~ January 2025 ~

Hello CVOA,

Message from the President . . . . .

Greetings CVOA members

Happy New Year CVOAers!  Should we focus our celebrations on the year past or on the promise of the year to come? It may be a celebration of hope rather than a review of accomplishments. I think we can raise a toast to either. CVOA members have frequently gathered in the Valley, traveled north and west, exhausted our supply of clays, and supped our way through 2024. In 2025 among many other activities CVOA offers traveling to raft downeast along the coast of Maine, a bike trip to Europe and skiing west to Lake Louise/Banff and Jackson Hole and north to Mont Tremblant. The Range has a fresh supply of clays that could last three years and new metal targets. For 2025 gatherings, you’ll have to read more of this month’s Newsletter and check the CVOA calendar. 


Thank you to all members who participate in our activities. Your attendance, contributions, ideas and leadership make membership in CVOA an easy, active, productive and enjoyable social organization. Now, please welcome New Year, 2025! ….For auld lang syne, my dear…


Thom Johnston

Calendar of Events

Januar 2025

January 5 - Bowling SugarBowl 2-4

January 7 - Meet Ski Go 9:00 a.m. Super Quad

January 11 - Yonder Knoll Hike 1-3

January 11 - Winter Social Sugarloaf Out Door Center 5-8

January 12 - Bowling SugarBowl 2-4

January 14 - Meet Ski go 9:00 a.m. Super Quad

January 16 - 3rd Thursday Social Shipyard Side Bar 4:30-6:00

January 18 - Climate Solutions Workshop - Hope for a Healthy Planet

Begin Room CV Library 4:00-5:30

January 19 - Bowling SugarBowl 2-4

January 21 - Meet Ski Go 9:00 a.m. Super Quad

January 24 - Cribbage Tournament Begin Room CV LIbrary 4-7

January 25 - February 4 Banff/Lake Louise Ski Trip

January 26 - Bowling SugarBowl 2-4

January 28 - Meet Ski Go 9:00 a.m. Super Quad

Click here: 2025 CVOA Calendar


Thank you for being a 2025 member of CVOA. Over 511 individuals including 193 Range members have renewed their membership. Welcome to the 94 new members of CVOA who have joined since October 1, 2024! Thirty-nine of the new members are also Range Members. We are so glad to have all of you. It’s wonderful to know that the word is spreading regarding all that CVOA has to offer both in Carrabassett Valley, the USA and around the world! There are many great events and trips planned for 2025. Watch for information in your CVOA monthly Newsletter.

Welcome to our new CVOA members as of December, 2024

Kelley and Jessica Doran

Thomas Gilbert and Michaela Franco

Thomas Hall

Scott and Nicole Farrell

The new CVOA dues schedule goes into effect today. Online and PDF options can be found on the website: https://www.cvoutdoors.com/

Have a wonderful holiday season and Think Snow!!

Patti Johnston, Membership Secretary

Request for Your Help!

CVOA is managed by four Officers and a Board of Directors. The officers serve a one-year term, and the Board members serve for three. The officers and Board meet about five times a year to review results and make decisions to keep CVOA running smoothly, to discuss and plan activities, and to oversee finances and plan for the future. CVOA is at an important leadership transition point and needs some new volunteer leaders to continue its success. 


We are currently looking for members to fill upcoming vacancies on the Board, most likely 3-4 people. No experience is needed other than a desire to help out, do something interesting, meet people and have some fun!


Our current President and Vice President have served as officers for more than three years and are planning to step down after the 2025 Annual Meeting. It’s time for some fresh perspectives to keep CVOA a vital organization. The President and Vice-President oversee and approve matters related to CVOA activities and are supported by the Board of Directors, the Secretary, the Treasurer, committee chairs and members of committees. 


We would greatly appreciate the assistance of our members in filling these openings from a broad cross section of the CVOA membership.


if you have an interest and would like to discuss the opportunities to help your club, please reach out to any of the officers shown in the "HOW TO CONTACT US" section below or to the members of the Nominations Committee, Steve Smith, Bob Farrar and Val Hudspath.


Thank you!!

~Calling all CVOA Nordic skiers~

Twenty-one members have expressed interest in hearing about nordic skiing meet-ups and trips using a group email. The goal is to give members an opportunity to easily reach other nordic skiers for a XC jaunt by simply sending out an email with details. We are just getting started as we patiently wait for Mother Nature to give us more snow on the trails.

This is a member-driven group, so everyone can make suggestions at any time, such as a last minute ski on the Narrow Gauge, at the Outdoor Center or on the Huts & Trails system. A few more ideas that have been mentioned are a ski/lunch to a hut, a ski day in Lac Megantic in late February as well as a 2026 Nordic trip to Austria! 

If you would like to join this email group, let me know.

Bonnie Farrar



Ski Trip Information

Banff Lake Louise

January 26-

February 2, 2025

Several members have opted out of the Banff/Lake Louise trip. This allowed two couples from the waiting list to be added to the trip. Currently the trip is filled with 44 members. There is one couple and one single person on the waiting list. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please contact trip leader Mike Parker golfski33@gmail.com

It is not unusual for trip members to cancel over the next several months. There are no guarantees this will happen. However, it could be an opportunity for members to take advantage of this situation.

Click on the photo for complete details and the application. Be sure to scroll thru the multipage brochure.

Trip Leader Mike Parker

Jackson Hole

March 1-March 8, 2025

The Jackson Hole Ski Trip has 30 confirmed reservations, and is closed with no more seats available on our flights. If anyone is interested in going to Jackson Hole, we will start a waiting list.

Please email Lee & Jon as soon as possible at: clgossamer@gmail.com

Click on the photo for complete details and the application. Be sure to scroll thru the multipage brochure.

Trip Leaders Lee & Jon Goss

Mont Tremblant

March 16-March 20 2025

The trip has 35 confirmed reservations. Some additional space is available in two (2) rooms. If you are interested, please email Elaine & Steve Smith as soon as possible at: golfski@maine.rr.com or call 207-776-4003

Click on the photo on right for complete details and the application. Be sure to scroll thru the multipage brochure.

Trip Leaders Elaine & Steve Smith

Future Events

Meet Ski Go Tuesday Mornings

January 7,14, 21, 28 Promptly at 9:00am

Meet At The Super Quad

Calling all CVOA skiers! 

Please join us for a Ski Around The Mountain. 

Ski your favorite trails for a few runs or a few hours with other CVOA members.

No sign up…just "Show and Go"!!

Watch WSKI and go to the Sugarloaf website to review the weather, trail and lift reports. If the mountain is having issues, we will not ski together as a group.

CVOA Sunday Afternoon Bowling SugarBowl

The SugarBowl is reserving two lanes for CVOA members 2:00 - 4:00pm

$10 includes shoes. Come join the fun Sunday afternoons!

January dates: 5, 12, 19, 26

**Reminder: Tufulio’s Sunday Twofers starts at 4:00.

3rd Thursday Social, Food & Trivia

January 16th ~ Shipyard/Side Bar


Join friends and fellow members at the CVOA mid-week Socials

held on the third Thursday of each month 

December through March, 4:30 – 6:00 pm.

Appetizers provided by CVOA. 

 Trivia & Prizes! 

Doorprize: $25 Shipyard Gift Card

Adventures Await ~ Come join the fun!

Yonder Knoll Hike

Show ‘N' Go

January 11, February 8, March 8

Meet at the Stratton Brook Hut Parking lot, just north of the Loaf Access Road. Head out at 1:05 pm. Cleats and/or snowshoes are recommended, depending on the amount of snow. Poles are important for navigating any uneven ground. We travel 15 minutes on the Narrow Gauge Pathway, then about 30 minutes up, some of which is moderately steep, but not tricky related to footing. We see the incredible view for 15 minutes or so. It’s an outstanding panorama of the Crockers, the Loaf, Burnt Mountain, and the peaks of Bigelow. The trip down is about 30 minutes. Total time is no more than 2 hours, so we will be back around 3:00 or so.

This is a Show ‘N Go event, so there is no signup required. We do this no matter the weather.

Friendly dogs are welcome.

Trip leader Jan Mildram...207-491-6798 

Hope you can make it!

Climate Solutions Workshop: HOPE FOR A HEALTHY PLANET

 January 18, 4:00 – 5:30 pm CV Library


As lovers of the outdoors, do you wonder (or even worry) about how we can protect the earth we love? Please join us to discover for yourself in an interactive session, that there is hope for a healthy planet. With the help of the MIT / EN-ROADS Climate solutions simulator and trained EN-ROADS facilitator, you will see which climate solutions are most effective and most likely to protect the planet’s vibrant outdoor spaces and species. And best of all there are some easy things that you can do to make a difference. Please plan to join us!


Co-Sponsored by:

Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association

& Citizen’s Climate Education


Facilitated by: 

Laurie Manos, EN-ROADS Facilitator & CVOA Board Member

CVOA Cribbage Tournament

Friday January 24, 2025 4-7pm CV Library

Come join us for the first CVOA Cribbage Tournament. Singles and Doubles events, single elimination. Prizes and bragging rights for the winners.

Please bring an appetizer for folks to share and BYOB. Please bring a cribbage board and/or cards if you have them!

RSVP to reserve a spot. And if you can volunteer for set up/clean up or have a question please contact: Karen Packard at packard@gwi.net


Saturday January 11, 2025

Outdoor Center 5:00 - 8:00

WSKI’s Greg Powers and DJ Extraordinaire ~ playing your song requests!

This popular winter social will fill up quickly!

Space Capacity: 80 ~ RSVP REQUIRED ~ No Walk-Ins!

No admission charge--Plenty of parking

Table seating! Bring an appetizer to share


PRIZES + SURPRISES ~ Come Join The Fun!

RSVP to Jeannette Parker jparker16seabreeze@gmail.com

View the VBT itinerary here: https://www.vbt.com/tours/germany-france-alsace-black-forest-guided-bike-tour/ All spots for this trip are filled by either CVOA or other travelers. Contact Leslie to if you want to be added to a waiting list ~ Diane Stone dpstone32@gmail.com

Range News

Winter at the Range

A special Range Thank you to Bill O'Brien for his collection and scrapping of 250lbs. of brass from the Pistol and Rifle Ranges adding up to $475 which will go toward improvements to those ranges.

Also, a big Range Thank you to range members Owen Day and Kerri Murphy for their $200 donation for improvements to the metal targets on the Pistol and Rifle Ranges.

Please remember to police your brass. There are buckets at each range for that purpose. Funds raised go directly to range improvements/enhancements. We are also interested in your improvement suggestions and any help you can offer to make those improvements, such as hands on labor, range committee work or cash donations. Range committee members Bill O'Brien and Seth Gilbert are exploring movable targets, both metal and paper.

Pistol and Rifle Ranges will remain open and plowed throughout the winter as well as the heated bathroom. Remember to have your range badge or a copy of your membership verification letter on you when using the range. A copy on your phone is acceptable. Make sure you take a photo of both sides of your badge, as the back has the Gate Code. Though Range Officers are not in frequent attendance during the Winter, you may still be asked for membership verification.

As a range member, your guests are welcome. Shooting guests should sign the green Day Use waiver form and pay $10/day. Non shooting guests need not sign in, but it is the responsibility of the member to ensure all posted rules are followed. Any questions, please contact me.

I hope to see our Range Members enjoying our other CVOA events. Come meet old friends and make new ones. CVOA folks know how to have fun any time of year.

Enjoy your Winter at our beautiful Range and be safe!

Diane Stone

Range Secretary



Past Events

Second Annual Ugly Sweater Party

Thank You For Coming and Joining The Fun🎄🎄🎄. The second Ugly Sweater Party held on December 7th was attended by 35 members joined by a few new members who gathered for a couple hours of conversation, food and laughs….a typical CVOA event highlighted by ugly sweaters, pictures with friends and awards.

Contest Winners shown in photo:

Funniest: Elaine Smith

Vintage: Gerry Michaud

Couple: Al Loeschner/Jan Mildram

Ugliest: Julie Jeannette….awarded the trophy from last year’s winner, Peter Van Alstine

Guess the # of Snowballs winner: Jim Listowich

For lots of fun Ugly Sweater pictures click here

As CVOA Event Coordinators and Social Planners, we appreciate your support and participation.

Bonnie Farrar and Jeannette Parker

December 3rd Thursday Social

There are many events planned to lift the spirits, all of which are included in the Future Events section. Please join us, introduce yourselves if you are new to CVOA, and enjoy the winter season with new and old friends. Best wishes for 2025!

The first of CVOA’s very popular 3rd Thursday Socials had an unexpected, great turnout! Sixty-six members attended at the Shipyard Side Bar on December 19th. Conversation, camaraderie, food, team trivia and FUN. More fun to come at future socials.

Peter Krakoff won the GIANT butternut squash donated by Chris Prudente. Peter Van Alstine was the winner of the $25 Shipyard gift card.

Shipyard Manager, Stacy, and Server, Eric, did an outstanding job for our event serving a variety of great pizza, shrimp cocktail and cheese topped cucumbers.Your generous tips were greatly appreciated.

Holiday Hike and Cookie Swap

It was a small but mighty group of CVOA members who showed up with what looked like a ton of cookies and an equal weight of appetizers. No one went away hungry that is for sure. I don’t think we had any duplicate kinds of cookies as everyone prepared their own favorite holiday treats. Even Lloyd Cuttler showed up, although he was looking for a town meeting which was at a different location!

Unfortunately, we had to postpone the holiday hike as the rain the previous day had made a mess of the snowshoe trails. We will reschedule once conditions are good. It’s a nice hike with several splendid views of the Valley and the surrounding mountains. 


Jeannette Parker is planning to combine the ugly sweater party with the cookie swap next year. Maybe we could have an ugly cookie party?? Just a thought. I would be in the running as my cookies always come out not particularly attractive anyway!

Thanks to Mike and Jeannette for all the help with planning, setting up and cleaning after the event. 


To foster and promote the conservation of our natural resources

and the creation of recreational opportunities in our region.

How to Contact Us
  • President Thom Johnston: cvoa.president@gmail.com
  • Vice President Stephen Smith:‭ cvoa.vicepresident@gmail.com
  • Treasurer Sam Hudspath: cvoa.treasurership@gmail.com
  • Secretary Tracy Goller: cvoa.secretary@gmail.com
  • MembershipSecretary:PattiJohnston:cvoa.membership@gmail.com
  • Range Chair Ray Stone: ‭raymondhstone3@gmail.com
  • Range Secretary Diane Stone: cvoa.range@gmail.com
  • Social Activities: Bonnie Farrar: bfarrar7@aol.com and Jeannette Parker: jparker16seabreeze@gmail.com
  • Newsletter Editors: Elaine & Steve Smith: golfski@maine.rr.com
Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association
Valley Crossing #6
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947