Our Mission Statement

PVRW is organized for the purpose of uniting women to promote Education, Communication, Legislative Action, Candidate Recruitment, Fundraising and Leadership Development. 

President's Message

Welcome to 2024! 

Celebrating the

50th Anniversary of

Palo Verde Republican Women

I hope you enjoyed our last lunch program and speakers as well as the opportunity to reveal our new award, the Sherry Gray Servant’s Heart Award, in honor of an amazing woman who we lost last year and miss every day. Sherry's husband, Jim, and daughter, Tiffany, were in attendance to present this first award to our very own Casey Hargett, who has shown the same kindness and love for our club that Sherry always did, going above and beyond to foster positive relationships and friendships while focusing on our mission to educate and stimulate and motive conservative women. We are very lucky to have her as a member of our board, and our club. Sherry is smiling knowing that a piece of her servant’s heart will be carried on through Casey. I’m glad we will have the chance to remember her always, as we look for the next recipient with the same servant’s heart.

We are looking for fundraising ideas for 2024!

If you have an amazing speaker who is willing to waive their fee, we have quite a few educational 501c3 organizations that we would like to continue to support.  As you know, we are always being asked to support causes, but we need to find fun and educational ways to raise awareness and money. Please let me or our Ways and Means Chair Joan Lang - [email protected] - know if you happen to have a connection that people will be rushing to give donations to see in person.  

Don’t forget - the AZFRW state meeting Feb 15th-17th is open to all PVRW members. 'Early Bird' registration (lower registration fee) has been extended to January 26th with final cutoff on Feb 4th. It is in Mesa, so you don’t have to pay to stay, just for your meals.  If you need help with the registration fee (not the lunches), we can help reimburse you once you attend. Register for the meeting HERE. Check out Upcoming Events below for additional details.


I would like to officially welcome Michele Stephens and Jamie Alford to the PVRW Board of Directors for 2024-25. Together they will be our Political Legislative and Campaign Team, sharing all the important information you need to make informed decisions. If you want to get more politically involved, please contact one of them (their contact information is below). I’m sure they would love the help!!

The GOP has recognized that we can no longer wait for election day to submit all of our ballots (it may be preferable to some, but election day is now election month according to the law.) Please read the important information in Michal Joyner's report below about the upcoming Ballot Chasing program and ways we can all get involved. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were not mailed back or dropped off. WHY? We need to find out by reminding other Republicans to quickly respond this year. This is what will KEEP AZ RED!

Stay Safe. “Back the Blue” by Voting Red!

Cindy Hill, M.Ed.

PVRW Board Updates

Michal Joyner: 1st VP, Programs

Happy New Years, ladies! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, but now it’s time to get to work. Our January luncheon gave us food for thought on how we want and need to get active in the upcoming political season.


George Khalaf gave us valuable information and insights on the status of the future elections and declared candidates. The major emphasis was ballot chasing and how important it will be for all of us to participate in some sort of effort to get Republicans to return their ballots EARLY. We will be concentrating on the “less enthusiastic” voters to get them to vote the entire ballot and get them mailed in.


Tracy Ducharme, American Majority, gave us actionable items to work on with her texting, calling and door knocking program. She explained how each contact costs money to our candidates, so the sooner a voter sends their ballot back, the sooner they’ll be eliminated from the calling, texting and door knocking.

Ballot Chasing - We Need You!

Terra Wales, a member of Palo Verde, is our Club outreach liaison for this program. All members are being asked to reach out to Terra and volunteer to call, text or door knock. 

The Ballot Chase is on! If you want to be a catalyst in winning in 2024, it's time to get engaged! Did you know that in 2022, 350K Registered Republicans DID NOT VOTE. We would have won every election! 

We will win in 2024 if we do everything we can to engage & educate voters, plus get everyone to return their ballots & VOTE. You can text just 10 Republicans a day to make a HUGE difference in the outcome of the election. Please contact Terra Wales for more details: [email protected].

For February, Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh will be our speakers. The actual lunch announcement will go out on February 1st. Please, please make your reservations as soon as you receive this as we expect a sell-out luncheon. If you’re bringing a guest, put them on your registration. Due to capacity, we will not be able to accommodate anyone after the lunch cut-off time, so please REGISTER EARLY. Both candidates will take questions from our group, and the process will be via index cards as we have done in the past. Just remember to put your name on the card.

Michal Joyner

1st Vice President, Programs

[email protected]


Briana Khalaf: 2nd VP, Membership

Please don't forget to renew your membership or join as a new member early this year! Renewing or joining is easily done via this link: https://www.paloverderw.com/membership, or you can do so in person at the February meeting.

We are still running behind on renewals, so if you haven't done so already or aren't sure, keep in mind the deadline is quickly approaching! 

Renew or Join by 11:30am February 21st and You Could Win a $50 Gift Certificate

to Shop at Our Elephant in the Room Boutique!

Winner will be announced after Kari Lake speaks.

For questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact Briana at 480-284-9505 or by emailing [email protected] 

Briana Khalaf

2nd Vice President, Membership

[email protected]


Jan Dubauskas: 3rd VP, Caring for America

Thank you so much to everyone who brought in a home-baked or store-bought good for our police and fire fighters!! They were SO delighted to receive our treats and recognition. And they couldn't deserve it more!!

In February, we are hosting a baby shower for Choices. We will be an amazing support to women in need who choose life. Please bring items from the list below to our February luncheon.

Thank you so much for your kind donations! Palo Verde is blessed and is a blessing to our community because of you. 

Jan Dubauskas

3rd Vice President, Caring for America

[email protected]

M. Stephens & J. Alford: Political Legislative and Campaign Team

Hopefully you have been receiving our weekly Legislative Action Alerts. Our club wants to keep you informed of important issues happening in our state, city and school board meetings. We will have an information table at every meeting. Please stop by with any questions or just to say hello! We want to make sure your voices are heard by our elected officials!

If you haven’t already done so, please sign up to register your opinion with our state legislators. From your computer or phone, you can easily tell them about your thoughts on current bills. We work with Arizona Free Enterprise Club to get your credentials Sign Up to Give Your Opinion.  

Are you ready to participate in the upcoming AZ Presidential Preference Election? Please find below all the information you need.

Feel free to contact us anytime.


Political Legislative and Campaign Team

Michele Stephens

[email protected]

Jamie Alford

[email protected]

Jan Stephenson & Valerie Mylowe: Education Committee

Coordinated by CAI's Amy Shepard, members of our Education Committee (Mary Reitz, Debbie Antoniolli, Joan Lang and Valerie Mylowe) were observers at ASU’s College of American Institutions High School Leadership Academy. Skillful facilitators from the Truman Library’s White House Decision Center challenged the students to step into the roles of President Truman and his advisors as they tackled the 1948 decision to recognize the new state of Israel. Using actual primary documents, students working in groups compared and contrasted points of view and synthesized complex information. They crafted solutions based upon the roles they played and put forth solutions for a complex, and still a very timely, problem. It was a fabulous day!! We are so pleased that a portion of the PVRW donation ($13,000) to CAI was used to sponsor this event.

PVRW Education Committee member Jill Dunican shared that thanks to involved parents, SUSD libraries may receive a selection of age-appropriate, pro-American books. With an ongoing fund-raising campaign by Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity, the goal is to donate a constitution kit, 10-12 books, patriotic posters and American decor for each library. Let’s fill each kindergarten to 12th grade school library with a selection of patriotic books! For further information please contact the group at [email protected] or visit https://www.scottsdaleunites.com/american-pride-library

Our next meeting will be held:

Friday, February 2 at 11:00 AM

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

We always welcome new members to our committee!

Education Committee Co-Chairs

Jan Stephenson 

[email protected]


Valerie Mylowe

[email protected]


Deb Oberhamer: Political Discussion Group, Book Club

PVRW Political Discussion Group

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

January 24th, 11 am

Please join us for our PVRW Political Discussion Group meeting. You will be able to hear from Bob Hughes and ask all your questions. Bob has managed the largest printing company in Arizona and for 16 years he printed the Maricopa County election ballots. He knows exactly what happened on Election Day and he will share this with us. You won’t hear this anywhere else.

February 28th, 11 am

Scottsdale City Council Candidates have been invited—Jan Dubauskas and Adam Kwasman. Lisa Borowsky, who is running for Scottsdale Mayor, will join us also. You will meet the candidates and hear what is going on at Scottsdale City Council. You will be able to ask all your questions.

PVRW Book Club

We are reading STEALING YOUR VOTE, THE INSIDE STORY OF THE 2020 ELECTION AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR 2024, by Christina Bobb, which will be discussed during lunch:

Thursday, February 8th, 12 NOON

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

Please RSVP for all events at [email protected]. We hope you can join us!

Deb Oberhamer

Political Discussion Group and Book Club Chair

[email protected]

There has been a request from our membership to consider establishing a prayer group where members could request prayer. If interested, please contact our Chaplain, Mary Reitz @ 480.227.4058.

At this time, PVRW lifts up Paula Linker, Mike Stephenson, Michele Stephens, and Nancy Pryor in prayer.  Lord God, bring comfort and healing to each of these individuals for you know their needs.

We are here for them and support them in their present circumstances.

As of today, 1/22, Paula will be moving to a private group home and would love cards and visitors. Her new address is: 10571 N. 96th Place, Scottsdale 85258.

Check our online calendar for future events: PVRW Calendar

Upcoming PVRW Luncheon

Watch for Registration Details - February 1st!

February 21 - 11AM to 1:30PM

Speakers: Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh

Note: President Cindy Hill will gavel in at 11:25am for our Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Kari Lake will begin speaking at 11:30am sharp.

The Pavilion at McCormick Ranch Golf Club

7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ

Arizona Federation of Republican Women

State Meeting

February 15th, 16th & 17th, 2024

 Sheraton Wrigleyville West

860 North Riverview

Mesa, AZ, 85201

Meeting Registration HERE

Hotel Reservations HERE

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Editor: Cherryl McDougall

Photographer: Sue Frandson

[email protected]