ‘Notice of Road Closure Update’ sent on December 15, 2022, phase two of the temporary weeknight closures of Dundas Street from Sutton Drive to Tremaine Road will be starting on January 23, 2023. Closures will take place Monday to Friday (including Friday night) from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

and are anticipated to end by February 18, 2023.


Local access, access to businesses and emergency access will be maintained along

Dundas Street at all times. Through traffic will be detoured by temporary signage along

Appleby Line, Derry Road and Bronte Road and motorists should expect delays when travelling through the area (see attached detour map). Transit users should also expect delays and longer than usual travel times through the affected area. Please visit www.burlingtontransit.ca for more information.


We will make every effort to complete the construction work as quickly as possible to minimize

the impact of the night work and road closure. Please note that the closure dates are subject

to change and any changes will be communicated to the public.


A Construction Ambassador has been assigned to this project and can meet with you to

address any questions you have about the project.


To stay up to date on Dundas Street construction, you can visit the Dundas Street

Improvements webpage on halton.ca/construction, sign up for email updates or follow

@RegionofHalton on social media.

Community Events & Programs

Rural Winter Social

Hosted by Ward 6 Rural Community Committee

February 5 – 1 to 3 pm

6125 Appleby Line

RSVP to Sheilagh at 905-669-1921 or email info.ruralward6@gmail.com by Jan 22.  


100 Women Who Care Burlington

Welcome guests to our meetings anytime.

If you are available, please join us for our upcoming meeting.


Date: Monday, January 23, 2023

Format: Hybrid Meeting: In-Person + Virtual option


Location: Burlington Golf & Country Club

422 North Shore Blvd E, Burlington, ON L7T 1W9


Time: Registration open at 7:00 pm

Meeting start 7:30 pm (lasts for 1 hour)


Please RSVP here:

(Link for those who wish to join virtually is included in the RSVP form.)



100 Women Who Care Burlington meet quarterly, we nominate registered charities serving our Burlington/Halton community. Three of those are randomly drawn and each nominating member makes a short presentation about the charity. We then vote and one is chosen to receive our collected donations. Members donate $100 the week of each meeting, making up to $10,000 donation at one time to the chosen charity. 100% of our donations go directly to local charities serving our Burlington community. Our co-ordinated donations have a significant impact!


To see a list of all the charities we have helped in our region please see our website:


CAP Community Engagement Webinar – STEP Heat Pump Evaluations

Heat pumps are very efficient heating and cooling systems and can significantly reduce energy costs. In this webinar, Gil Amdurski from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) will present everything you need to know about heat pumps – technology, types, and prices. In addition, Gil will share information about the TRCA’s Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) and real-life examples of heat pump projects.


This event is hosted by the Clean Air Partnership


For more information on the City’s climate change efforts, visit Burlington.ca/environment

Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance

Burlington Footnotes

June 20, 2023 – 2 pm and 7 pm shows

To purchase tickets call 905-681-6000 or online at www.burlingtonpac.ca  

Let's Keep in Touch
In compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation, recipients of this newsletter may unsubscribe at any time. Many residents have contacted me or provided me with their email addresses during the campaign period and I thank you for signing up to receive updates. Please feel free to forward my newsletter to your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues so they can sign up as well.

Please add angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca to your address book so my correspondence will be sure to land in your inbox. You may unsubscribe at any time.
As always, you may contact me through email, phone, social media or by attending Ward 6 public open house meetings or drop-in sessions.
Angelo Bentivegna
City of Burlington & Region of Halton
Councillor, Ward Six
Ph: 905-335-7600 ext. 7592
Fax: 905-335-7881
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