News of the Presbytery of San José

9 When they had heard the king, they set out, and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen in the east, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 

Matthew 2:9-10

The 2024 Presbytery Meetings are scheduled for:

February 5th

May 4th

September 21st

November 16th

The most current copy of the Mid-Council Newsletter may be found here:


A letter to the Presbytery from the Stated Clerk, Rev. Erica Rader:

"It is a different new year for us as our friend and Executive Presbyter the Rev. Joey Lee begins his retirement season.  Joey has led us with wisdom and love..."

Click here for the remainder of the letter.

The Public House has received occupancy approval! Test brews will begin shortly, with an opening date for the pub happening in late February.

It's also been featured in a local publication edible of Monterey Bay. The link may be found here:


Save the Date!

Join us for the

Dedication and

Open House with

Bill Wilson Center Thursday,

March 7th,  

6:00-8:00 pm

Bill Wilson Center staff and programs have moved into our Urban Ministry Center building at Westminster Presbyterian Church

in San Jose.

We are preparing to dedicate the space and celebrate the ways that our site will help the Bill Wilson Center staff care for our neighbors.

Address: 1100 Shasta Ave., San Jose

New Boundaries

Training Requirement

Periodic training is required for all Ministers by our standing rules but recent changes to the Book of Order (G-3.0106) require “each council shall have boundary training”. Councils means Sessions and Ruling Elders, which is a new requirement.

Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow will be leading the training session this year. Details may be found here:

Link - Boundaries Training Schedule

Open Positions in the Presbytery

Due to the number of open positions right now in our Presbytery, we've created a dedicated page on our website for all of them, both pastoral and administrative. Click here: (Presbytery Website Link) for a listing of all the current open Presbytery positions.

Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

Book Signing

Save the date! Thursday, January 25 @ 7 pm Sunnyvale Pres will host author/guest speaker Amber Cantorna-Wylde, followed by a book signing of her latest book Out of Focus: My Story of Sexuality, Shame, and Toxic Evangelicalism

More info may be found here at this link:

Website Link

Phone: (408) 279-0220 Website: