Issue 16

January 2023


A Southern Baptist Association
From Your Associational Mission Strategist

It’s hard to believe that we are already beginning a new year! I am excited about what God is going to do this year in and through our churches. I am thankful for new beginnings and new opportunities. When we look back at 2022, we probably regret the missed opportunities that God gave us to reach more people with the Gospel. My prayer is that in this new year, we will be more intentional in seeking ways to reach more people with the Gospel especially in our communities. I will be working with our leadership and the ministry teams to evaluate and plan ways in which we can help encourage our churches to network together to reach more people for Christ. The association is as relevant today as it was when the first association began in Philadelphia over 300 years ago. I believe in the coming days the association will be more vital as we carry out the mandate Christ has given the church. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord to help our churches in assisting them in becoming stronger and healthier so God can use us in greater ways than ever before!

I am sure that some of you have heard by now that Kelly McNulty my Administrative Assistant is stepping down as she is starting a new job in the Crisp County Schools in January. I really appreciate Kelly and her diligent work over the past five years serving in this very important ministry role. She has truly been a blessing to me and to all our churches as she has served faithfully assisting me and our churches.

I am also excited to share with you that my wife Laura is going to be the new Administrative Assistant. She has a great love and passion for our association, and she has very strong administrative skills. I know that our churches know her and love her, and I can’t think of anyone better in this season than Laura to serve in this ministry role. Please pray for Kelly as she begins her work in the school system and for Laura as she begins her role as she continues carrying out the great work that has been done by Kelly and our past Administrative Assistants.

It is my prayer in this coming year that God will send a Revival to our churches, and He will instill in us a passion for Christ that will usher in a Spiritual Awaking in the communities in which our churches are located. We must consistently seek the Lord and encourage each other and work together to fulfill the Great Commission. It is my joy and a blessing to serve our churches and I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!

Bro. Gary

Church News

Ebenezer Baptist Church will have a Bible Conference with Frank Daws January 15-19.

Byromville Baptist Church will have a Deacon Ordination Service Jannuary 22 at 6:00 PM.

Please pray for

■Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger

■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California

■ Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center

■Lost and unchurched people

■Revival in SCBN churches

■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches

■Churches without pastors

■Our schools, teachers and students

■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter.

Church positions available

Morningside Baptist Church is seeking a Director of Family Ministries. This position will be a part-time position and will work closely with the pastor to lead and shepherd young children, youth, and their families. In addition, this role may grow over time to include other responsibilities based on gifting, experience, and ministry needs. Please contact Stan Bowen at 229-938-4022.

Please contact the SCBN Office at 229-273-4127 if you would like to feature an available church position in the monthly newsletter.

Opportunities coming up

South Central Baptist Network events are printed in bold. 

Jan 10 Tuesday Men's Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 AM Chick Fil A Cordele.

Jan 19 Ministers Fellowship, 10:00 AM at SCBN Office.

Jan 22 Sanctity of Life Sunday

Jan 24 Tuesday Men's Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 Vienna First Baptist Church.

If you would like your

church news or events featured in the Newsletter please send it to

Register Here!
What to do with all those old Sunday School books? 

Don’t throw them away–bring them to SCBN Office

Bring your old SS literature to Houston Baptist Center. Chad Harris will take it to a Edwin L. Hodges Ministries collection site to send overseas. ELHM is a Christian literature ministry that collects donated Bibles, books, magazines, tapes, and tracts from American Christians and ships them to Bible schools, churches, missionaries, and ministries overseas. ELHM is a non-denominational, nonprofit, evangelical ministry.
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