Our Mission Statement

PVRW is organized for the purpose of uniting women to promote Education, Communication, Legislative Action, Candidate Recruitment, Fundraising and Leadership Development. 


President's Message

Welcome to the Golden Age of America! 

A weight has been lifted off of our shoulders allowing us to take a deep breath and know that our country is in the hands of true Patriots.

Monday was the best day from beginning to end. Seeing our hero take down the crazy liberal Biden administration while they had to sit there and listen to the admonishment, was a dream come true. Watching him sign executive orders to undo every horrible un-American decision Biden implemented over the last four years, was the best feeling ever.

Trump is the man we need now. No one could have endured what President Trump was put through. He had to go through it though, to show the hypocrisy of the Democrats. Everything they claimed Trump did or would do, was a playbook for their lawfare and evil deeds. Trump exposed it all.  

To quote Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream.” I dream that with President Trump in office, he will unite our country and bring success to everyone, and that success will be defined by merit and character, not by the color of your skin, your gender, religion or creed. 

Cindy Hill, M.Ed.




PVRW Board Updates

Michal Joyner: 1st VP, Programs

We have a new President! Freedom and Liberty will be restored, and I know we are all thrilled. If you have friends or family in the Los Angeles area, I know our prayers and thoughts are with them. I feel this is a tragic example of how elections have consequences. I can’t even imagine the horror and terror that those impacted are suffering. 

Our January meeting was fantastic. Yvonne Cahill introduced us to the Presidential Museum; Ann Atkinson spoke to us about how she was mistreated by ASU over free-speech or the lack thereof. And our featured speaker made us laugh and he gave us lots to think about. After the meeting, ladies stood in line for over an hour to buy his books. For those of you who purchased Book #7, not yet published, they will be mailed to me in bulk, and I’ll bring them to the meeting when received - most likely in March. I will send out a notification once I receive them. 

Our February meeting will feature Don Critchlow. He is a well-known and respected speaker to our group. I’ve asked him to cover several topics that he and his group have been actively involved in. A link to an article that was provided to me by one of our members is below - this will be one of the topics he will discuss. I was shocked and angry at the content, and I urge you to read this article prior to our February luncheon.

Article HERE

I am working on securing two additional speakers and, hopefully, will have their confirmations in time for the lunch announcement on February 1st. 

Request: I would like to suggest to all - actually I urge you - please go to your calendar and insert a monthly recurring reminder to Register for Palo Verde Luncheon on the first of the month (when our announcement is published).

We are so blessed to have the amazing Casey Hargett as our event coordinator, but both she and I are having issues each month with multiple calls after the deadline requesting to attend the luncheon. We simply cannot do this as our contract with Talking Stick Golf Club specifies a hard cutoff on reservations. Should you have an unplanned issue that arises which prevents you from attending the luncheon after you've registered, you can easily be refunded as long as we receive a notice from you PRIOR to the registration deadline. I hope you understand and will work with us to see that everyone gets to attend that wishes to attend. That is certainly our Club goal. 

See you in February. 

Michal Joyner

1st Vice President, Programs



Cheryl Pelletier: 2nd VP, Membership

We Want You to Renew—TODAY!

As we step into a new year full of promise and opportunity—as a direct result of Donald J. Trump’s presidential election win—we want to extend a heartfelt invitation to all our valued members to renew your 2025 membership. 

To date, 173 of you have renewed, or joined, for 2025. 

Last year, we closed the year out at 310 strong. So, there are a whole heck of a lot you out there who still need to join us. Please do so, today!

Your continued support is vital to our community and the Republican party, enabling us to offer enriching programs and resources that benefit everyone!

Renewing your membership ensures that you remain an integral part of one of the largest Republican women’s clubs in the state. 

Thank you for being a part of Palo Verde Republican Women. We look forward to another year of collaboration, learning, and achievement together. 

Let's make 2025 our best year yet!

To renew online, go to paloverderw.com and click on the Membership tab. Or download the application HERE which you can complete and send it to me, along with a check, to the address provided on the application.

Questions? Email me at cheryl.pelletier@reagan.com. Or call me. You can reach me at 480.406.9227.

Warm regards,

Cheryl Pelletier

2nd Vice President, Membership


Jan Dubauskas: 3rd Vice President, Caring for America

Wow!! Thank you so much to everyone who brought in and delivered baked goods to our police and firefighters!! So many of you shared their heartwarming gratitude for your kindness and thoughtfulness! It is so wonderful to support our heroes - thank you!!!

In February, we will support Family Promise - the only homeless shelter in the city of Scottsdale. This shelter only works with families (86% are single moms) who are newly homeless and has an 80% success rate with their skills-building program. It is truly a worthy opportunity to help women and children in need. Thank you for your generosity!!

Jan Dubauskas

3rd Vice President, Caring for America


M. Stephens & J. Alford: Political Legislative and Campaign Team

The Arizona State Legislature convened on January 13, 2025.  Thanks to all your efforts Republicans now hold a 16-12 majority in the Senate and 29-24 majority in the House.  With one of the most conservative state legislatures in recent history and a mandate from the popular vote to shift away from far-left politics, it promises to be a busy year.  

PVRW will help you stay on top of all upcoming legislation and give you opportunities to provide input to state legislators with weekly legislative alerts throughout the session. 

Make sure you are signed up for the Arizona Request to Speak System (RTS) to give your input right from your computer.  SIGN UP FOR RTS

Let's get our conservative voices heard!!

Michele Stephens


Jamie Alford


Jan Stephenson: Education Committee

The Palo Verde Education Committee has invited Paradise and Lincoln Club members to join us, and we are renamed Region 8 Education Committee. Our Co-Chairs are Jan Stephenson, Lucky Perry and Allison Mary.

We are in the process of organizing and setting our goals for 2025 and have established 4 groups:

  1. K-12 School Districts--led by Emily Wagner and Nicole Klootwyk
  2. ASU's Center for American Institutions--led by Amy Shepard
  3. Political Education of Our Members--led by Lucky Perry
  4. Legislative Connection--led by Jamie Alford

Several members are focusing on a particular issue:

Susan Winder--Increasing Academic Proficiency in K-12

Mary Reitz--ESA--Empowerment Scholarship Account

CHANGE in DATE, TIME & LOCATION for our February Meeting

February 14th, 10:00 AM

Home of Emily Wagner

6126 E Aster Drive

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

We are still in the goal setting period so if you have an issue you would like to address, please come and bring it up at our next meeting.

Jan Stephenson 

Education Committee Chair



Deb Oberhamer: Learn and Lunch, Book Club

PVRW Learn and Lunch

January 22nd, 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM

We all worked so hard to get our conservative candidates elected. Now we need to help our state legislators pass laws which will improve our state. You won’t want to miss this important meeting. Michele Stephens will explain the Arizona Request to Speak System and guide us on how to influence future Arizona legislation. This will also be a good refresher if you are already enrolled in the program.

Due to room capacity limitations, we will be holding two sessions. You are invited to attend our meeting at either time listed above. Please be sure to RSVP to secure your seat!

February 26th, 11:30 AM

Mathew Martinez, Statistics Director for Turning Point Action, will share how he helped President Trump win all the swing states.

PVRW Red Shoe Book Club

February 13th, 11:30 AM

Our Red Shoe Book Club is reading Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America by Kevin Roberts. You are welcome to join us to discuss this book

Location for All Meetings:

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

Please RSVP to deb.oberhamer@gmail.com for any meeting you plan on attending. All are welcome!

Deb Oberhamer

Learn and Lunch & Red Shoe Book Club Chair


January Americanism Moment

What should we look for in the heart and mind of a dedicated person who can lead our country, the United States of America, as President? 

Here are 6 items to consider:

  1. Faith in God their creator.
  2. A Caring for the good of the people they serve.
  3. Wisdom to have the answer on how to resolve complex situations that could impact the comfort and wellbeing of the people they serve.
  4. Knowledge of foreign and domestic affairs that could adversely impact the constituents that they serve.
  5. Awareness of the laws governing The United States of America.
  6. Fairness in dealing with those who don’t share their beliefs.

It is my belief, that the man the voters of the United States of America elected as our 47th President, Donald J Trump, fits the description of a committed person as described above. He doesn’t need to wear a cape or leap from tall buildings with a single bound. He just needs to use his capable skills to bring the citizens of the United States of America together for the common good.  

Carol Ann Smith

Americanism Chair


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the small blessings that surround us every day.

Let us not forget to thank God for His provision, His love, and His faithfulness. Gratitude and attitude are not challenges - they are choices.

In your powerful name we pray.

As many of you know, our dear friend and former board member, Paula Linker, has recently passed away. Please join us in prayers for Paula and her devoted husband, Bruce, for comfort and strength during this difficult time.


Mary Reitz

PVRW Chaplain

Check our online calendar for future events: PVRW Calendar

Watch for Details February 1st


Red Mountain Ballroom


9998 East Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85256

February 6-8, 2025

For Meeting Information and Registration

Click Here

Registration CLOSES on January 22, 2025 at midnight.

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Editor: Cherryl McDougall

Photographer: Sue Frandson
