SOWER Ministry Newsletter January 2025

Dear Stephanie,

2025! A New Year and a quarter century mark! It’s a time to open up that new calendar the kids gave you for Christmas, start a fresh DayTimer, begin the new devotional book your friend recommended, and maybe even implement a new plan to read through the Bible in the coming year. It might even be time to fire-up that new snow blower! Starting the New Year with great expectations is a good thing. Whether you’re enjoying the warmer climate at some of our SOWER projects or watching the forecast for the next hard snow, may we all echo this quote from Elizabeth Elliot –

This year, let us ask God to dissolve all our hopes into a single hope: to know Christ and to be found in Him. May this be a year of desire radically transformed, a deeper, truer, knowing of Christ as our All-Sufficient One.

As this Hope works in our lives daily, may we love Him better, love others more effectively, and serve Him well with a faithful heart. May you rest in Him in the coming year!

Resting in His Grace,


Stephanie Conrad #2509


P.S. I'm still waiting to talk to you about collaborating on this newsletter! Just hit the reply button to get in touch with me!


From Where I Sit (Office) by Gail Fieler & Katie Gay

Upgrades around the office during December are now completed. Office flower beds now match the new annex, the new workroom flooring is a perfect match, mood lighting around the gazebo and we now have a “dog park”! Furries are welcome and can now stretch their legs after being on the road in an RV.

We experienced an influx of cancellations/reservations during the holidays while the office was “closed”. We would suggest next year that you solidify your plans for January before the Thanksgiving holidays. Late cancellations and assignment requests impact our hosts and we want to give them ample notice. Project offices generally close during the holidays as well.

We have had numerous requests for membership applications in the past month – keep on marketing, you folks are spreading the word! Many of the requests are a product of you passing out brochures and talking to people along your path. Our members are always our best advertisers! (If you need additional brochures, send us an email, and we'll get some in the mail!)

Thanks so much for serving the Lord through the SOWER Ministry!

Gail and Katie Office Manager Team


Giving Statements

This year, the office will be sending out the annual contribution letters to those who have contributed to the SOWER ministry by email. If you would like to have a hard copy of your donation letter, email your request to and let us know. 

Thanks and have a Happy New Year.

Wayne Fieler

Office Executive Director


Have you had a chance to read through the current SOWERGRAM (Dec/Jan)? Here's an excerpt from the Reflection by Trustee Nelda Thomspon. Since it was written before the holidays, it may sound a little 'dated', but we can always benefit from these sentiments -

The Holiday Trifecta is upon us - Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. This sequence of holidays brings mixed feelings for me. There is nostalgia of the “old days” prior to becoming full-time RV’ers but excitement at what the new celebrations will bring.

Thanksgiving begins with reflecting on the blessings. I love reading Psalm 107, or any of the Psalms! I am so thankful for our safe travels, safety on the projects, answered prayers thru our prayer chain and devo prayers, for the ministries we serve, tasks completed and friends I made. Verse 22 speaks of a “sacrifice of praise” for those times the rig broke down or needed a major repair, those not so fun tasks, that difficult person we worked with or that assignment stretching our abilities but growing in grace.

Christmas brings to mind gift giving. I like to mediate on God’s example of His FREE (to us) gift of a baby in manger as detailed in Romans 5 and Colossians 1. I have observed the giving of the most valuable gifts (without price tags), for instance praying with a fellow SOWER or staff member, sharing burdens, sending a note or card of encouragement, making a timely phone call, interceding in prayer, working extra hours to complete a task, the list goes on…. I am challenged to give those gifts that do not have a price tag, gifts of service.

New Years is for new beginnings. New creation, new man, new heaven and earth, new song, new covenant, new every day, new heart and a new spirit are just a few Biblical examples. As a SOWER, I can look forward to new projects in new states, making new friends with SOWERs and project staff, discovering new churches and their ministries, learning new skills and completing new assignments. Let’s look forward to another great year.

“Do not call to mind the former things or consider things of the past. Behold, I am going to do something new...” (Isaiah 43:18,19)


Check out the NEW SOWER video - ready for you to share with friends and family, your church, small group, and Sunday School classes. Click on the link above or on the picture to access the video. It can also be found on the website under the "About Us" tab.

Website Tips and Tricks

Our new Member Website is great for signing up for projects, reading group leader reports, finding SOWER friends, and now for sending in prayer requests. But it is so much more -

Did you know that under the heading of Forms and Documents there are eight (8) sub-categories, each of which has a plethora of information. For example - within the "Members" page you can find current (and archived) SOWERGRAMS and newsletters, the current Welcome SOWERs document , Member Guidelines, Daily Work Schedule, Guest Guidelines, Guest Worker Release Form, Home Project Guidelines and SOWER Glossary of Terms among other items. Each of those headings is filled with up-to-date information about our ministry! So next time you're surfing the web - surf over there! And take some time to click on some of those links!

Search Options Increased -

Have you ever received a text from someone you don't know? You think it might be another SOWER but you're not sure? You can now search the Member Directory based on full or partial phone number. In addition, you can also search the directory based on name, city, state (or multiple states), or full or partial email address. You can also choose to search for members who are alumni or who are offering overnight parking.

Have you ever wanted to share with other SOWERs additional information about yourself? You can now do that using the "About Us" field. You can fill in that information on your "My Profile" screen available from the "My Account" menu. Any information you put in that field will then show up when someone views your details in the Member Directory.

The Technology Committee has been working behind the scenes to improve your SOWER member website experience and more changes are planned for this year. Please contact the committee chairman (Brad Smith) if you have any ideas that you would like to see implemented.

Area Representative Needs

We are praising God that many of our Area Rep positions have been filled! We are still looking for an Area Rep in Eastern Canada -

ON - 554 Ethnos Canada 

ON - 556 Elim Lodge Ministries 

ON - 559 Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre

If you would like more information about this opening or are interested in learning more about the Area Rep position, please contact Evan Asby (3945), Western and Canadian Project Coordinator.

Underserved Project Update

A complete and 'real-time' updated Underserved Project list is now available on the New Member Site! Check it out!

Underserved Projects List

Let's try to shorten up that Underserved Project List! Send in highlights about your favorite project on the UPL along with a couple of pictures to to help get it OFF the list!
Seen recently on Facebook

Thank you, Tim, for sharing about your time at French Camp (MS-541), located along the Natchez Trace. While it's always great to enjoy the fellowship of a SOWER team, sometimes when we're the only SOWERs on a project there is a sweet opportunity to get to know the ministry on a different level.

Have you stopped by our Facebook Group lately? We have recently updated our guidelines for adding posts: This group serves to keep our SOWER family connected, and to share the blessings that we both see and receive as we serve the LORD at our ministry partners. 

  • No political posts will be allowed. 
  • No memes will be allowed.
  • Posts must be SOWER related.

Please use caution and respect when posting. This is a Private group (only members can see posts and add posts), but it is still good Facebook etiquette to get permission before you post someone's picture. The administrators reserve the right to remove any post that they deem to be contrary to the purpose of this group.

If you're a member of Facebook but haven't joined the SOWER Group click on the icon to join the family! Just enter your member number in the question, and an Administrator will approve you.

Since the SOWER Facebook group is a ‘private’ group, we try to limit our members to folks who are SOWER members or project hosts, and couples who are interested in joining our ministry.

If you invite other interested folks to join our Facebook group, they will still need to answer the membership question. Thanks!

Thank you to everyone who has given our SOWER Facebook Page a "Like" or follow. Currently, we have over 1800 followers! If you haven't already given it your thumbs-up,  head over there now! It's a great way to spread the word about our ministry. 

While the SOWER Facebook Group is for sharing SOWER stories (and is something that you join), the SOWER Facebook Page is where the ministry shares information and works to generate interest in our ministry (and is something that you 'like').
Don't forget to check out your favorite ministries on Facebook. Many of our partner ministry locations have a Facebook page, and it's a great way to stay up-to-date on the places you love to serve!

Clicking on the Fireworks above will take you to the SOWER website where you can sign onto the Member Dashboard and get "Real Time" updates for our partner ministries' needs.

The December/January SOWERGRAM is now available on the website!


The office is happy to help!


Let us not forsake gathering together!

Whether you're an Alumni, a Seasoned SOWER or New to the Family, there's nothing like a SOWER gathering to connect with friends old and new and get recharged about the ministry. If you live in close proximity to a SOWER project, let them know you're nearby! There are often impromptu gatherings of SOWERS happening all around the country all year long! Whether you're camping together or just meeting for a meal at a local restaurant, a SOWER Gathering is always a blessing!  Below are some regional Rallies that are in the works!

One Day Florida Rally!

“Gathering of the Sheep”

Friday, February 21, 2025

Florida Baptist Camp (FL-143)

Groveland, Florida

10:00 a.m. - ?

Potluck lunch at 1:00. Drinks and tableware will be provided.

Few rooms available if you want to stay the night. Get your reservation in early!

RV spots are also available.

Games, inspiration time, and sing-a-long.

Coordinator: Diane Zaharako

RSVP by 2/19/25 812-379-9553

Texas "Pastime" Rally

ALERT Academy (TX-410), Big Sandy, Texas

Arrive Thursday, April 3 - Leave Sunday, April 6, 2025

Join us for a joyful celebration of God in our lives. We are so looking forward to this time of seeing old friends and new friends we haven't met yet.

The program is coming together. lots of food, fun and fellowship. A few new highlights include the opportunity for everyone to talk about their favorite SOWER project, a welcome supper Thursday night, and an opportunity to put together printed books of John and Romans so they can be distributed to mission fields around the world. Other programming will include a chance to interact with our host, the International Alert Academy, a movie night, Q & A with SOWERs board members, and Sunday church service.


• $15.00 registration per couple. To register, mail a check to Margaret Gearhart, 230 West Laurel Lane, Big Sandy, Texas 75755 Payable to Margaret Gearhart.

CAMPSITE - $25.00 for 3 nights with full hookups - ALERT has been so generous to us. All 3 nights for only $25.00 total. (Coming early or staying later? Campsite is $25.00 per night.

• Lodging is also available. Contact Margaret for pricing.

MEALS - $10.00/person per meal

• An offering will be taken for ALERT Academy, our host ministry.

For more information, contact Margaret Gearhart #3263, 


SOWERs working on the John and Romans project.

Save the Date!

9/21-25, 2025 2025 Oregon Rally

Aldersgate Camps and Retreats (OR320) Turner, OR 

More information and registration directions coming March 2025 Newsletter. 

This month 135 SOWER couples/singles are serving at 44 different ministries all around the country. Praise God for all the work that's being accomplished! Check the New Member site for information on where YOU can serve!

SOWER Blog Roll

See what other SOWERs are doing around the country!

Along the Walk

Bruce & Katie Gay #3659

Jesus, Take My Baton!

Jim and Cathy Fry #3564

RV There Yet

 Gary & Stephanie Conrad #2509

Salty Strings

John & Connie Nicholas #3322

Where the Dutch Ovens Roam

Conrad & Pam Popp #3652

Rolling With the Ekbergs

Burneall & Ann Ekberg #3702

Sincerely Sondra

Sondra Smith #3779

Friends Along The Way

Spencer & Lorraine Saints #3574


Dave & Robyn Koppin #3847

Ken & Pebble Williams #3870


Paul & Juanita Alton #2766

Do YOU have a Blog you'd like to share?

Send the link to and we'll add it to the 'Roll'!

Group Picture - The December 2024 SOWERs serving at Indian Hills (CA-213) in Jamul, CA. L-R Floyd & Barb Adcock (3748), Kevin & May Shyn (4121), Mark & Paula Best (3982)

Header Photo -SOWER Office, Annex, and new dog park

Dear Sam & Sally,

With all of the crazy winter weather coming our way, what do we do if we don’t think we can get to our project by the assigned time due to inclement weather?


No Snow Tires

Dear Snow,

Great question! Never, never, never put yourself in jeopardy just to arrive in time to a project. Never. If you find yourself unable to get to a project when you would normally be expected, contact your Group Leader as soon as possible and advise him of your situation. He can also let you know what the conditions are in the project area. If you are the GL and find yourself delayed, contact the host first, and then let at least one (if not all) of your incoming SOWERs know of your situation. That way the host will be able to greet any SOWERs that arrive before you. And finally, if you are the GL and already at the project, alert any of the incoming SOWERs about possible weather or road related issues that may impact their arrival. And a final tip – don’t forget that there may be a project along your way which has overnight parking and can provide a safe parking space until the way is clear for you to continue on.

In summary - Get there when you can, stay in contact with your GL/host/team and above all take caution and arrive safely! Our host ministries are just as concerned as we are for your safe arrival.

Praying for traveling mercies for you all,

Sam & Sally

Do you have a SOWER etiquette question? Or maybe you'd like some clarification about a policy or rule. Sam and Sally would love to hear from you! Contact them at -  

To send in a prayer request or praise item-


To contact the office -


To submit a SOWER story or a photo to the newsletter, send it to

Stephanie Conrad