Happy New Year from the

Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center!

Happy New Year from the Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center! May 2024 bring good health, unlimited professional growth & continued success.

“Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities

 hidden in each new day.” - Michael Josephson

Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute (R6-PHLI) Update

The Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute (R6-PHLI) will open applications to the 2024-25 cohort of emerging leaders this spring. The inaugural cohort has been quite successful in advancing professional leadership skills for addressing complex challenges and fostering innovative solutions. R6-PHLI focuses on emerging leaders, that is mid-management professionals who seek to advance their careers and attain leadership roles in public health agencies. Be on the lookout for more information for the applying for the next cohort of the R6-PHLI. 

For more information, visit the R6-PHLI Leadership Institute website or email us.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month.

Regular pap smear screenings and preventative vaccination have successfully reduced human papillomavirus (HPV) related cancers, especially cervical cancer. However, some geographic areas and populations are disproportionately impacted and would benefit from focused public health programs and interventions to raise awareness and increase vaccination uptake. 

Unfortunately, Oklahoma ranks higher than the national average for both cervical cancer incidence and mortality. In addition, Oklahoma falls behind the national average for HPV vaccination. This is alarming because HPV is very common and linked to a host of other health conditions and cancers. Various online health education resources related to HPV prevention and cervical cancer screening can be found through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC). Similarly, many states offer tangible resources through local and state health departments.

In support of Cervical Cancer Awareness month, OPHA's Public Health Education and Health Promotion (PHEHP) Section hosted a cervical cancer and HPV prevention webinar. Presenters included National Cervical Cancer Coalition chapter leaders Tracy Freudenthaler (Tulsa, OK) and Thania Cordova (Ft. Worth, TX), and Michelle Lessell, Cancer Program Coordinator at the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Power Point Slides from this event are available by contacting [email protected].

UTMB School of Public & Population Health

receives full CEPH Accreditation

The University of Texas Medical Branch's (UTMB) School of Public & Population Health (SPPH) achieved a significant milestone in December 2023 when it was awarded its full five-year accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). This accreditation acknowledges SPPH’s dedication to excellence in training future public health professionals, conducting impactful research and practice, and contributing to the overall advancement of public health and health equity. UTMB SPPH is the fifth school at UTMB and the second accredited school of public health in the University of Texas System.

Wellness Tips for the New Year!

As we enter a new year, the Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center is dedicated to promoting healthy living.

We’ve compiled several resources to inspire your wellness journey.

Check out the links below:

5 Ways to Feel Better

in the New Year

Want to improve your health in 2024 without making big changes or sacrifices? Try these 5 things.

Read More

24 New Year's

Health Resolutions for

Your Healthiest Year Yet

Learn how to promote wellness in all areas of your life with these 24 health resolutions for a healthier 2024.

Read More

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - January 15, 2024

The Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center and Tulane University will be closed on 1/15/2024 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Course Spotlight:

The Expanding Workforce - How We Can Shape Up On the Job

Course Description:

Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep breathing. Sit up straight. Let’s face it, working out is a chore for most people and in today’s busy world finding time to go to the gym or dedicating 30 minutes 5 days a week to exercise can be challenging. It’s a figure that’s starting to show given the increase in obesity rates all across the country.

So now the question becomes, whether you’re stuck behind a work desk or working on the go for at least 8 hours a day, how on earth do you fit in an exercise routine? You tighten your ab muscles while you’re reading a flyer for an upcoming program! (For those of you who did that, congratulations, you just increased physical activity in your workplace. You can relax those ab muscles now if you’d like.) It’s that easy. It’s also just that easy to learn about exercise programs already in place at various worksites across Alabama and throughout the country. This broadcast highlighted some of these efforts to increase physical activity and also gave tips on how to do similar activities in your worksite.

Eating right at work can sometimes be a struggle too, but there are ways to make healthy choices readily available. The broadcast also showed how easy it is to include these two food groups in your worksite on a daily basis. It doesn’t take much to eat right and be active while you’re working, in fact, being healthy at work could be the easiest and most enjoyable thing you do all day.

Learning Objectives:

  • List three alternative methods of getting 30 minutes of exercise during the workday
  • Describe several easy ways to include more fruits and vegetables in your workday diet
  • Discuss the primary benefits of including exercise and a healthy diet in your life

For more info about this training,

please click here.

Featured Course Bundle:

Louisiana Hurricane Response Hub (LaHRH)

Course Bundle Description:

The Louisiana Hurricane Response Hub (LaHRH) curriculum was developed by the Louisiana Office of Public Health to provide general guidance and training to the public health workforce, response workers, volunteers, and community members who face hazards that arise after hurricanes and floods occur in Louisiana. The courses will increase awareness, understanding, and preparedness of events and hazards associated with hurricanes and floods in Louisiana communities. 

The 4 courses in this curriculum cover topics related to general safety and health considerations, heat-related illness, private water wells, and mold exposure. Local resources related to Louisiana hurricane preparedness and recovery are provided to strengthen community awareness and resilience.

Courses in this bundle include:

  • LaHRH101: After the Hurricane: Potential Hazards and Disaster Recovery
  • LaHRH102: Mold Exposure and Health Effects
  • LaHRH103: Heat-Related Illness - Risk Factors, Types & Prevention
  • LaHRH104: Protecting Your Private Well Water

For more information about the LaHRH course bundle, click here.

Looking for more training on a specific topic in public health? Need additional training on a current public health hot topic? We want to help you address these needs.

Please fill out this brief survey. The survey is three questions long and takes fewer than 3 minutes to complete, on average.

We look forward to your feedback!

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