In December, Opening Doors hosted our First Annual Staff Retreat, bringing us together in person for the first time since the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 2023, Opening Doors' staff grew from 50 to 77, giving all staff an opportunity to get to know each other better while deepening our understanding of effective cross-cultural communication and the values that are the foundation of the work of welcome; Rising Together, Honoring Dignity, Embracing Courage, and Seeking Joy.
The retreat also provided us the opportunity to recognize two staff members for their exceptional years of service. Neptoune Nilofar Amin, Refugee Program Manager, who has been with Opening Doors for 7 years; and Mohammed Al Salloom, Senior Loan Officer, who has been with Opening Doors for 12 years. We applaud their commitment to the work of welcome.
We also extend our thanks to Sacramento Taiko Dan for performing for our staff and allowing us to share in their culture.