Happy January!
Hopefully everyone has made it through our dip into the freezer with minimal problems. I know our livestock producers were probably glad for a break from the mud, but then had to worry about keeping waterers thawed. Now it looks like we are back to mud for a while. Welcome to winter in Ohio! Hopefully you all can take advantage of some time indoors to get caught up on office work and plan for the 2024 growing season. There are also plenty of great programs from OSU Extension to attend in person or virtually that would be great for winter weather. Locally, we have a Farm Succession planning program coming up this Friday the 26th. The Champaign County pesticide recertification is on Feb. 7th, and new fertilizer applicator training Feb. 16th. There is also Weeds University that is in person or virtual in several locations around the state on Feb. 21st. Followed by the Ag Outlook Breakfast at Der Dutchman in Plain City on Feb. 23rd. There is more info on all these events included in this newsletter or get in touch with me and I’m happy to discuss. One other project that I would ask for your participation in is the 2024 Custom Rate Survey. The Farm Management team conducts this survey every year to compile the data on what farmers are paying or charging for custom field operations. The final report is then made available online or through local extension offices. This is one of the most requested resources here in Champaign County, so I know there is a need for accurate data. There is information on how to participate in this survey below, and I would ask if you are a producer that either pays for custom farm operations, or if you provide custom farm operations, take a few moments and complete the survey. Your fellow farmers around the state will thank you!
Grant Davis