DPP Lifestyle Coach Network Newsletter

January 2025

Newsletter Highlights

Now Available!

North Carolina's Guide to Prevention and Management of Diabetes, 3rd Edition 

Upcoming NC DPP Collaborative Calls

Upcoming DTTAC Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training Dates

DPP Updates from CDC

Addressing Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Through the National DPP Lifestyle Change Program

NC's Guide to Prevention and Management of Diabetes, 3rd Edition 

The NC Diabetes Advisory Council is excited to announce the release the latest edition of the North Carolina's Guide to Prevention and Management of Diabetes. This guide includes basic information about diabetes, its effects on the North Carolina population, and suggestions on how individuals can prevent and manage the disease that you may download and/or print as needed.

Request Your Copy Here!

NC DPP Collaboratives

NC Spanish DPP Collaborative

January 15, 2025 at 12:00 PM

This collaborative aims to bring together DPP coordinators, lifestyle coaches, and other partners who work to deliver the national DPP to Spanish speaking audiences.

Resources: Hispanic/Latino Audiences Promotional Materials, Recruiting and Enrolling - Hispanic/Latino Participants,

Join Here!

NC DPP Networking Call

January 22, 2025 at 11:00 AM

The DPP Statewide Quarterly Network Meetings are coordinated by the NCDHHS Division of Public Health to provide technical assistance, DPP resources and to promote a statewide knowledge exchange platform for DPP lifestyle coaches and program coordinators.

Audience: DPP coordinators, lifestyle coaches, DPP partners, anyone with an interest in DPP in NC

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Upcoming DTTAC Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training Dates

Happening Now On-Demand:

Prevention Priorities: Identifying and Reaching Priority Populations

Inequities in incidence and prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes have highlighted a need to focus prevention efforts on “priority populations”. This training will address the disproportionate effects of diabetes and prediabetes on certain populations of people. Learners will discuss defining and identifying priority populations in their communities and explore strategies to engage with these.

Register Here with Code: NC25Web

Live Webinar:

"Not One in the Same: Understanding Health-Related Social Needs and Social Determinants of Health"

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 12-1:30 PM

In the updated CDC DPRP standards, organizations are asked to conduct a social needs assessment and indicate if there is action being taken to address identified needs. In this webinar, we will explain and explore the meaning of Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) and how they relate/differ to Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Approaches to collecting social needs information will be discussed and Lifestyle Coach panelists will share practices used in different organizations to support participants with identified social needs.

View Flyer and Register with Code NC25Web-Jan

DPP Updates from CDC

Call for Nominations:

Due: January 8, 2025

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion seeks to learn from organizations that are working to improve enrollment, retention, and feasibility of Lifestyle Change Interventions (LCIs) for individuals and families and the financial sustainability of LCIs for implementing organizations. 

Up to 18 sites will be selected to participate in an evaluability assessment in the Spring of 2025 and will receive a financial token of appreciation of $5,000. Up to eight of those selected sites will then be invited to participate in a full evaluation. Findings from these evaluations will inform a web-based toolkit that builds on the first two years of LCIRN’s work.

Informational Webinar to be hosted on December 13 (see below).


To submit a nomination, review submission details, sign up for email updates and access our communications kit, click here.

Upcoming CDC Calls:

DPRP Office Hours

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 2:00 PM

Join Call Here!

Addressing HRSN Through the National DPP Lifestyle Change Program

The National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program is uniquely positioned to address social determinants of health (SDOH) to promote health equity and reduce health disparities in type 2 diabetes. The program can accomplish this by considering the implications of SDOH and addressing unmet health-related social needs (HRSN) among program participants. This resource discusses how the National DPP lifestyle change program teaches valuable skills that address HRSN, as well as opportunities to address HRSN to support participants’ success in the program.

Find Resource Here!
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