Vaccine Booster Newsletter

January 2025

Vaccination Resources and Guidance

For Natural Disasters and Federal Admin Changes

We have been watching, along with the rest of the world, as our friends and families in the Los Angeles area endure immense loss, displacement, and ongoing disruption. While the fires are nearing containment, the journey of rebuilding, repairing, and restoring lives is just beginning.

Several schools and childcare facilities have been destroyed or rendered temporarily unusable. To support school nurses and providers seeking immunization information and guiding parents and families through this difficult time, we encourage you to direct them to the CAIR website and the resources listed below.

Digital Vaccine Record

Locating Your Vaccine Record

If you are looking for your immunization record for yourself or your child, we have three suggestions: 

  1. California now has what is called a Digital Vaccine Record (DVR). The DVR can be accessed by clicking on the green button above or by going to
  2. Contact your, or your child’s healthcare provider who may be able to provide a printout or copy of your or your child’s immunization record.
  3. Contact your child’s previous school or school district to obtain a copy of their school required vaccination records. If your child has been previously enrolled in a California school or daycare, they should have a copy of their immunization history on file.

Other options include contacting your local health department’s immunization program for assistance. See button above for contact info for local health departments. 

Local Health Department Contact Info

Resources on Outbreaks and Recalls

During Federal Information 'Pause'

While we await additional information about when current updates will once again be available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agencies, we want to share existing resources to keep handy.

The California Department of Health Immunization Branch Information here:

In addition to the websites, watch the CIC social media pages for current updates and links to great resources from

Two online science communicators we follow online, have started posting daily reports on outbreaks and recalls. Our thanks to:

Be sure to send us your resources so we can share with all.

CDPH Building Blocks for Immunization

CDPH Immunization Branch is excited to announce that the updated Routine Immunization Timing Guide 2025 is now available online! Please print this out and post it at nursing stations, exam rooms, and anywhere else staff may use it.

Find more resources here -

We look forward to seeing you in Riverside in April. We have a lot to talk about and share; your participation and insights are so important to making the Summit a success.

Early Registration ends this Friday - please take advantage of the savings and register today. We have reviewed all submitted abstracts and will be announcing those shortly and updating our agenda with the topics and speakers. We are extremely grateful for the fantastic submissions. Check out our website for updates and instructions and as always, please contact us directly with any questions.

CIC Summit 2025 - Check List

Summit To Do's:

  1. Register today and take advantage of early registration rates before they increase on February 1st - Click Here
  2. Nominate an immunization champion from California - The submission process takes 5 minutes or less here.
  3. Reserve your room at the Riverside Mission Inn - here.

More informations and speaker announcements will be shared in February. It's always an amazing event in Riverside—don't miss out!

School-Located Adolescent Vaccination Events for Spring 2025

February 12, 2025 2:00 pm PT

Register today for upcoming CDPH webinar on School-Located Adolescent Vaccination Events. This webinar is to support schools preparing for Spring school-located vaccination events and will focus on events targeting adolescents for HPV, Tdap and MCV4 vaccines.

Webinar will cover:

  • Basic steps in for planning a school-located vaccination event
  • An introduction to new web assets, including an updated school-located vaccine event web page and new adolescent-specific resources.
  • Lessons learned from guest speakers regarding their own Tdap/HPV/MCV4 vaccine event experiences at schools.
Register Here

Weekly US Influenza Surveillance Report:

Key Updates for Week 3, ending January 18, 2025

FluView - CDC

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ask Us Anything: The State of Social Media for

Public Health Communicators

Brought to you by

Public Health Communications Collaborative

Register Here

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time

(Not) Playing Politics with Vaccines

Voices for Vaccines coordinates a terrific Ambassador program and invite you to attend their next meeting, February 12th. The next meeting is very timely.

"Vaccines are so political" seems to be the accepted truth, but do they need to be? They shouldn't be. (Not) Playing Politics with Vaccines will teach you how to reintroduce vaccination as a social concept to your community while removing the political partisanship from it.

Register Now

We The People Vax

We the People Vax is a group of statewide Immunization coalitions and health organizations across the nation that have joined together to promote the efficacy and safety of vaccines by raising awareness of the patriotism of vaccinating.

We The People Vax team will be sharing campaigns throughout 2025, starting with a campaign for Valentines Day and Presidents Day.

Check out the website and consider joining to have your as a coalition or organization listed as a supporter -

Vaccinate Your Family continues to convene partners who came together to defeat COVID-19, to work in partnership to defeat all vaccine-preventable diseases. The Collaborative shares lessons learned as well as the latest data that may help inform science-based programs. We also work together on policy changes and communication campaigns to ensure everyone has equal access to, and information about, vaccines. Learn more here about joining their monthly calls:

Vaccination Collaborative

Looking Ahead to 2025

Whether you are serving in a leadership position, are participating as a committee member, or are reading and sharing this newsletter and invitations throughout the year - we are grateful for your work and support. You are an appreciated and valued member of CIC.

2025 will bring an unknown number of challenges to immunization programs and public health - throughout the country. We need your ideas, engagement and strength. Please connect with us to learn more about ways to improve vaccination rates and ensure strong programs.

Contact us anytime to meet, discuss and get involved -

Find us on Bluesky -

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