Volume 26, Issue 1
January 2025
Newsletter of
Bristol United Church of Christ
“The Church on the hill”
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Wishing you a blessed 2025! | |
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 9A - 12P
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December Attendance
In Person + Zoom
December 1st
December 8th
December 15th
December 22nd
Christmas Eve Service
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Members of the Bristol United Church of Christ
are called to the Annual Budget Meeting on
Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
The purpose of the meeting is to act on a budget for 2025.
This meeting will be in Fellowship Hall and can be attended via Zoom.
The Zoom link information will be emailed in advance of the meeting.
/c/ Mary Kay Haines, Clerk
December 20, 2024
The Budget Hearing will be Sunday, January 19, 2025
immediately following worship service.
*****Please make note of these two dates on your calendar. Thank you!
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New Year and Winter Things
First, let me wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy New Year. I pray that your Christmas was what you needed it to be: fun, quiet, busy, family-filled, happy, and/or holy. I pray that you were able to take time to pray thanks to God for the gift of Christ’s birth and life.
Music Sunday 2025 - Last winter, we held a “Music Sunday” celebration in February. In 2025, we’ve scheduled another one, this time on March 2, 2025. We would like the service to feature people’s favorite hymns. To make a service that has a verse or two from the congregation’s 10-12 most favorite hymns, we need your help. Tell us your three favorite hymns by February 9. You can do this in one of three ways: 1) email bristolucc@breezelinebiz.net (don’t reply to the e-newsletter – we won’t get your vote); 2) call the church office and have Jen or I record your vote; or 3) fill out a paper ballot at the church on a Sunday or during office hours. Estelle and I will put together a list of the top choices and work them together into a service for March 2, Transfiguration Sunday.
We’d also love to hear from those of you who are musically inclined. Can you play a song on an instrument, or would you like to sing something special? Come make a joyful noise to God. You could make a small ensemble (instrumental, vocal, or mixed) with a friend or two. If you’d like to be part of the service this way, please let Estelle or me know by the end of January (so we can hold a place for you).
Please remember, when the weather is inclement, the church building may be closed. Check with your activity’s leader to find out if the activity is cancelled that day. Please don’t take undue risks. I will come to church on Sundays to lead worship even in bad weather
(I have four-wheel drive). You should do what you need to do to keep safe. You can always attend service by Zoom or watch the recording on YouTube. If you know how to Zoom but have not done so in a while, you should try the Zoom link before Sunday morning. This is because the Zoom program on your computer needs to update once in a while. It usually takes only a minute or two but you don’t want to get into that while the actual service is going on.
Please keep reading the monthly newsletter and calendar this month and in the months ahead. Committees, groups, and various individuals are working some of the usual activities for fun and worship. Also, there have been some new ideas that are being worked on to engage each other, our faith, and our community. You’ll want to be informed about these and put them on your calendars and “to do” lists in 2025.
Finally, please know that I keep a list of members, congregants, and friends of the church on my desk. I go through it each week and hold each of you in prayer for health, wholeness, faith, and joy throughout the year.
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January 5th | Luke 2:41-52 ( Psalm 2:7-8) | January 12th | Luke 3:1-2 (Psalm 51:6-7) | January 19th | Luke 4:14-30 (Psalm 146) | January 26th | Luke 5:1-11 (Psalm 90:14-17) | | |
Choir meets every Sunday at 9:15AM and every
Tuesday at 3:00PM
New Singers Always Welcome!
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Bring your favorite casserole, side dish, main dish, salad or dessert to share! (Beverages will be provided.)
For those who are interested in games, bring your favorite to play with a friend, a group or individually afterwards! Hope to see you there!
Women's Fellowship, B.U.C.C.
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Please join the
Women’s Fellowship in celebrating
January Birthdays and
Anniversaries, at
Coffee Hour on
Sunday, January 26th!
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The Joyful Noise Ukulele Band
We will be having ukulele practice at
9:30 on Mondays.
New people are always welcome.
Contact the church office before coming so that we have materials ready for newcomers.
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Ukulele Schedule:
January 6 – We will begin practicing the songs that we will share with the
Minot-Sleeper Library on February 28.
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Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
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“But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”
Galatians 5:22-23
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During the 2024-25 Sunday School year, we are going to learn about the Fruit of the Spirit. We will be using the book “Kids’ Travel Guide to the Fruit of the Spirit”
We will also be working on lessons to learn about the leadership roles in our church. Our lessons may include craft projects to sell at the BUCC Women’s Fellowship Christmas Bazaar, baking bread to use for Communion, helping with the Fall Clean-up (or Spring Clean-up), and collecting Teddy Bears to complete a church mission project.
We run our Sunday School like a “little one room schoolhouse”: Attendance, Singing, Prayer, Multi-age lesson on the Fruit of the Spirit, independent work for the older students, and guided activities for the younger. Each week we will have Ms. Sal leading us in singing. Ms. Gracie will help with nursery care.
New students are always welcome to join us at any time during the year!
December Schedule:
January 5: Intergenerational Worship Service,
Nursery Care will be offered during the service.
Nursery Care Sitter - Ms. Gracie (assistant – Ms. Ellie)
January 12: Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness – Mrs. Keegan
January 19: Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness – Mrs. Vogel
January 26: Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness – Mrs. Keegan
***The Christian Education Committee would like to thank everyone that helped to put together our annual Christmas Program.***
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During the month of November the Sunday School Students made ornaments to sell at the Church Bazaar in December.
CE made $36 from selling our ornaments, and donated the money to be used by the BUCC Women’s Fellowship.
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Chrismon Tree Decorating
Photo credit to Amanda Henderson
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A Joyful Christmas from Missions
The best thing about serving on your Missions Committee is that our focus is on love. Each time we send support to people or an organization, locally, in New Hampshire, nationally and internationally, it is done with love for all.
Our wish for you is that you will be touched by love and moved to give love during this holiday season.
We look forward to 2025 and new and old ways of helping BUCC connect to those in need.
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Bristol United Church of Christ Council Meeting
December 18, 2024
Present: Bill Nieman, Barbara McIntire, Betty Seeler,
Bonnie Biondi, Lucille Keegan, Tom Keegan, Andrew MacLeod
Bill called the meeting to order.
Andrew led us in prayer.
Barbara moved to accept the minutes for 11/20/24 and Bonnie seconded. Minutes are approved.
Treasurer’s report: Copies of the November report were distributed.
Finance: Betty reported that the finance committee will be meeting on Dec. 19 to set the 2025 budget. The budget hearing is scheduled for Jan. 19 and the meeting to vote on the budget is the following Sunday after the church service.
Missions: Barbara reported that the soup delivery project is going well. The committee is working on new ideas for 2025.
Trustees: Tom reported that furnace #2 is now working properly thanks to the effort of Matt Greenwood.
Diaconate: Bonnie reported that the monthly meetings will be at 1:30 from now on. They worked on their budget. She made up a new rotating schedule. The next meeting will be on the second Wed. in Jan. due to the New Year holiday. Worship will be held in fellowship hall during January and February.
Music: We are very pleased with the piano gifted to the church by Gloria Rogers. It has a lovely sound and will be great to use while we worship in fellowship hall during January and February.
Pastors report: December has been a busy month. 12 people joined to decorate the Chrismon tree, sing carols and eat pizza. The children will present their Christmas program on December 22. Christmas Eve service will be at 7pm. Andrew is securing readers to help with the service. Andrew will be on vacation from December 25 to January 4. Carol Asher will be the pulpit supply person on December 29. Andrew is planning to have a music Sunday on March 2 like we have done in the past. Everyone will have the opportunity to submit names of hymns they would like to sing. Communion will be moved to the following Sunday, March 9. Andrew is exploring the idea of having an Ash Wednesday service at noon on March 5 followed by lunch.
Reporting for CE he said that there will be a movie after church on January 5. It is titled “The Fourth Wiseman”. February 16 will be Teddy Bear Sunday. New bears will be collected to give to the local first responders to use as needed.
Women's Fellowship: Bonnie reported that the Christmas Fair was very successful in spite of the number of shoppers being down. The ornaments donated by the children were extra special. 30 wreaths were decorated and sold. Bonnie thanked Tom and Peter for setting up the tree in front of the church. Sal, Bonnie and Lucille put the lights on it. The WF is planning a potluck lunch on January 18. The public is invited to attend. Games will be available to play after lunch.
Bonnie moved to adjourn the meeting and Betty seconded. The motion passed.
Andrew closed the meeting with a prayer.
Submitted by Lucille Keegan
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*Spaghetti Sauce
Chef Boyardee Meals, Baked Beans,
**Instant Potatoes & Rice
Canned Tuna and Chicken, Canned Fruit
Drinks, Snacks, Desserts
Condiments (cooking oil, mayo & ketchup)
Shampoo, Body Wash, Deodorant,
Toothpaste, Dish & Laundry Detergent
Cat & Dog Food
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"Women's Fellowship Wreath Decorating Day!" | |
Winter Closing Reminder
For All Groups Meeting at Bristol United Church of Christ
The BUCC will no longer use local school closures for bad weather as the determining factor for closing the church. Instead, the church will be available to organizations regularly using the church facilities at the group leader’s discretion.
We do not guarantee that the parking lot will be cleared and sanded or the walkway shoveled. Please consider your group members’ safety first. Please have a clear plan for communicating your cancellation to your group members (email, telephone chain, etc.)
Please also leave a message on the church answering machine
(603) 744-8132
so that we will know of your cancellation.
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3 - Bonnie Biondi
6 - Stephanie Vogel
7 - Sal Linfield
9 - Marilyn Blakeley
9 - Claudia Davis
16 - Dean Martin
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17 - Phyllis O’Leary
25 - Tom Keegan
30– Cheryl Colby
30 - Jean Pothier
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In our prayers:
James Barnard, Carol, Rebecca Herr, Johanna Colette, Manny Malatros, Loretta Somers, Marcia Payne, Donna Smith, Nancy Passaro, Dean Martin, Scott Haines, Tim, Guy & Diane Parsons, Matt Guyette, Sylvia Bailey, Cooper Mahley, Verneve Reilly, Thomas Pothier, Sara Breau, Betsy Meany, Janet Jewett, Yvonne Labelle, Rick Wright, Fred Brewer, Cheryl, Megan Wichland, Bob Murphy, Bernie Doehner,
The Family & Friends of Dale Huckins
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We extend our warmest welcome and invite you to join with us each week in praise and worship. | |
Sunday Worship 10:00AM
In-Person & Zoom
Hard copies of the bulletin available Thursday after noon in the bin on the rear walkway table.
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The deadline for all newsletter submissions is the 20th of the month.
Articles that come in after that date will be used in the following month’s newsletter.
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“The Church on the hill”
15 Church St.
PO Box 424
Bristol, NH 03222
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Main Office Summer Hours:
Monday thru Friday 9AM - 12:00PM
Office: (603) 744-8132
Email: bristolucc@breezelinebiz.net
Pastor’s Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
9AM - 12 Noon and by appointment
Email: pastorbucc@breezelinebiz.net
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