News of the Presbytery of San Jose
"I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." 
Philippians 1:6
SJ PBY logo.
Presbytery Meeting
Dates for 2023

February 4th
May 6th
September 23rd
November 18th
To list an event that is supported by your church or committee, and that is open to the entire Presbytery, go to
Be sure to check the
Presbytery's website at
for other announcements and helpful information, including the updated "Ministry Funding Request Form."
Per Capita Payments

Just a reminder that per Capita payments are due by February 7, 2023. The amount per member for 2023 is $41.50.

Checks are to be made out to the Presbytery of San Jose and mailed to 890 Meridian Way, San Jose, CA 95126
Westminster Woods
2023 Calendar

Westminster Woods has posted their program calendar for 2023. The link may be found here:

Save the Date!

Thursday March 16th, 9:30-11:30 am
at the
Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos

Join us as the Presbytery of San Jose welcomes our PC(USA) Co-Moderator Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace for a visit to our Presbytery. She will share more about her vision for the connectional leadership of our national denomination and will be seeking to learn more about our Presbytery during her visit. All are welcome. Questions, please contact
Bell Choir Director Position

Foothill Community Presbyterian Church is looking for a part-time bell choir director.

Job description may be found here:

Contact Peg Nickl at
or 408-258-8133 with any inquiries.
As a Presbytery, we will be considering changes this year proposed by the (recent) 225th General Assembly to the Book of Order.

The proposed changes may be found here for your review:

Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

You’re Invited to a New Presbytery Worship Project!

We are looking for musicians, poets, artists, worship-geeks, and community builders - all sorts of creative and passionate people - to be part of a “progressive, contemporary worship collaborative.”

Together we want to share and create songs, poems, prayers, and all sorts of other worship resources to praise God and also lift up the perspectives or women, LGBTQIA+ folks, and people of color. 

Details may be found here:

Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Annual Conference

The theme of this year's (virtual) conference is:

Swords into Ploughshares: Achieving Enough for All & Pursuing Peace

April 25-27, 2023

More information may be found here:

The Office of Public Witness, the Presbyterian Iraq Partnership Network, Presbyterian World Mission, and the Presbyterian Ministry at the UN present a webinar:
Depleted Uranium in Iraq: The Ongoing Poisoning of the People and Land
Wednesday, January 18
Noon EST

Register here: Registration Page
Pastoral Reflection
With the celebration of the new year comes an examination. Is there anything I need to change in my lifestyle, habits, or perspective so that I live to my full potential? This question is otherwise known as "New Year's resolutions."

I saw some statistics on New Year's resolutions. Did you know that 38.5% of adults in the U.S. set New Year’s resolutions every year? 48% of those people want to exercise more. 23% quit in the first week.  Only 36% make it past the first month.  All in all, only 9% of 38.5% successfully keep their resolution. That means that 3.5% of people who set out to develop new habits and change are successful in doing so. 

Resolving to change something in ourselves doesn't typically work. For those who set these kinds of goals, how are we incorporating God's grace into the process? Are we working on it in our own strength, or have we sought direction or healing from the Holy Spirit? How does our faith impact the process of breaking old habits and developing new ones?

I believe there is wisdom to be gained from the Twelve Step process. The first step is an admission of powerlessness over the challenge we face. The other steps follow.

For those working on change this year, may your faith and dependence on God be your support and strength as you follow through.


Rev. Dr. Jennifer Bales
Director of Communications
Presbytery of San Jose
Phone: (408) 279-0220 Website: