Pictured: New Art Center logo designed by Rogene Mañas and debuted here in honor of the 75th Anniversary

In This Newsletter

  • From the Executive Director
  • Winter Fundraiser
  • Mark Your Calendars: Annual Meeting & Open House
  • Farewell Anita: Anita Johnson (1929 -2024)
  • In the Galleries: Opening January 10: “Flow: The Language of Nature” and “Summoning the Light”; Winter Members Gallery & Gift Shop; Upcoming: “Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit” 
  • Calls to Artists: Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit; Call for Seasonal Members Gallery & Gift Shop Artists
  • Art Education: January Workshops; Winter Weather Advisory; Spring Break Camp Preview
  • Whiteaker Printmakers Workshop
  • An Easy Way to Give
  • Quarterly Thanks


All my best,

Michael Fisher

Executive Director


The Art Center’s Winter Fundraiser is off to a great start with over $30,500 raised so far from over 100 donors, including 27 new donors. Thank You! Your support helps ensure that the Art Center will be able to continue to provide high quality and accessible arts engagement opportunities for all ages.


Donate Today – if you have not already done so. We hope this work inspires you and we invite you to contribute to our Winter Fundraiser. Every bit helps!



Annual Member’s Meeting & Celebration – Celebrating 75 Years!

On Saturday, February 1, you are invited to the Art Center’s Annual Member’s Meeting & Celebration. Join us at 12 pm for the Member’s Meeting to learn about the Center’s most up-to-date news, celebrate our successes in 2024, and re-elect selected Board members. At this meeting, we name our 2024 honorees: Volunteer of the Year, Instructor of the Year, and Community Partner of the Year.


After the meeting, from 1 2 pm, enjoy some cake and join us for our featured “Summoning the Light” Artist Talk with Art Center member artists Linda Devenow and Laure Shipley. 


From 2 – 4 pm, the Art Center continues its Member’s Celebration & Open House when you can connect with Art Center Staff and Board, enjoy refreshments, tour the Center’s studios, and view exhibits in the galleries.


Pictured: 2024 Annual Member’s Meeting & Celebration


On December 15, the Art Center lost longtime friend and patron Anita Johnson (1929 – 2024). Dedicated journalist, champion of social justice, and owner of the Eugene Weekly, Anita also supported and advocated for the Maude Kerns Art Center, which she considered an important cultural and community resource. She appreciated living in the neighborhood near the Center and made sure that her four children attended art classes there. A family wedding was even held at the Center. Anita served on the MKAC Board of Directors and continued her role as unofficial “ambassador” for the Center once she stepped down. When Anita became involved with the Weekly, she encouraged the newspaper to become one of the early sponsors of the Art and the Vineyard Festival. Thank you, Anita, for all that you have contributed to the Art Center and to the cultural and artistic life of our community.


Pictured: Anita Johnson (left) with her close friend Hannah Goldrich at the “Art Treasure” Award Ceremony honoring Hannah on September 16, 2022


Two Exhibits Open January 10:

The Art Center is pleased to present two exciting exhibits to begin the 2025 season: “Flow: The Language of Nature” and “Summoning the Light,” both opening with a public reception on Friday, January 10, from 5 – 7 pm. Nancy Pobanz and David Wade are the Title Sponsors.


In the Main Gallery is “Flow: The Language of Nature” featuring McMinnville, Oregon artists Britt Block and Julie Cassin and Portland, Oregon artist Vickie Meguire. All three artists share a focus on the healing quality of nature, particularly of water. “


Pictured: Flow II by Britt Block in “Flow: The Language of Nature”

In the Salon Gallery is “Summoning the Light” showcasing photographer Linda Devenow and painter Laure Shipley, both local artists whose Willamette Valley landscapes emphasize the role of light. An Artist Talk with Devenow and Shipley takes place on Saturday, February 1, from 1 2 pm.


For a video about MKAC member artist Laure Shipley, visit: LAURE VIDEO


Pictured: Autumn Gold by Linda Devenow in “Summoning the Light”

Winter Members Gallery

Work by Art Center members and Club Mud ceramicists is exhibited in the Members Gallery & Gift Shop throughout the year with artwork changing on a quarterly basis.

The Winter Members Gallery exhibit opens on January 10 through March 22.

See the rolling call for the Seasonal Members Gallery & Gift Shop under

Calls to Artists.


Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit (February 21 – March 21): Opening with a reception on Friday, February 21, from 5 – 7 pm, is “Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit,” a juried exhibit featuring figurative work about those whose stories and bodies have not historically been portrayed. 


Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit

The Maude Kerns Art Center is pleased to present “Seen: A Regional Figurative Exhibit,” a juried regional exhibit open to emerging and professional artists whose work portrays the figure from the Artist’s unique perspective. “Seen” aims to tell the stories of people and relate the human desire to be ‘seen’. This exhibit seeks to feature those whose stories and bodies have not historically been portrayed. We would like to present the best artwork that honors, analyzes, and showcases the value of the human figure and human stories.

Artwork must represent the human figure in whatever style the artist works. All mediums, including performance, video, and installation will be considered. This show will be juried and includes a non-refundable $20 application fee. Submissions will be accepted from now until January 12 at 11:59 pm. For questions regarding your application, please contact Liberty at exhibits@mkartcenter.org. For application forms and to apply, visit: SEEN

Seasonal Members Gallery & Gift Shop

Rolling Call to Artists: The Maude Kerns Art Center is pleased to open a search among its membership for new artists in the Maude Kerns Art Center Members Gallery & Gift Shop. What is special and sets MKAC’s Members Gallery & Gift Shop apart is that all work is by our member artists. It is a great source of pride to feature the work of our members.

For the prospectus and application, please visit: ROLLING CALL


Classes for adults and youth are offered in a wide array of media this Winter term. Below are some exciting workshops offered in the New Year. For the complete Winter Class Schedule and to register, visit: CLASS SCHEDULE

January Workshops!

Family Weekend Workshop

New Year’s Vision Boards

Saturday, January 18

10:00 am 12:30 pm

Register here!


What a perfect time to bring your visions of the future to life! Enjoy an exciting morning with your instructor, Ciara Glines, as she helps you envision what brings you joy! Come cut, color, glue, and glitter away with us as you represent your dreams and make your vision a reality!

Open Studio: Eugene Collage Collective

Saturday, January 11 & Saturday, March 8

10:00 am 12:30 pm

*This is an Open Studio - no instruction will be provided.


Come be a part of the Eugene Collage Collective and celebrate collage with us in this Open Studio session! Meet fellow collage artists and learn from a variety of interesting styles. Open to all levels of experience. Some collage materials will be provided. Please bring your favorite materials and tools.

3D Watercolor!

Saturday, January 11

1:00 3:30 pm

Register here!

Get drawn into the 3D world of Watercolor! Leave those flat pages behind and join your instructor, Gracie Thornock, in painting, cutting, layering, and stacking the beautiful elements of your piece.


The Art Center currently offers scholarships for 50% of the cost of tuition for classes. Scholarships are available for all age groups through the Susi Larsen & Cameron Serbu Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Madeleine Christenson Scholarship Fund.


To be considered, applicants must fill out the application prior to registration and payment. You can apply today on our website.

Spring Break Camp Preview

During Spring Break, March 24 – 28, the Art Center presents a half-day lab for Middle School students, ages 11 – 15 years, and a full-day camp for Youth, ages 6 – 11 years. Look at our exciting offerings below.

Middle School Lab

Empower Your Skills

March 24 28

9:00 am 12:00 pm


Boost your confidence and creativity in this exciting, one-week drawing and painting camp! Through hands-on lessons, students will explore essential techniques like composition, light and shadow, and the joy of experimenting with different mediums, including graphite, watercolor, and collage. By the end of the week, you’ll have several art pieces to show off, along with new skills and the confidence to keep creating.

Youth Camp

Imaginary Worlds

March 24 – 28

8:30 am 5:00 pm


Jump into a week of building fantastic worlds where wonderful characters and mythical animals come alive! Learn about scale and perspective as we design dioramas with foreground, middle ground, and backgrounds. Get inspired and learn to build characters in three-dimensional form using paper, clay, and bright colors of paint! Join us for this special week of creative fun!


In the event of bad weather, the Art Center will close if the 4-J School District is closed. Classes for that day will be cancelled and a make-up session will be held at a later date. If the 4-J School District is delayed, all Art Center classes before 12 pm will be cancelled. Please visit our website after 12 pm on the day in question to check for afternoon and evening classes.


January Workshop

Introduction to Color Plate Lithography!

January 10 – 12

Friday: 6 9 pm

Saturday & Sunday: 9 am 5 pm


WhitPrint is delighted to offer a new workshop: Intro to Color Plate Lithography. The workshop teaches a more modern form of the lithographic process using photosensitive plates. This workshop is designed for students with some basic printmaking experience, but lithography experience is not required.


We have partnered with Market of Choice to provide you an easy way to support the Art Center! It will only take a moment of your time to register and will help every time that you shop to support our programs and facility.


Here’s how:

Register your credit card. Each time that you use your card at any Market of Choice, Maude Kerns Art Center will receive 4% of your purchase price! Simply sign up at: eScrip Market of Choice and you will be prompted on how to enroll.


Thanks for all that you do to support the Maude Kerns Art Center. It makes a difference!


We want to particularly thank the many volunteers, Board members, Staff, Art Center friends, and patrons who contributed their time, talents, and treasure for the benefit of Maude Kerns Art Center during the Fall of 2024.


Budget and Finance Committee: Michael Fisher, Caroline Passerotti, and Fred Tepfer


Facilities Committee: Ann Bumb Hamilton, Michael Fisher, Cathy Simard, Nancy Silver, Alice Strong, and Fred Tepfer


Sponsorship Committee: Louise Bishop, Susan Castillo, Michael Fisher, and Alice Strong


Art Rescue Committee: Ann Bumb Hamilton, Hannah Goldrich, Tina Heffernan (Co-Chair), Cathy Simard (Co-Chair), and Linda Wheatley


Art Studio Tour Committee: Louise Bishop (Chair), Ann Bumb Hamilton, Kiley Kuntz, Rogene Mañas, Caroline Passerotti, and Bea Roberts


Gallery Greeters: Abby Adebawo, Joan Chamberlain, Sandy Crowley, Grace Dierling,

Sue Gottschalk, Tina Heffernan, Emilee Jackson, Judith Bell Mangold, Rachel Petersen, Tracy Somervell, and Wendy Strong


Exhibit Receptions Volunteers: Abby Adebawo, Louise Bishop, Dana Burall, Susan Castillo, Joan Chamberlain, Ann Bumb Hamilton, Jeanne Maasch, Katie Mason, Blossom Odemudia, Nancy Silvers, Cathy Simard, Alice Strong, and Linda Wheatley


Office Assistants & Mail Team: Sue Gottschalk, Tina Heffernan, Aiva Landweber, Judith Bell Mangold, Blossom Odemudia, and Wendy Strong


Classroom Assistants: Angela Allabach, Alvin Chen, Aiva Landweber, Athena Rosen,

Alexandra Sielicki, and Rachel Young


Open Studio Facilitator: Marsha Wells Shankman


Newsletter Design: Kris Gruber of Crystal Impressions Graphic Design


To nurture artistic expression and creativity in the individual and

to cultivate an appreciation and understanding of art and culture

in our community.

Maude Kerns Art Center programs are made possible in part by:
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