NLAI Ministry Update | January 2024

"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

Happy New Year, friends!

We pray that your holiday season was filled with family, feast, and fellowship in Jesus’ name! Here in Guatemala, we saw the hand of God over our Christmas celebrations. We were able to play games, give gifts, and eat more pancakes than one might imagine!

Our hope and prayer is that the kids at NLCH were able to feel the love and presence of Jesus in all of the Christmas festivities. We’re so grateful for the ways you partnered with us in 2023 and in years past to make an impact on this community.

See a video highlighting NLAI's 70 years of missionary service.

Praises and Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for a great start to the 70th Year of NLAI! God has been faithful, is faithful, and will always be faithful to accomplish His purposes!
  • Praise God for a strong start for Little Pasos Learning Center as they have begun their first year of pre-school!
  • Praise God for 637 students in the New Life Christian School... a record enrollment!
  • Praise God for a wonderful Christmas season of rejoicing in our Savior's birth and enjoying life together in Him.
  • Pray for and into "Awakening" with us! God wants us to wake up and be alert and experience all that He has for us as He brings revival and life to the lost who are still in the dark.
  • Pray for Dr. Charles Davis, the second president of NLAI. He is 93 and has just been placed into hospice care.
  • Pray for Rob and Kristy Mehner as they transition into life back in the US after seven years of service at NLCH.
  • Pray for Sydney O'Guinn who is raising support to come serve as a teacher with Little Pasos.
New Life Advance International | PO Box 903 | Stafford, TX 77497
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