JANUARY | 2024


“What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?” That’s the question so many of us ask this time of year. What are you going to fix in your life? What are you going to change? Will it be: losing the 50 holiday pounds you put on? Going to the gym every single day? Saving up a bunch of money? Taking up a new hobby? Being nicer to your brat of a sister? Giving up on New Year’s resolutions altogether because they’re terrible?

We want our year to start off the right way. We want to do better this year than last. But all of these New Year’s resolutions, while good intentioned, feel like a lot of pressure. And many of them fail by February, leaving us feeling worse about ourselves than when we started. So why do we do them?

I think the answer is that there is just something really good about imagining a brand-new start, where life looks different for us, in a good way. And that’s why, rather than New Year’s resolutions, and the burden they become, we might be better served imagining the blessings God gives us at the start of a New Year, the possibilities that are just around the corner, the new things God might do for us and through us in the coming year.

I like to think, this time of year, about what new things God will do right here in our church. Think about the new babies who will be born and baptized into the family of God this next year. Or think about the new people that might come through our doors looking for an opportunity to experience God’s love. Think about the new ideas that will come forward to help our church become a more welcoming and loving place. Think about the new opportunities we’ll have to serve our neighbors in need. Think about the people who are wondering how they’re going to make it, praying for help, and who will find it through people like you and me. In your own life, since the church is much more than a building or what we do inside that building, what new things might God do through you, or in your family, or in your life?

There’s a passage from the book of Isaiah that goes like this: “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise.”

This January, as we begin a new year in this church, I invite you to not simply look at the past, but to look forward toward a future together with your Christian brothers and sisters and with God. Consider the new life that God might bring to you. Consider what new things that God might already be starting right here and now, in our church and in our community. What new things might God do for you or through you this year? Look and see…for God is making all things new!

Pastor Dane


We are simply overwhelmed and overjoyed by your incredibly generous giving towards our Light of Christmas campaign for 2023. Donations of more than $4500 were received! In addition, members generously purchased more than 50 gifts from the tags from our Light of Christmas tree! These gifts (along with other purchased gifts and gift cards) provided Christmas joy to ten local families. 26 adults and 37 children all received a gift, a clothing item and a household necessity or a gift card. A local elementary school received boots and gloves for children in need. And also, we provided gift cards to a family that recently took in four siblings on short notice and an another family who’s child was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness! You It was an honor to work together with you to share the light of Jesus with our neighbors this Christmas!


Your Circle of Welcome team is happy to announce that our refugee family has arrived and moved into their new home last week. As we have been working with them and assessing their needs, we have come up with a new list of items they'll need as they get settled in. Check out this list and let us know if there is an item (or more) that you can help with. Thanks for your generosity in continuing to help this family get on their feet!



Your year-end gifts are welcomed through December 31st. Click here to give. Thank you.


Information about the youth mission trips to St. Louis and Nebraska can be found on the website! Parents, please talk with your kids about this fun opportunity! Contact Pastor Justin with questions.


Quilters will not meet in January or February. We look forward to seeing you again in March! 




The 2024 annual meeting of Vinje Lutheran Church will begin on Sunday, February 4th immediately following worship and will conclude on Wednesday, February 7th immediately following worship. All information will be presented on both dates. Votes will be collected on both dates as well and tallied after the February 7th meeting. All confirmed members of the congregation will have voice and vote at this meeting. We will vote on new council members and a budget proposal for 2024. Hope to see you all at one of these two meeting times!


We are looking for a few new employees at all three of our locations (Loving Arms, Discovery Hill at MinnWest Campus and Praise & Play at Faith Lutheran in Spicer. Full or part time, flexible hours. Contact Melissa for more information!  

Thanks to all Vinje members collecting your home plastic and bringing it to church. Keep collecting!


If you are a homeowner who wants to reduce your energy costs or modernize your home heating and cooling system—and potentially do both at once—consider getting a heat pump! Heat pumps, despite their name, both heat and cool a structure, and they do it very efficiently. They are booming worldwide as a clean energy solution in both commercial and residential settings. Air-source heat pumps are simple but ingenious devices that extract heat from outside air—even cold air— and bring that warmth inside. To cool a home, they reverse that process. Learn more here.

At their December 19th meeting the Vinje Council:

  • Approved a 2024 Budget for Loving Arms, Praise & Play, and Discovery Hill Childcare Centers.
  • Called the Annual Meeting for the congregation on February 4 and 7.
  • Recommended a 2024 budget for the congregation’s consideration.
  • Approved a policy to direct funds gained from cash back credit card rewards be deposited in the building fund.
  • Approved pastoral housing allowances for 2024.
  • Discussed maintenance concerns for external steel beams outside of the sanctuary.
  • Reviewed discussions from the congregational meetings on December 10 & 13.
  • Received an update on interim pastoral staffing and the hiring process of a part time Faith Formation Coordinator.


This month, Pastor Andrés asked Dale Fladeboe to share his memories about representing Vinje at an International Youth Convention in Missoula, Montana.

“Built on a Rock” was the theme of the International Youth Gathering, also labeled the Luther League Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (formerly known as the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America) held in Missoula, Montana, the summer of 1957. My sister, Betty and I and a large group of high school students from churches in the area boarded the Amtrack train in Willmar and headed west to Montana. Upon arriving in Missoula, we were welcomed at the outdoor arena with bands playing, flags waving and a big sign with the words “Missoula or Bust.” Students arrived on Western Pacific, Eastern Coastliner and Canadian Rockies trains and in buses and cars decorated with amateur painted signage. We did not see any airport transportation arrive.

The entire convention was held outdoors (no climate control) with the beautiful mountain backdrop. Each state and country had homemade signs identifying their area such as “Lads and Lassies from Wisconsin Dairyland” or “Detroit Motor City.” A huge cross hung over the center stage.

The mission statement of the convention has been forgotten; helping others seemed to be the focus. The music was amazing, with a massive choir and band entertaining in the valley between the mountain ridges. God’s presence was evident among the mass of teenagers worshiping together.

The food was served outside with barbecue elk being a favorite. Water was drunk out of a hose—no plastic bottles.

A “Built on the Rock” banner led a massive parade in the city of Missoula patrolled by horseback riders. Many of the groups wore matching hats with the same slogans.

Western hats were the most popular purchase for most participants. It was here I was introduced to and purchased my first cowboy hat for $1. I have worn one ever since. I remember that I paid with a $10 bill and received nine $1 silver coins in change.

Wearing our western hats, we all enjoyed the wildest rodeo ever. Calf roping, bull riding, and steer wrestling entertained the group.

We boarded our train and headed home, thankful for all the God moments at the convention.

Make a one-time contribution or set up reoccurring giving here. Need help? Call the church office!
RADIO Listen on Sundays at 9:30 am on KWLM, 1340 AM.
INTERNET Watch anytime! (go to YouTube and search Vinje Willmar). 
TV Watch local access channel, 180 Sundays at 2:30 pm and 8:30 pm and Tuesdays at 8 am and 5 pm.