Dr. King's Legacy
Monday was MLK Day of Service, a day of giving in honor of Dr. King and his legacy. Thanks to Volunteer Arlington and the Arlington Rotary Club, we had more than 200 volunteers make 138 blankets for kids in our Afterschool program.
Six people attended a Listen & Learn on affordable housing hosted by the Alliance for Housing Solutions, Affordable Homes & Communities, and the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing. More than 120 people made 2,500+ snack bags for AHC residents. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s MLK Day of Service!
Want to Give Your Time?
We need volunteers to assist with a basic computer skills class for our residents at The Terraces at Arlington View. The class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and runs through February 22. Email laura.jackson@ahcinc.org to volunteer or for more information.