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Renewable Energy in Alberta

Farmers' Advocate Office

The Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) was established in 1973 by the former Minister of Agriculture as a resource for Albertan farmers and ranchers.

Negotiating Renewable Energy Leases was first released in February 2017 in response to requests from Albertan landowners for additional resources to aid in the negotiation of wind and solar leases. This publication collects the relevant information from the different regulators, departments, and agencies within the province to help landowners ask informed questions and evaluate the opportunity of having a power plant on their land or within their community. As an advocate, the FAO does not create policy, but will provide comment on existing laws and policies and work as a liaison between landowners, industry, government, and regulators.

Have you been approached about leasing your land to a wind or solar energy developer? Want to learn more about negotiating renewable energy leases? The Alberta Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) has a guide that can help.

Renewable Energy Guide

The 2023 Shelterbelt and Ecobuffer Seedling Program is open and accepting applications!

The Shelterbelt and Ecobuffer Seedling Program is available to support landowners planting trees and shrubs throughout the County and opens yearly on November 1st. 

Applicants can qualify to receive up to $2000 in funding!

Learn More

Did You Know?

On average, Canadians use approximately 223 litres of water per person, per day!

Here are some simple ways to help reduce your water consumption:

• Check your toilets for leaks

• Take shorter showers

• Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors

• Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

• Check faucets and pipes for leaks

• Only use your dishwasher for full loads

SWCC Benefit Plans

Did you know that Strathmore Wheatland Chamber Of Commerce (SWCC) has benefit plans available for their members? For more information, visit their website today!

SWCC Website

Gravel Pit Sales

Building a road approach or upgrading your driveway? Did you know, Wheatland County residents are able to purchase crushed gravel and pitrun at a reduced cost? Please purchase gravel sales tickets at prior to hauling.

Residents are able to redeem gravel tickets between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the set days and locations as outlined below:

  • June 14th and 15th, 2023 – Goldsmith Pit (Cluny) located at NE-8-22-21W4 (7/8” Crush & Pit Run)
  • July 5th and 6th, 2023 – Christensen Pit (Carseland) located at NE-03-22-25W4m (3/4” Crush & Pit Run)
  • August 9th and 10th, 2023 – Fish Lake Pit (Dalum) located at NE-28-26-18W4M (7/8” Crush & Pit Run)

For more information and to complete a purchase application, click here.


February 7: Council Meeting @ 9 AM

February 14: Municipal Planning Commission @ 9 AM

February 14: Public Presentation Committee @ 10 AM

February 14: Committee of the Whole @ 10 AM

February 20: Family Day (Office Closed)

February 21: Council Meeting @ 9 AM


March 7: Council Meeting @ 9 AM

March 14: Municipal Planning Commission @ 9 AM

March 30: Committee of the Whole @ 9 AM

Events and More

Visit our website or click on the posters to learn more.

242006 Range Rd 243

Wheatland County, AB T1P 2C4

(403) 934-3321

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