January Formation at St. Mary's: Practicing Peace

In January we will continue to explore our theme from Advent: Practicing Peace.

Our Family Dinner's will resume next week. Please join us Wednesday, January 15 at 6pm.

We are delighted that so many people have been joining us for this dinners. It does mean we need a little extra help preparing and serving the meals. If you able to serve this way please sign up to help!

Our Family Dinners this spring will not always be on the third Wednesday of the month, so take notes of the dates! If you haven't seen the brief video from our last Family Dinner you can see it here!

Read-a-long: Peace

This month's read-a-long is "Peace" by Miranda Paul and Baptiste Paul. It is read by Eric Kimble. Eric and his wife Nancy joined St. Mary's last year after moving to Portsmouth. Eric serves on the Formation Team.

Look for a hard copy of the book in the Chapel when you head into church on Sunday.

Conversation starters from "PEACE":

Can you think of a time when you were completely at peace? What was that like?

What's a place you go to find peace?

Can you think of a time in your life when you were not at peace? What could you have done differently?

How do you experience God's peace?

FAMILY DINNERS: Save the Dates

Everyone in the St. Mary's Family (that means you!) is invited to join us for our monthly intergenerational Family Dinner in St. George's Chapel from 6-8pm. We will eat our meal together and then the children and adults will have separate programs. The evening will end with the brief service of Compline service. Dinner is provided.

Save the dates for future dinners:

January 15

February 14

March 19

April 9

May 14

Upcoming Formation Offerings

Rest and Return Retreat

The Rev. Jennifer Pedrick and Jenny Williams will be offering a retreat on Sunday, January 19 from 2-5 P.M in the Parish House. This retreat is an invitation to silence, worship, and the opportunity for connection.

Email Jennifer to RSVP.

Watch the video above for Meaghan's answer!


Each month we'll feature a question from the congregation and see what our clergy will have to say! Submit your question to formation@smcportsmouth.org.

This month's question is:

What does the Episcopal Church think about Pope Francis? Is he considered the head of the Christian Church?



Singing with the choir is a wonderful way to enhance your connection to worship, and to offer your gifts to St. Mary's. You do not need to be an experienced singer to join. As the old proverb goes, "If you can talk you can sing, if you can walk you can dance!"

The choir meets to rehearse every Sunday at 8:45 A.M. in the choir room in the Parish House. Email Michael DiMucci for more information!


Are you new to the Episcopal Church? Have you had questions about this denomination and why we do what we do? Check out this book, "Walk In Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices" written by Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe and learn all there is to know! Stay tuned for class offerings from the rector this Spring to learn more.

Walk in Love

St. Mary's After Hours

Missed church last weekend? Don't have time to watch the whole Facebook livestream? We've got you covered! A weekly podcast is now available with simply the gospel and the sermon from each Sunday. Listen in your car, on a walk, or while you do the dishes! You can find the podcast directly on the podcast streaming website or in Apple Podcasts.

St Mary's Church | www.smcportsmouth.org

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