Volume 54 | January 20th, 2021
COVID19, Economy Pose Challenges for Family of Six
Timothy, his wife Sharonda and their four children were evicted from their apartment and had nowhere to go. Timothy and Sharonda came to the Brian Garcia Welcome Center seeking assistance. The family had recently relocated to Phoenix and had stayed with Sharonda’s mother for three months until they were able to get into their own place. Timothy started a job and then was able to move his family into an apartment where they stayed for about another three months. When the pandemic happened, he lost his job and wasn't able to provide for his family anymore, causing them to lose their home. Sharonda’s mother was unable to take them in again. With nowhere to go, they were forced to stay on the streets for a couple of nights. Timothy was told by a friend to come to the Human Services Campus. Timothy and his wife came into the Welcome Center and met with HSC staff about their homelessness. Our staff asked if they had any family they could stay with, and Timothy stated his parents lived in North Carolina, but they had no money for travel. We called his parents and they were so happy to hear from him and agreed to take the whole family in. HSC purchased greyhound tickets for the family to get to Fayetteville, NC to live with Timothy’s parents until he was able to get a job, and ultimately to get him and his family into their own place. 

Saturday, February 6th is our
First Bottled Water Drive in 2021
While the HSC and our Campus partners are always in need of bottled water, the pandemic is requiring us to start our ThirstAid campaign early this year. CDC guidelines for distancing and sanitation prevent us from offering refillable water stations. Therefore, we need your help to provide water for our collective clients.

Our next bottled water donation drop-off at 15th Avenue & Harrison is Saturday, February 6th from 9am to noon, and it couldn’t be easier. You pull up and our staff will remove the donations from your vehicle. Call Ivan Orozco at 602-282-0849 or email [email protected] for more information.

You may also contribute online and help us purchase water in bulk at https://donorbox.org/hsc.
Results of Planning Commission Vote on Request for More Shelter Beds
As you may know, we presented our case to the Phoenix Planning Commission on Thursday, January 7th. After hours of public comment and discussion, Commission members voted unanimously to support adding shelter beds, but they included a new set of stipulations that we did not agree to nor were we even asked for our response or opinion. 
We did not receive a draft of the proposed new stipulations until just ten minutes before the hearing began. Then, after months of negotiations with city staff, multiple meetings with community groups and hours of testimony, Commission members simply offered up new and modified stipulations.
While many of the stipulations are problematic, one of the most problematic removes Andre House’s proposed low-barrier shelter from the request. This is a shelter that is of critical need in our community. Andre House has partnered with Community Bridges Inc., a well-respected local provider of addiction treatment and behavioral health services, to manage and operate the 100 bed shelter that will provide care for some of the most vulnerable people in our community who are traditionally the hardest to serve.
Simply put, under the Planning Commission’s new stipulations, Andre House would not be allowed to open this shelter.
We are incredibly frustrated by the outcome and process of the hearing. This week’s advocacy ask is that you join us in expressing these sentiments with your elected officials. Here’s how:
1.      If you live in Phoenix, please click here to look up your councilmember.
2.      Once you know your councilmember, please click here for instructions on how to get in touch with them. Please e-mail your council member AND the mayor. Feel free to include any of the following talking points:
a.      My name is [name] and I live in District [number]. I am e-mailing to express my disappointment about the outcome of the Planning Commission hearing for Case # Z-SP-2-19-7, the case to add shelter beds.
b.      The Planning Commissioners opted out of accepted practices and included additional stipulations without ever consulting the applicant. The applicant worked diligently with City Staff and neighborhood groups for two years to agree upon stipulations.
c.      The new stipulations limit the ability of the nonprofit organizations to effectively help people end their homelessness. We need a shelter with low barriers to entry for vulnerable people who are not being sheltered.
d.      There are over 360 letters of support for this case, over 20,000 petition signatures and over 1,300 signatures from residents in the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the Human Services Campus.
e.      The Central City Village Planning Committee voted to approve this request 6-3 during their October meeting.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and dedication to our case. We will keep you posted on our request to bring people #FromStreettoHome.
Episode 1 of
The McQuaid Mission
on the
In Episode 1, Chris Coraggio of STN and Amy Schwabenlender, HSC Exec. Director, host Mike McQuaid, Jr and Congressman Greg Stanton for a great kick-off of this new series!
Human Services Campus | 204 S. 12th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 | 602.282.0853 | www.hsc-az.org