From the Pastor
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.
—2 Corinthians 13:13
It is the season for New Year’s resolutions, but I’m usually last to jump on the bandwagon. I do make resolutions, little ways (or sometimes big ones) to improve my life and character; I just don’t do it at the New Year, because so often those I have made in the past have fallen to dust by the middle of the month. I prefer to sneak up on my resolutions rather than making a fanfare.
An article I read in The New York Times has me rethinking this strategy, however. The writer draws on several sources to suggest that resolutions focused on others, rather than the self, have a better chance of making our lives happy, healthy, and full of meaning. Not only does this claim seem plausible to me, it makes me feel more motivated to stick with the resolutions. Your mileage may vary, but I would rather complete a work project with others than by myself.
Whatever you choose to do or not do this year in terms of resolutions, let me remind you of Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber’s wise words: "There is no resolution, that if kept, would make you more worthy of love. You, as your actual self and not as some made-up ideal, are already worthy." If you are someone who struggles with this truth, especially around body image, body aging, or bodies in general, I urge you to read her whole message here, (
Neither death, nor life, nor a cluttered laundry room, nor fewer daily steps than your Apple Watch would prefer, can ever separate you from the love of God poured out in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Merry Christmas and happy Epiphany,
Pastor Connie