Hi all

Welcome to those who are subscribers as well as those who are reading my newsletter for the first time. If you missed the January News & Views Part 1 about Mercury going direct, and leaving its retrograde arc (shadow) on January 21, you can read that here conta.cc/3Hc823K. Please excuse any typos or mistakes below. Feel free to notify me if you find any.
The contents of this newsletter includes sections on North Node (Rāhu), Uranus and Pluto; Upcoming classes and lectures; Horoscope consultations; Sensitive Degrees 2024 Webinar; Celestial Events; Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy book.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who supported my Kickstarter campaign Venus Rising. I am diligently working on revising my book Venus: The Evolution of the Goddess and her Planet, which is out of print, but like all books still available on used book sites. The new book will have a different slant and will contain lots of new material, some of which were eliminated from the first book due to publisher's constraints. Thank you all again.

There are so many powerful planetary signatures happening in the second half of January. On January 21, Mercury leaves the retrograde arc (shadow) and you can read about that in my January News and Views conta.cc/3Hc823K. On January 21, Pluto re-entered tropical Aquarius, but not for the final time since it will retrograde back into tropical Capricorn one more time before it enters tropical Aquarius definitively in 2025. The true North Node (Rāhu) conjoins the degree of the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 exactly on January 21, and Uranus stations direct on January 27th, which means that there will be no retrograde planets until April 1, 2024, when Mercury once again retrogrades until April 25. Scroll down for information about these planetary signatures.

Remember that Intermediate and Advanced Jyotisa (Indian astrology) Classes will begin January 17 and January 24. So excited to once again share this wonderful art and science with all of you. Remember you can register and begin at any time, since you will get recordings of any classes that you miss. Advanced Jyotisa classes, which occur once a month, begin this coming week, and like the intermediate classes, you can register at any time, since you will receive the recordings. Watch this newsletter for announcements of other astrologers who will provide webinars. Scroll down for more information and registration for Indian astrology classes and future lectures.
This month's lunations occur with the New Moon on January 11, 2024, 11:57 AM GMT, Tropical 20° Capricorn 44', Sidereal. 26° Sagittarius 38’, pūrvāṣāḍhāand the Full Moon on January 25, 2024, 5:53 PM GMT, Tropical 05° Leo 14', Sidereal. 11° Cancer 9', puṣyaIf you have any planets, points, or angles around those degrees (I would take a one-two degree orb) then whatever is represented by that planet, point or angle, will be prominent and important until the next lunation, meaning that if something in your chart is conjunct this month's New Moon on January 11, 2024, it will be prominent until the next New Moon on February 9, 2024, and if something in your chart is conjunct this month's Full Moon on January 25, 2024, it will be prominent until the next Full Moon on February 24, 2024. The New Moon represents beginnings and can help you to institute a change you have been thinking about while the Full Moon is an accomplishment or culmination and gives the push to continue on that path.

If your birthday is between January 10-12, 2024, then the New Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning a change is bound to happen, so work on that change. It could be a physical move, job change, relationship change, or simply working on yourself to integrate new patterns and habits into your life. Expect a great deal of transformative experiences that will make you want to change or take a step in a different direction. Take your time but do head in that direction, since otherwise it will happen to you whether you initiate it or not.

If your birthday is between January 24-26, 2024, then the Full Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning that it may be year when things you have been working on will manifest, or feel like they are moving in the right direction, so continue with whatever is fulfilling you. (Scroll down for more Celestial Events.)

You can get notices from me through social media. Sign up through Facebook (facebook.com/ronnie.dreyer), Instagram (instagram.com/rgdreyer) and Twitter (twitter.com/ronniedreyer) though I am on Twitter less and less. And if you know someone who wants to subscribe to this newsletter they can go to my Website and sign up.

Please remember that by staying subscribed to this newsletter, in addition to monthly newsletters about planetary weather, you will also get separate newsletters about horoscope sales, classes, webinars, etc. like this one, so if you are not interested in learning astrology, but do want to read the news each month, please do not unsubscribe, just delete the advertisements when they arrive.

All good wishes
North Node (Rāhu), Uranus, Pluto
North Node (Rāhu) conjoining Eclipse Degree. As many of you know, I always put a great deal of emphasis when the Node conjoins the eclipse degree either before or after the eclipse occurs. It is no different with the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, which will be 100 percent visible throughout Mexico and the United States, going from the southwest through to the northeast up through Eastern Canada. I will be writing about this in subsequent newsletters especially as we near the partial lunar eclipse on March 25. For those who wish to learn more about the eclipse and its path of totality you can read it here at earthsky.org. https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/total-solar-eclipse-april8-24/ Just like the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, whose eclipse path started in the northwest United States and ended in the southeast, this one is already attracting visitors who want to observe the moments of totality, which on April 8th will occur at different times depending on location. If you do not make it to see this event, or feel that it is detrimental to view it in-person, you can always watch it live at nasa.gov. The following is the date of the solar eclipse and when the North Node (Rahu) conjoins it.
North Node (Rāhu) conjoins. Solar Eclipse. January 21, 2024.
Solar Total Eclipse. April 8, 2024. 2:20 PM EDT. Tropical. 19° Aries 24’. Sidereal. 25° Pisces 18’. bharaṇī
Even though the true Node is exactly conjunct the April eclipse degree on January 21st, it is within about one degree of that degree from January 10-28 and then the eclipse will come to that degree on April 8th, but it means that the influence of that eclipse has already started to be felt within the world and in your chart. Nodal transits and eclipses bring intensity, surprises, and secrets coming out of the woodwork. Anything that started to be revealed or brought out in the open in the period between January 10-28 can have its manifestation around the eclipse. (Much more about this as the eclipse approaches. I also address this in my 2024 Sensitive Degrees Webinar. Scroll down to purchase.)
Remember that because the Nodes must be near the Sun and Moon for an eclipse to form, the Nodes will always come to the degree of the eclipse either before or after. The closer the Node is to the Eclipse degree at the time of the eclipse (on April 8, the Node will be within four degrees of the eclipse) the shorter the duration of the time between the Eclipse and when the Node hits the degree of the Eclipse. The shorter the duration the more intense that period will be. In this case it is only two and a half months. Sometimes nothing happens on the actual eclipse, but instead it will have effects for some time before and after the event. When the Nodes hit eclipse points, either before or after the actual eclipse takes place, the span of the eclipse may be considered to begin and end its period of intensity even though planets that conjoin or aspect the eclipse point either before or after the eclipse will activate eclipse-like activity as well. If the Node hits the eclipse point prior to the eclipse (as it does in this case), then the Node will awaken what the eclipse will finish. If the eclipse occurs before the Node hits the eclipse point, then the eclipse will awaken what
the Node will finish. If the eclipse hits a planet, point, or angle in your chart, the Node will also hit that point prior or after, so that is why it is important to look at this as an important transit that awakens something in your chart. If the eclipse does not hit a planet, point, or angle, look at the house that it falls in. Scroll down for whichever system you use.  
Read if you use tropical Western astrology. If you have a planet, point, or angle in your chart close to 19° Aries 24’ (I use a one-degree orb) where the Node conjoins, and the eclipse will occur, this point will be intensified, awakened, and will be dealt with between now and the eclipse of April 8.  Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets and angles: 
Sun. vitality, individuality, ego; Moon. emotions, habits, conditioning; Mercury. communication, intelligence; Venus. love, beauty, creativity; Mars. physical energy, aggression, courage; Jupiter. expansion, abundance; Saturn. limitation, disciplined, fear; Uranus. originality, independent, rebellious; Neptune. spiritual, immaterial, imagination; Pluto. intensity, power; North Node. power, place where you must strive; South Node. place where it is easy, habits; Ascendant. personality, destiny; IC. home, family, mother; Descendant. partnerships, contracts; Midheaven. career, father
The house where tropical Aries is located will be intensified between now and April 8. If you do not know which house tropical Aries occupies, look at your ascendant or Sun (if you do not know your ascendant), and just count from there. General descriptions for houses are as follows:  
1. personality, body, appearance; 2. finances, possessions, values. 3. communication, siblings, short journeys, learning; 4. family, mother, home; 5. children, recreation, entertainment; 6. health, service, pets; 7. marriage, contracts, partnership; 8. business transactions, sexuality, life and death matters; 9. higher education, travel abroad, publishing, law; 10. profession, status, father; 11. gains, friendships, hopes, dreams; 12. compassion, spirituality, limitations, solitude.
Read if you use Indian sidereal astrology. If you have a planet, point, or angle in your chart close to 25° Pisces 18’ (I use a one-degree orb) where the Node conjoins, and the eclipse will occur, this point will be intensified, awakened, and will be dealt with between now and the eclipse of April 8.  Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets and angles.
Sun.  power, vigor; Moon. maternal, mind; Mars. strength, courage; Mercury. speech, learning; Jupiter.  knowledge, wealth; Venus. love, happiness; Saturn. sorrow, fear; Rāhu (North Node). intensity, compulsion; Ketu (South Node). extremes, spirituality; Lagna (Ascendant). destiny, vitality. If you use Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the angles you can look above at tropical Western astrology for their keywords. 
The house where sidereal Pisces is located will be intensified between now and April 8. If you do not know which house sidereal Pisces occupies, look at your lagna (ascendant), or Moon, or even your Sun (if you do not know your ascendant or Moon), and just count from there. General descriptions for bhavas (houses) are as follows:   
1. appearance, destiny, temperament, personality, constitution; 2. Money, family life, food, speech, early childhood; 3. Siblings, Fine arts, courage, desires; 4. Mother, happiness, real estate, vehicles; 5. Children, romance, investments, speculation; 6. Open enemies, work, competition, obstacles, illness; 7. Marriage, partners, contracts, passion; 8. Life and death cycle, research, accidents, other's money, inheritance; 9. Father, teacher (guru), religion, higher learning, opportunity; 10. Career, status, public recognition, reputation; 11. Profits, rewards, gains from work, awards, older siblings; 12. spiritual practice, secret enemies, foreign travel, debt, confinement.
Uranus Stations Direct
Uranus stations direct on January 27, 2024. As it does each year, Uranus retrogrades for a period of about five months, so we do not always notice the difference when Uranus is retrograde or direct, except to note the time period a week before and after it retrogrades or goes direct. That means that right around now there may be something of major significance in the world, that will change a trajectory or pattern that began in late August-early September. Since the world is so much on edge these days, and there could be anything that is sudden, exciting, and unexpected for better or worse, it really is difficult to make any type of prediction for what the event might be. It could range from a major earth change (earthquake, flood, etc.) to one of major political proportions (war, death of a public influential figure) or it could even be something positive like the ending rather than a beginning to war. Of course the latter would be my hope. It could be a financial rise or fall or simply a change that was unexpected, but in the end might have a positive outcome. We will have to wait and see but Uranus heightens the nervous system, and there will be lots of things that may put us on edge between January 20-February 4. So be calm, take deep breaths, meditate, get some rest, and basically do anything you can to stay calm and positive.
It is also important with a Uranus station to note the interaction with other planets, and to note the stationary degrees, since that affects you if you have a planet, point or angle around that point. This past five months the Uranus cycle is as follows
August 29, 2023. Uranus stations retrograde. Tropical. 23° Taurus 4'. Sidereal. 28° Aries 59’. kṛttikā
January 27, 2024. Uranus stations direct. Tropical. 19° Taurus 5'. Sidereal. 24° Aries 59’. bharaṇī
That means that once Uranus stations direct, there will not be any retrograde planets until Mercury retrogrades from April 1-25, 2024, followed by Pluto stationing retrograde on May 2, 2024. This means that there are so many events and projects moving at fast motion that may have stalled or slowed down since last summer when the retrograde planets began piling up. Do your best to think of any projects, plans, relationships, or financial dealings that may have languished and get them moving again. Jupiter moves quickly now through tropical Taurus/sidereal Aries until the spring when Jupiter changes signs once again (moves into tropical Gemini on May 25 and sidereal Taurus on April 30).
If you have any planets in between Tropical 19° Taurus 5'-23° Taurus 4' or Sidereal 24° Aries 59’-28° Aries 59’ (you can also use a one degree orb) then you have especially felt the transit of Uranus as it caused some surprising occurrences that could be wonderful or could be bumps in the road. It is a good idea to keep track of exactly what has been affected by Uranus in your own chart since around last May 12, 2023, since that is when Uranus first crossed the degree where it now is stationing direct. But now you will begin to move things along full steam ahead. This will also reach a crescendo point when Jupiter conjoins Uranus (even though they have been in the same sign since last April (sidereal) and May (tropical). This conjunction occurs at Tropical 21° Taurus 49’/Sidereal 27° Aries 37’. The conjunction will be within a one degree orb of each other from April 1-May 8 and anything that you have that falls between the retrograde and direct Uranus degrees above, will have an enormous magnification in your life. These are things that have already been hinted at since Uranus first crossed the stationary degree around May 12, 2023 and will continue to not only surprise you, but to wake you up and get you to take action on things you may be slow to react to. More about this in the April newsletter, as we get closer to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
Pluto re-enters Tropical Aquarius
f you use the tropical zodiac, there has been so much talk about Pluto leaving tropical Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, and entering Aquarius, where it will stay until 2043. Time will tell to see what changes this may bring, and the first thing that comes to my mind are the changes in currency and the financial world, since 2008 was the beginning of the recession that began to recover in 2010. During these last 16 years there was the rise of cryptocurrency and other ways of exchanging money. There have been podcasts looking at past transits of Pluto through tropical Aquarius and I will leave it up to others to surmise what changes will come about. The following shows the dates when Pluto first entered tropical Aquarius in 2023, the dates that it enters and leaves this year, and the date it finally stays there in 2025. What that means is that to look at the time that it entered Aquarius in 2023, which should provide a hint about what to expect this year, and what you may finally put into action next year that will be a long-time permanent influence. Pay attention to the moments that it stations retrograde and direct, as well as if you have a planet, point, or angle at the last degrees of tropical Capricorn, and the early degrees of tropical Aquarius since Pluto enters and re-enters tropical Aquarius several times between March 2023 and November 20, 2024 for a final time. If you use the sidereal zodiac, have anything around 5-7 degrees sidereal Capricorn, this will affect you as well. More about Pluto as the year goes on, since it is not yet settled into tropical Aquarius. Whatever Pluto may cause to happen in your own chart and in the world related to Aquarius, that will finally be enacted when Pluto enters tropical Aquarius for a final time November 19, 2024.

Pluto enters Aquarius March 23, 2023 
Pluto stations retrograde. May 1, 2023. 00°Aquarius 21’ 
Pluto R re-enters Capricorn June 11, 2023 
Pluto stations direct. October 11, 2023. 27°Capricorn 53’ 
Pluto D re-enters Aquarius January 21, 2024. 
Pluto stations retrograde. May 2, 2024. 02°Aquarius 06’
Pluto R re-enters Capricorn September 2, 2024 
Pluto stations direct. October 12, 2024. 29°Capricorn 38’
Pluto D re-enters Aquarius November 19, 2024  
Upcoming Lectures and Classes. 2024

Intermediate and advanced Indian astrology classes resume in January on Wednesday evenings on January 17 and January 24. You can still register and attend since you will get recordings for each class even if you cannot attend live. Register at www.ronniedreyer.com/schedule with paypal, venmo, credit card. Or you can pay with zelle to [email protected]. Installment payments available online. If you cannot attend live classes, you will receive recordings the next day and email me privately if you have financial concerns. Email me if you are unsure if you are at the right level.

Intermediate Jyotiṣa Classes 2024
Ten Wednesday evenings every other week (with some exceptions as seen below). January 17-May 29, 2024. 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern Time. (Syllabus and dates are open to change if necessary) $285. If you wish to purchase the recording of Fundamentals of Astrology you can do so at ronniedreyer.com/schedule and you will be up to date for Intermediate classes. Each class will provide examples of continuing interpretation and forecasting.
Class One. Wed. Jan 17. Review and continued interpretation and forecasting. Introduction to Upayes or Remedial measures.
Class Two. Wed. Jan. 31. Tithis and Naksatras in more detail.
Class Three. Thurs. Feb. 15. Continuation of Nakshatras.
Class Four. Wed. Feb. 28. Introduction to Navamsa.
Class Five. Wed. March 13. Continuation of Navamsa. More chart examples.
Class Six. Wed. March 27. Planetary Combinations.
Class Seven. Wed. April 17. Atmakaraka. More yogas and more chart examples.
Class Eight. Wed. May 1. Advanced Yogas.
Class Nine. Wed. May 15. Practicum in interpretation and Forecasting. Part One.
Class Ten. Wed. May 29. Practicum in interpretation and Forecasting. Part Two.
Includes: Supplemental reading and videos, discussion group in between classes. Classes include additional recordings that will prepare you for ACVA Level I Certification testing.
Advanced Jyotiṣa Master Classes 2024
Six Wednesday evenings once a month. January 24, February 21, March 20, April 24, May 22, June 12. 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern Time (Syllabus and dates are open to change if necessary). $235. Everyone receives recordings and power point presentations the following day. You can register at www.ronniedreyer.com/schedule with paypal, venmo, credit card. Or you can pay with zelle to [email protected]. Installment payments available online. 
Deep dive into interpretation, forecasting, and consulting skills. Must know basic and intermediate Jyotisa. We will start out looking at current planetary weather, and move on to a chart in the news, or a chart you want to discuss. If topics come up that you want to know more about, I will record in between classes so you can listen in your own time and then apply in the next class. Participants are welcome to present but are not obliged to do that. Class will be interactive, and a place where you can practice your skills and bring issues that you want to discuss in interpretation, forecasting, and other consulting issues. Supplemental reading and videos, discussion group in between classes. This will also give you more practice if you want to take the ACVA (American College of Vedic Astrology) certification.
Tuesday. February 13, 2024. 7:00-9:00 PM EST. Power of Love. Lecture in honor of Valentine's Day. Hybrid presentation for New York City Astrology Meet-Up. Come in person or Zoom. Place: Quest Bookstore. 242 East 53rd Street. New York City. Lecture description forthcoming.
Monday. March 25, 2024. 7:30-9:30 PM EDT. Secrets of Astro*Carto*Graphy Revealed. Zoom presentation for Milwaukee NCGR Chapter. Registration information forthcoming. 
Using the late Jim Lewis’ concept of seeing where in the world natal planets are angular (we will review the concept of angularity), Ronnie will draw on years of working with Astro*Carto*Graphy maps and with Jim himself to show how to pinpoint locations that do and do not resonate with you. This could include places you want to live, friends and partners who come from a particular place, and good locations to start a business. In addition to seeing how each planet affects you when it is prominent, we will also ruminate on what “place” and “location” mean in our lives, and how our ability to connect globally has changed their meaning. Many case studies will give information and, at times, surprising results.
Friday. April 26, 2024. 7:00-9:00 PM EDT. Those Magnificent Fixed Stars. Zoom presentation for Northern New Jersey NCGR Chapter. Registration information forthcoming. 
Let’s explore the astronomy and astrology of the fixed stars, whose remarkable appearance in the night sky determine their natal and mundane interpretation. We will see numerous examples of stars conjoining a planet or angle, and how transits to those degrees have a life-changing effect. Stars we will discuss include: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut (the four Persian royal stars), Spica, Scheat, Algol, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Zosma, Vega, and others. These techniques work with Eastern and Western charts and is for all levels of expertise. 
Horoscope Consultations

I am available for consultations and tutoring sessions via phone or video chat (I will send a link for gotomeeting, which is like zoom). I am no longer doing in-person consultations in New York City for the immediate future. I record the consultation with a digital recorder, and email you the mp3 and mp4 file, which you can easily download onto your computer or device. If you wish to give a horoscope reading as a gift, please make sure the person you are gifting would like to have one done before purchasing. If you would like to purchase a reading for yourself or someone else, please make payment at www.ronniedreyer.com/services. I do not have a scheduler at the moment, so I will reach out to you within 24-48 hours with available dates and times. I accept paypal, credit cards, venmo, or checking account on my website. There are installment payments available through paypal. If you prefer zelle, you can send payment to [email protected]. I am mostly booked between two and three weeks in advance. My next availability is Wednesday February 7. Appointments do go fast, so if you would like to book please keep that in mind. Please email me if you need clarification.

. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. $320 (up to 90 minutes with opportunity for questions after).
. Urgent Initial Reading. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. Appointment will be made within 5 days. $550. (Up to 90 minutes with opportunity for email questions after.)
. Phone or Video Update for the year ahead. $225 (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This reading is for those who have already consulted with me.
. Additional people you want to look at in the context of your reading. $40 for each additional chart.
. Compatibility reading for an hour. $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT an individual reading but a look at the relationship and timing for the relationship.
. Choosing an Auspicious Date for an event. $225 for research and consultation.
. Astro*Carto*Graphy or locality readings or "Where in the World?" $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after)Finding the right location and best timing for work, love, finances, health, etc. You must provide places that you are interested in.
. Combination of initial reading and Astro*Carto*Graphy reading. $375. (120 minutes with opportunity for questions after).
. Answering one specific question or examining one topic or area. $185. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT a horary chart but an examination of only one specific area or question. Only for people who have had an initial reading. 
. One hour Tutoring sessions in Indian Astrology or Astro*Carto*Graphy. $100 for one session. $275 for 3 sessions.