Yoga and Mindfulness

Wow, look at those poses! Ms. Karen Dempsey has been teaching yoga and mindfulness to Hope Partnership students for the past 4 years. She introduces both practices as a means to reduce stress and anxiety and to improve academic performance and classroom behavior. This month, she has the students working on poses which require trust to maintain balance. We are deeply grateful to have her as a part of our team and are acutely aware of the hope and joy she brings to our students.

World Affairs Council

For the past four years Hope’s 7th grade Social Studies teacher, Angela Keeler, has helped widen the world of her students through participation in the Junior Model United Nations program sponsored by Philadelphia’s World Affairs Council.

The Cultural Diplomacy Conference, the kick-off program last week at the Penn Museum, gave our students an opportunity to explore different cultures. Students delved into the Museum’s Egyptian Gallery with a guided tour that explained the artifacts in the collection, such as pottery, jewelry, and religious objects. Hope students enjoyed viewing the mummies and the belongings of Egyptian citizens from their burial sites and were surprised at how advanced the Ancient Egyptian civilization was, especially since they did not have modern technology.

The World Affairs Council is a 74-year-old nonprofit that seeks to help people understand that local issues are impacted by larger, world issues. The organization offers educational opportunities, travel and other programs to cultivate a global perspective. The Council states that its program goals for student participants in the Junior Model U.N. Program include… “(1) gaining a deeper understanding of world geography, history, and cultures; (2) exploring the mission, structure, and function of the United Nations; (3) applying research and critical thinking skills to specific global issues; (4) learning to write, debate, and amend resolutions; (5)understanding the role of diplomacy and deliberation in international affairs; (6)developing skills in conflict resolution, problem-solving, and cross-cultural communication.”

Hope Partnership for Education - 2022 Annual Report

Click Here to View the FY22 Annual Report 

Hope's Core Values Celebrated at Winter Concert

On Friday, January 6th, students, staff, and some family members saw "The Joy of Hope," an original play with music written by Hope's Human Resources Director, Qwan Tisdale, and music teacher, Ali Richardson. The Joy of Hope used the backdrop of the lunchroom at "Harris Middle School" to capture students discussing the meaning of Hope's Core Values: Academic Excellence, Respect, Compassion, Hospitality, Hope and Joy. Highlights of the performance included acting by students from each grade; Vincent's (5th grade) solo performance of "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing; Elijah's (6th grade) piano solo, "Reaching for Hope"; and Mr. Richardson's performance as an underperforming student who discovers his true potential at Hope.

Pennsylvania's EITC and OSTC Program

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