Happy New Year!

From the Desk of Dan Hanrahan

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for all your hard work in 2023. I’m incredibly grateful for your flexibility, expertise, and commitment to our schools and students throughout our region.

As we begin 2024, I hope this year brings happiness to all of you, both personally and professionally. Let us continue to learn, innovate, and collaborate, fostering an environment that celebrates the accomplishments and growth of our districts and each member of our esteemed team.

Happy New Year!

All my best,


SLATE 2023 - Beth and Frank

Beth Clarke and Frank Devereaux had a great time presenting at the SLATE conference last month. Check out some pictures from their presentation below!

Workshop Hosting Site Transition

We were recently informed that MyQuickReg.com will be shutting down this summer. As such, we've begun transitioning to a new event-hosting website called Neon One. We're working through the onboarding process and will share more details and what it means for our workshops and webinars in the coming months. Other CESAs have been using Neon successfully, so we're looking forward to the new features with this transition!

Licensing, Evaluation, and Support Center - Year in Review

The Licensing, Evaluation, and Support Center had a great year building and growing the support CESA 2 provides educators. In 2023, we had 102 people enroll in the CESA 2 Licensure Academy for School Staff (CLASS). CLASS offers 9 licensure areas, FORT support, and a statewide approved license with stipulations American Indian Studies Act 31 course. Our Career Fair hosted several people looking for jobs in education, and we answered licensing questions. Our New Teacher Center Mentoring is strong and training new mentors, and our substitute teacher training has supported over 2900 people looking to become substitute teachers.

New WITESOL Secretary - Kaycee Rogers

Congratulations to Kaycee Rogers, who was recently elected to serve as WITESOL's (Wisconsin's Professional Organization for English Language Teachers) board as secretary! She'll serve alongside two CLASS alums - Chelsea Olsen and Marcia Mihdawi - who are members-at-large.

Great work, Kaycee!

CESA Purchasing - Need a Quote?

Our new "Source a Quote" service is making a lot of buzz! Tell your district contacts about our new website feature to help make saving money even easier!

Source a Quote

Share "Thank You's" and Accomplishments of Your Fellow CESA 2 Employees!

Have a Shout-Out? Share it with Phil at phil.anderson@cesa2.org.

By Nicole Barlass

I would like to give a shout-out to Joey Garcia for earning his certificate as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist!


Christina Cook – January 1

Christopher Martineau – January 1

Mary Anne Wieland – January 1

Steve Koss – January 1

Matt Geyso – January 3

Melissa Villanueva – January 8

Claire West – January 9

Jay Parker – January 15

Lisa Mertz – January 18

Sarah Shea – January 18

JaNean Blackwell – January 18

Mitchell Lilly – January 24

Jennifer Iverson - January 26

Katie Rzeznik – January 28

Randy Enge – January 31


Kelsey Porzky – January 2

Rebecca Brown   - January 3

Carmen Keehn - January 6

Valerie Schmitz - January 6

Michael Esslinger - January 6

Joseph Kanke – January 11

Matthew Lee – January 12

Andrew Graham – January 16

Melissa Baier de Garcia   – January 16

Owen Raisbeck   - January 18

Kevin Fix – January 19

Joey Garcia – January 22

Rosamond Birch – January 23

Danielle Albrecht – January 24

Elizabeth Larimer – January 24

Steve Koss – January 27

Lisa Mertz – January 29

Sarah Fischer – January 30

If you'd like to not have your name or date featured here for upcoming newsletters, please email phil.anderson@cesa2.org.

Connect on the CESA 2 Staff Facebook Page!

Join the CESA 2 Staff Facebook page!

This is a private CESA 2 Facebook group for CESA 2 staff. Stay in touch with dozens of your fellow employees during this time as we post about encouragement, tips, and fun!

Previous Internal Newsletters

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

What would you like to know?

If you have an idea for a future article in the Connect Staff Newsletter, please share! Send your requests to Phil Anderson at phil.anderson@cesa2.org.

CESA 2 | 262.473.1473 | www.cesa2.org

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