Celebrate National Mentoring Month with Us
Our collaborative #MentoringMonth social campaign with the SBA is live, and we are so excited to kick off 2024 by spotlighting the amazing volunteers that make an impact in small business communities throughout the US. SCORE Twin Cities mentor Chris Wicker is our first feature! Check out (and share 😁) his video below.
Watch Chris answer a user-submitted small business question!
Review Our New LinkedIn Best Practices Guide
In FY23, LinkedIn officially joined the ranks of the centrally-managed channels included in the Chapter Social Media Program. Because this channel is still very new to our program, we wanted to provide you with a training guide to enhance and optimize both your personal and chapter LinkedIn accounts.
View our LinkedIn Page Optimization and Fan Growth Strategies guide.
Learn More about Success Story Support for All Chapters
Success Story Support is a new addition to the Chapter Social Media Program this year. Much like the process for mining and promoting your chapter workshops as Facebook Events, our team will go through your chapter’s website once per month to capture new success stories you have posted. We will then use a SOCi template to share these posts on your chapter social media channels.
Learn more about the new success story support here.
Share Your Chapter's Social Media Wins with Us
We want to work with you! If you have an interest in presenting during the monthly Social Media Webinars, we would love to hear from you. Once per quarter, we are looking to have one Social Media Chair share their chapter’s strategy, best practices or special initiatives that are making your social media presence grow.
Interested in participating? Email us at socialmedia@score.org.
Attend Hiper Monthly Open Office Hours on January 18
Do you have questions about social media advertising for your chapter? New in FY24, we invite you to join us for monthly office hours dedicated to answering chapter questions related to optional social media ad packages. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the world of social advertising, the team at Hiper is ready to answer your questions and guide you through the campaign offerings.
Register for Hiper's Monthly Office Hours here.