Volume 6 Issue 1 | January 2023

Nourishing Words

By Ruth Schwenk, from Settle My Soul

“The lips of the righteous nourish many.” Proverbs 10:21

There was once a monk who, like many followers of Jesus at the time, was looking for a deeper walk with God. This monk, Abbot Agatho, fled to the desert. The story goes that Agatho, aware of his temptation to sin with his words, carried a rock in his mouth for three years! He did so until he learned to be silent — or to control his lips.

I’m not ready to carry a rock in my mouth as a reminder to watch my words, but I am very aware of my own temptation to use my words unwisely. Because we serve a God who speaks and uses His words to bring life, we are reminded that our words really do matter. They matter in our marriage, our family, the workplace, our relationships, and our church. Our words really are an overflow of what is going on in our hearts (Luke 6:45), and they have the power to shape the hearts of those whom God has surrounded us with.

In Proverb 10:21, the writer said, “The lips of the righteous nourish many.”

With our words, we bring life, health, and good things to those we encounter. We make others better by what rolls off our tongue. With our lips, we are to avoid gossip, slander, malice, and idle talk, which steal life instead of nourishing it.

We can nourish those around us with words of encouragement. Speaking truth in love. Sharing our appreciation. Building others up with the truth and promises of God’s Word. We nourish others when we speak with gentleness and compassion. We bring life when we choose not to speak words that could easily be used as weapons.

How are you using your words? Do your words bring nourishment to those around you? Take a moment and prayerfully consider how your words are bringing life or death to those you are closest to. Let’s pursue the righteousness described in Proverbs — being one who uses her words to nourish not just some, but many!

Lord, You are a God who speaks. As I reflect who You are to those around me, help me use my words wisely. Give me grace to “nourish many” with my lips. I confess that my words are not always used in a way that honors You. Forgive me and teach me to love and serve those around me with the words You give me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where do you struggle with your words the most? What is one way you can begin nourishing others with your words today?

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

From ccu.edu

1. Set aside daily quiet times

Daily quiet time is a big part of our time with God. He desires to be with us. We have His Word to guide us to where he ultimately wants us to be, with Him. (Ps. 143:5) Starting the day this way can center you and help you focus on what is important.

2. Commit to an act of kindness a day

The greatest commandment we have as Christians is to love God and love our neighbor. (Mark 12:30-31) This year, commit to an act of kindness a day. It could be as easy as writing a kind note or buying someone a hot chocolate.

3. Read the Bible in one year

Tackling the Bible in 365 days can be intimidating or seem impossible. Be encouraged, you can do it! There are great apps and programs that you can use. Some Bibles even have a calendar to help you keep pace during the year. (Ps. 1:1-2)

4. Commit to praying for a friend or family member

Prayer gives you the opportunity to see God's faithfulness in your life and can help you identify it in the lives of those around you. (Eph. 6:18) Challenge yourself by praying for someone for a month. You can even make a prayer calendar for the whole year.

5. Find roots in a faith community

Matthew 11:18, says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." A community is not only a place where you can be yourself and talk about what is happening in life but also where you can live life and pursue Jesus together. Try joining a small group that shares your interests.

Why We Celebrate MLK Day

From Britannica.com

In the United States, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is observed annually on the third Monday in January. The day commemorates the life and work of Dr. King, who was a Baptist minister and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. People are encouraged to use the day to “reflect on the principles of racial equality and nonviolent social change espoused by Dr. King.”

Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929. He rose to the forefront of the civil rights movement in 1955 with the Montgomery bus boycott that followed the arrest of Rosa Parks, an African American woman who had violated the city’s racial segregation ordinances when she refused to give her seat on a bus to a white passenger. An advocate of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of using nonviolent resistance to effect social change, King promoted the use of nonviolent means to bring an end to racial segregation in the United States. In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. He was assassinated in 1968.

Efforts to create a national holiday honoring King began soon after his assassination, although legislation for a federal holiday was not passed until 1983. The first nationwide observance of the holiday occurred in 1986. This year, we will celebrate on January 16, 2023.

CAA Expansion Update

By DeLaina Cox

The Campus Development Committee is delighted to report that the construction of the Columbus Adventist Academy (CAA) expansion is nearing completion! If you have been on the property recently, you’ve probably noticed the modified entrances on Sunbury and McCutcheon Roads, as well as the brand new entrance on McCutcheon. Most of the exterior work for the addition is complete, and the stucco topcoat will be applied soon, pending appropriate weather conditions. Inside, the HVAC units have been installed, the drywall is complete, and the first coat of paint has been applied. Up next is the installation of flooring, fixtures, and signage.

We are currently anticipating a February completion of the project, which will be approximately one month ahead of schedule! The six additional classrooms and additional bathroom facilities will almost double the space capacity of the school, and allow for:

  • separate classrooms for each of the existing grade levels;
  • the return of the existing lunchroom space (currently housing 3rd and 4th grade) to its originally intended purpose;
  • the accommodation of additional grade levels in the future;
  • the accommodation of Precious Jewels Early Learning Center (currently housed in the church facility) within the school facility.

We praise and thank God for the progress, and look forward to the ribbon cutting ceremony in the near future!

3 Christina Hunley, Leland Scott II 4 Michael Griffith, Joyce Turner 5 Melva Clark, Angela Green, Janella Rodgers 6 Rannada Hendricks, Esther Makanjuola 7 Kamara Willoughby 10 Marcie Baker, Ares Cochrane, Pastor Ndubuisi Nwade, Vickie Warren 11 Clarissa Alexander 12 Michaela Rodgers 14 Faith Donaldson, Ronnie Thomas 16 Michael Smith 17 Chessie Wyche 18 Jonathan Bowman 20 Anderson Bell, Josie Handy, Ashley Harris, Jasmine Nwade 21 Lola Bell, Jerry Makanjuola, Nathan Warren, Neville Watson 22 Tonya Bryant, Valerie Lee 23 Vinetta Jones 25 Daysha Crawford, Dayshaun Crawford 27 Lucius Sullivan Jr., Aaron Wimberly, Donielle Wingo 28 Reginald Wells 29 Cleavon Harrison Sr. 31 Ashli Bryant

Did we miss your January birthday or anniversary? Let us know by emailing announce@ephesus-sda.com.

  • 10,000 Praying Men, January 8, 10 AM-12 noon, 10kprayingmen.com
  • Area-Wide Prayer Meetings, Wednesdays, 7-8 PM; at Fruit of the Spirit on 1/11
  • Twenty-Eight Series, beginning January 13, 6:30 PM, Zoom
  • Church Officer Training, January 14-29, Zoom
Ephesus Communications Department
Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church
3650 Sunbury Road Columbus, Ohio 43219
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