BWIM Seeking
Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry
The Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry is a new full-time, remote role on the Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) team and will be responsible for coordinating BWIM’s current advocacy initiatives and developing new opportunities to advocate for the full affirmation of women in ministry in Baptist life.
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BWIM’s advocacy efforts include encouraging and equipping Baptist congregations to affirm, value, and elevate women in ministry and leadership, and growing a movement to embed gender equity in Baptist life and communities. Desired qualifications include a master’s degree from an accredited seminary or divinity school, 7+ years of experience in positions connected to Baptist ministry and leadership, demonstrated commitment to equity for women in ministry, and capacity for navigating complex issues, and organizing people, programs, and initiatives to affect change within religious communities.
To be considered for this exciting new role on the BWIM team,
submit materials before February 28, 2024.
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Addie Davis Scholarships
BWIM is changing the way it supports female Baptist seminarians in honor of Addie Davis, the first woman ordained to pastoral ministry by a Southern Baptist Church in 1964.Instead of making two awards related to seminarians' excellence in preaching and outstanding pastoral leadership, BWIM is providing financial support for Baptist women enrolled in seminary to pursue a calling to ministry and leadership.
Female seminarians who have membership in a Baptist church, are enrolled full-time in a Masters-level program at an ATS accredited seminary or divinity school, and can articulate and provide evidence of a sense of calling to ministry and leadership among Baptist communities are eligible.
Applications are open on the BWIM website. Completed scholarship applications must be received by March 22, 2024. The minimum scholarship amount is $2,000, and there will be a maximum of 5 scholarships awarded.
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BWIM Month of Advocacy
Save the Date! March 2024
In addition to inviting a woman to preach, we also encourage you and your congregation to engage in one of the forms of advocacy listed on our website during March, which is also Women’s History Month. A new resource available this year is an updated version of Meredith Stone's A Baptist Reflection on the Bible and Women in Ministry and Leadership with an added discussion guide. Use this online resource with your Sunday school class, small group, church staff, or bring a group of folks together for discussion about women's value to God's work in the world.
Not only will you have access to ideas on how to advocate for the full affirmation of women in ministry and leadership in Baptist communities, you will also be able to download social media posts to engage, educate, and encourage others to join your advocacy efforts!
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Upcoming BWIM Documentary Screening Dates!
If you're in the following areas next month, please make plans to join us at a screening of BWIM's documentary Midwives of a Movement.
Can't join us at one of these screenings, check our website for dates and locations across the country!
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January and February 2024 Screenings
January 31: Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC
February 11: FBC, Austin, TX
February 24: Boulevard Baptist Church, Anderson, SC
February 27: Baylor University, Waco, TX
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Click image above to watch documentary trailer. | |
Thank you for your support
in 2023!
Thank you! Your support for Baptist Women in Ministry means the world to us. You are providing Baptist women in ministry and leadership with what they need to succeed: sustaining resources for their ministry, a supportive community to thrive in their roles, and advocacy for the full affirmation of God’s calling on their lives. Your support is helping create Baptist communities where women thrive in their roles as leaders and ministers.
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Spring 2024 Book Club
This month during BWIM's Month of Advocacy we will be hosting our Spring 2024 Book Club. This year we will be reading Liz Cooledge Jenkins' Nice Churchy Patriarchy. Save the date to join us on Zoom March 6th, 13th, and 20th.
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BWIM partners with Baptist News Global (BNG) to celebrate and promote the strong writing voices of women! BWIM is advocating for women's equal representation in Baptist media by uplifting women's writing and encouraging women's increased participation in shaping Baptist life, culture, and theology.
To find out more about BWIM's partnership and to read articles written as the result of the partnership, click below. If you are interested in becoming a potential writer for BNG, email Laura Ellis for more information at lauraellis@bwim.info
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Rev. Lydia Tatum, to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina, as Welcome Network director.
Rev. Melody Kidd, installed as pastor at Emmanuel Community Church on November 11th.
Rev. LaThemla Yenn-Betah, named Interim Executive Director of American Baptist Women's Ministries.
Rev. Joe Ella Darby, elected Interim Pastor of FBC, Capitol Hill.
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We Want To Celebrate Your Ordination!
If you know a Baptist woman who has been ordained or will be ordained, please email names and pictures (if possible) to heatherdeal@bwim.info. BWIM wants to share in celebrating congregational affirmation of all women in ministry, and it helps us to keep records of all of the women in Baptist life who are ordained.
Rev. Brenda Cohen (pictured), ordained to the ministry on January 14th by Inman FBC, Inman, SC.
Rev. Denise Conrad, ordained to the ministry December 17th by McLean Baptist Church, McLean, VA.
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Rev. Amy Cummings, ordained to the ministry on January 21st by Murphy Road Baptist Church, Murphy, TX.
Rev. Sarah Hanks, ordained to the ministry on January 21st by College Park Baptist Church, Greensboro, NC.
Rev. Meagan Holleman, ordained to the ministry on January 21st by College Park Baptist Church, Greensboro, NC.
Rev. Victoria Pena, ordained to the ministry on December 17th by Messiah Baptist Church, Brockton, MA.
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BWIM posts information online for any church/organization who contacts us directly to advertise their open position so that candidates can have access to a current list of open positions. | |
New positions posted online since the last newsletter include:
- Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry (Full-Time), Baptist Women in Ministry, Remote
Senior Pastor (Full-Time), Third Baptist Church, Owensboro, KY
- Pastor (Part-Time), First Baptist Church, Blair, NE
- Minister of Welcome and Connection (Part-Time), Ardmore Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC
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Be sure to connect with your state or regional BWIM group for
events happening near you!
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