Age-Friendly Teaneck News & Updates | |
Upcoming at the Age-Friendly Teaneck Community Center
Click Fliers for Details
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Holy Name Health Series
Thurs, Jan 23
11 am to 12 pm
Topic: File of Life
First in a monthly series of wellness lectures to be held on third Thursdays of month
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Space Limited, Sign-Up Now!
Click & Zen
Series of Computer Classes Linked to Health & Wellness
Begins Tues, March 5
1:30 to 3 pm
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Save the Date!
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease
Presentation for Caregivers to be Followed by Monthly Support Groups
Mon, April 7
6 to 7:30 pm
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RSVPs are required for all programs. Parking is available at nearby municipal lot at 1391 Teaneck Road (near Beveridge Avenue)
To be added to our community center contact list, email us as
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Looking for Someone to Shovel Snow? Local Students Can Help | |
The Teaneck High School FORUM program offers snow removal assistance for Teaneck residents. There is a set fee per visit for an average snowfall of 2” to 3”, to clear the walkway, steps, and driveway. Residents should call the FORUM in advance to register as students and residents are matched based on their home address.
Contact Nick Campestre, coordinator of School Based Youth Services, at 201-833-5136 or email:
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Facing Money Challenges: These Programs Can Help | |
NJ Save Senior Navigators
You might be able to save money on prescriptions and other healthcare costs, hearing aids, utility expenses, and more. Click on the image above for a full list of benefits.
Need help filling out the application?
Call the Bergen County Senior HelpLine at 201-336-7400
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State Rental Assistance Program
Open Enrollment
January 13-31
A total of 6,000 very low-income households will be selected through a lottery system to be placed on the waiting list for rental subsidies, with preferences for veterans, homeless, "elderly", disabled, and local residents.
For more details click image above
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Protection Against Utility Termination in the Winter
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has a program to prevent service discontinuation for eligible residential customers through March 15th.
For more details, click image above
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January Events: MLK Jr. Remembrance & More: Click Fliers for Details
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Celebration
Mon., Jan. 20
6:30 pm
Temple Emeth
1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck
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Teaneck International Film Festival (TIFF)
Virtual Screening of the film Bike Vessel
Wed., Jan. 29
7:30 pm
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Winter Nature Walk
Sunday, Jan. 19
10 am start
Teaneck Creek Conservancy
20 Puffin Way
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Teaneck Library Happenings: Click Images for More Details
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Picasso: The Early Days
Friday, Jan. 24
10 to 11 am
Teaneck Council Chambers at
818 Teaneck Road (next to Library)
No registration is required.
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Winter is the perfect time to explore a new craft! Hoopla digital app offers self-paced arts and crafts classes taught by experts. The Creativebug BingePass offers video classes taught by top artists and downloadable resources that teach you how to crochet, knit, paint, draw, sew, quilt and more for free with your valid Teaneck Library card.
Sign up here:
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Cerbone's role is to assist residents with social, emotional, physical and mental health issues and crises. Based on individual needs, his department can also help navigate residents to available social services resources, including financial service through the Public Assistance Trust Fund. On Wednesdays, Cerbone is located on the Upper Level of the Rodda Center in the Medical Outreach offices of the Senior Center for easier accessibility. | |
Age-Friendly Teaneck is proud to be a member of... | |
Check out the alliance's blog about age-friendly issues in NJ | | | | |