January 2024 News

Dharmahorse Equine Sanctuary

and Herbal Stable Yard

Hello Katharine,

January has been a month of pouring rain, sunshine, a new intake and lots of work (well, the work is no different from any other month!).

Our wonderful team of Volunteers and Professionals have rallied to keep all the horses safe and healthy, helping with everything from hoof care to facility maintenance. We remain always grateful for all the people who help us help the horses.

The weather has meant "blankets on; blankets off" day and night - a kind of guessing game sometimes with questionable and ever changing forecasts.

Comet and Murray came down to DH2, to the small track (we divided the track system) after our new intake, "Teddy" came out of quarantine. Here is how that went when we tried putting the three of them together...


Teddy, our new intake is a Buckskin gelding in his mid-twenties who came to us "over in the knees" with one very elongated hoof.

As you can see, he was well cared for (and very much loved). Teddy lived on land that had sold and he had to be relocated. His person needed a safe place for him to land. We realized that selling him or sending him to auction would put him at risk, so we took him in!

Our Veterinarian X Rayed his front legs and that hoof so our farrier would be able to safely balance his hooves with no surprises. Teddy was sedated and we were able to have his teeth floated, sheath and ears cleaned and a general health exam.

Teddy had some sharp points and misshapen teeth, and Dr. Heather got him able to chew better. He was also walking SO well after the hoof trimming!

We have some exciting news: Katharine and Rachel with several Dharma Horses have four instructional videos in this "Art of the Horseman Online Fair".

Over 40 of the industry's most beloved experts are featured.

Wind and rain!

We took heaps of hay nets, filled with grass hay, out to shelters.

We X Rayed Pepper's healed broken leg, to compare with his early X Rays. He is a true miracle, able to gallop and play. He is sound!

The Herd

While our attempt to introduce Teddy to Comet and Murray on the small track did not go as expected, Teddy is doing well beside the large track system. He is getting to know the herd with a fence in between and we hope that someday he can be with others... taking a more gradual approach!

Comet and Murray are back at DH1 and thriving.

Our Store

We have these three designs (art by Linda, Billy and Katharine) available on mugs, shirts, toddler clothes and more:


All proceeds go to the horses! Great gift ideas!

Visit, like and follow our Facebook page!
Stay up to date with all that happens at Dharmahorse!
Visit our Website
We see each horse here as an individual with physical, mental and emotional needs that are dynamic and fluctuate with the weather, the seasons, their changing bodies as they age and who they live with as a herd.

If you want to help a specific horse, you can sponsor his or her hay costs for a month:

Scroll to the bottom of the page for details on how to donate/sponsor.

We appreciate everyone who helps us help these horses. Donors, Volunteers, Foundations and those who "spread the word" about Dharmahorse. Thank you all.

You can use this DONATE button to access our website & donate from there. If you want to send a check, the address is 6874 Coyote Road, Las Cruces, NM, USA, 88012. Make checks to Dharmahorse. We are a 501c3 nonprofit, so donations are tax deductible.

We also have a WISH LIST at Chewy!
CLICK HERE to see it.

The Products on the list are SO needed and appreciated!

The First Thirty Days in Sanctuary

Dharmahorse Herbal
We use herbal supplements (of our own making) to support the good health of all the horses here. We make remedies for healing from plants! It's called "phytotherapy".

WHEAT BRAN is an important carrier of herbs and supplements at Dharmahorse - made into mashes, soaked well with water.

There is some controversy these days about feeding wheat bran (even though "wheat middlings" are a large part of most horse feeds on the market). READ ABOUT OUR METHODS

Mashes can be made with soaked hay pellets, especially in areas where the feeds might be high in phosphorus, but we have always used wheat bran and always will.

Now rice bran is an entirely different nutrient - it is nothing like wheat bran and cannot be fed in large quantities!

Our Herbal Guide has information on the herbs we use for the horses with recipes and safety guidelines:


All proceeds from the Guide go directly to the Sanctuary for the horses.

We don't do this for donations, we need donations to do this!

We wish you well. We hold this planet and all who fly with her in love & light.


Katharine, Mark, the DH Team & the Dharma Horses