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In this edition
- 2024 Summit Recordings Now Available
- Lower Prices, Simplified Fares on Transit
- Flexibility with Flexpass at Ramp A
- Nicollet Mall Engagement Opportunities
- Grease Rag Winter Skill Share Recap
- Support Your Sustainable Resolutions
- Get Involved With What Moves You
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Image description: 2024 Transportation Summit panelists | |
Business Owner Perspectives
KB Brown, Co-Owner of Wolfpack Promotionals, Executive Director of Project Refocus
Suzie Marty, Owner/Curator of Everett & Charlie Gallery
Seth Stattmiller, Co-Owner of Recovery Bike Shop
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Solutions & Support
Katie Cashman, Ward 7 Council Member
Sam O'Connell, Director of Community Relations at Metropolitan Council
Matt Kazinka, Senior Strategic Initiatives Manager at Lake Street Council
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Image description: GoTo card and card reader on a bus
New Year, New Transit Pricing
Hopping the bus and train just got easier! On January 1st Metro Transit lowered fares to $2 per ride all day, every day, on all non-express buses and light rail. Youth, seniors, and Medicare recipients will be able to ride for $1. The new flat fare fees do not apply to express buses, Northstar Commuter Rail, or Metro micro on-demand service.
All-day passes now cost $2-$4, and seven-day passes are $20. The very best rate allows Metro Mobility certified riders to ride for one-cent per ride on Metro Transit and other regional transit providers through June 30, 2025.
Last year saw an 8% increase in ridership through the end of September year-over-year and the fare changes are projected to increase ridership further - an added bonus to more riders is safety in numbers.
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Image description: "Flexpass: Flexibile Parking at Ramp A" | |
Mix Up Your Commute With
Flexpass at Ramp A
Drive less, save more! If you bike downtown on warmer, snow-free days but want a parking option when the weather turns, or if you want to mix transit up with driving in, look no further than FlexPass at Ramp A. Get a guaranteed parking space when you need it without all of the cost.
FlexPass is part-time contract parking. Pay $90 per month to park up to 14 times, which averages to just over 3 days per week - perfect for most hybrid work schedules. Save 30-40% off the cost of a full-time parking contract.
What about after work? Driving to the office in the morning and returning for an evening Twins game or concert at First Avenue counts as only one day with "in & out privileges". FlexPass is only available at Ramp A, which offers 24/7 security and is skyway connected to the heart of downtown.
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Image description: People at an open house; people sitting and walking along Nicollet Mall
Nicollet Mall and Downtown Transit Changes Engagement Opportunities
Engagement around Nicollet Mall and Downtown transit changes are entering Phase 2 (review Phase 1 engagement summary information here).
Three options are currently being considered to move transit off of Nicollet Mall in order to make it fully pedestrianized. Check out a new survey about the proposed changes (take this survey even if you completed a survey in 2024, as it has been updated) by January 31st.
Learn more and share your input on the thee options at these upcoming engagement opportunities:
Tuesday, January 14th 1-3pm: Downtown Tuesdays*
DID Community Space - 651 Nicollet Mall, Suite 105
Tuesday, January 21st 12-1:30pm: Virtual Open House
Microsoft Teams
Wednesday, January 22nd 4-6pm: In-Person Open House
Minneapolis Central Library Atrium - 300 Nicollet Mall
Tuesday, January 28th 12-1:30pm: In-Person Open House
IDS Center Crystal Court, 717 Nicollet Mall
Image description: Three options to move transit off Nicollet Mall include Marquette, 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave |
*Move Minneapolis will be tabling in the DID Community Space on January 14th, providing information on sustainable transportation options and our programs and services. Stop by and say hi!
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Image description: Grease Rag winter maintenance presentation, word cloud of favorite things about winter biking | |
Grease Rag Winter Skill Share Recap
The 15th Annual Grease Rag Winter Skill Share & Gear Swap recap is now available. Check out the post for great winter biking resources including slides from the What to Wear presentation by Move Minneapolis' own Catherine Windyk, links from the Routing and Handling presentation, a handout from the Winter Bike Maintenance presentation, attendees' favorite winter biking tips, and more!
Grease Rag is a Twin Cities community group that organizes and facilitates group bike rides, skill shares, shop nights, educational seminars, social events, and online discussion for and by FTWs (Femme, Trans, Women, Non-Binary, Two-spirit people).
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Image description: a person at a desk talking to a person on a screen with text: "Customized Consultations" |
Kick off the New Year and Stay Resolved
A new year brings new opportunities to try something different, something good for you, your wallet, and your community: try sustainable transportation!
Move Minneapolis can help you set a sustainable transportation goal and stick with it by addressing your barriers, options, and preferences with a free Customized Consultation.
This 15-minute virtual or phone session gives you the opportunity to talk throuh what you would like to accomplish this year, assess your current transportation options, and create a plan to help you on your sustainable way.
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Get Involved With What Moves You
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Move Minneapolis is a 501c4 nonprofit that promotes sustainable transportation.
Support is provided by a federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant in partnership with the United States Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Council, the City of Minneapolis, MnDOT, Hennepin County, and the downtown community.
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Image description: logos for DOT, Metropolitan Council, City of Minneapolis | | | | |