In this edition of ENews:
- Bishop Megan and Canon Julie return from Learning in London
- Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Zac Neubauer
- Racial Justice Audit Webinar on February 1 - Register Now
- 2024 Ash Wednesday & Lent Resources Available Now
- Regional Discernment Group Training on March 2
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Bishop Megan and Canon Julie return from Learning in London | |
Bexley-Seabury’s “Learning from London” course visited many churches in the Diocese of London. Top: St. Francis at the Engine Room, with The Rev. Andrew Johnston, vicar. Church founders did years of community-building before a new housing development went in – they are in a multi-use space within the building.; Bottom: Left: at St. Paul’s, Shadwell with the Rev. Phil Williams. Evangelical church-planting/revitalization, lots of “Alpha” and intro to Christianity courses; Right: St. George’s-in-the-East with The Rev. Richard Springer, rector. Community organizing with neighbors for positive change in their East-End church. |
What’s it like to drink from a Holy Spirit firehose?
Bishop Megan and I are still a bit jet-lagged after a week-long class offered through Bexley-Seabury Episcopal Seminary!
“Learning from London” explores ways the Church of England is growing in the Diocese of London. During our class, which was a special session for Episcopal bishops and their canons (with other participants from the dioceses of Alabama, Iowa, Pittsburgh, and Minnesota) we visited many churches (three on Sunday!), spent time with folks approaching church growth from very different perspectives, and got to talk together about how we might bring home and translate our learnings to a U.S. church context.
Overall, this was the common thread: prayer and a desire to make disciples of Christ.
Three big takeaways for me from the top:
“Cook from the fridge.” Work with what you have on hand at your church as a starting place. – The Rev. Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission in the diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich
“Make God the subject of the sentence.” Be clear why we are church, and what we have to offer. – also The Rev. Sally Gaze
“We give away our best.” Planting and revitalizing churches by sending teams of their best lay leaders to help ailing churches. – The Rev. Phil Williams, Rector of St. Paul’s, Shadbury
– Canon Julie Wakelee
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The Fearless Faith Revival is just over four months away! Here are Revival resources we want you to know about:
Revival Participation Survey is still open through January 31! We'd like as many people as possible to take this brief survey to help us in planning the Revival. Survey Link:
Revival Website: In addition to the latest information, you'll find:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Revival Survey
- Flyers, Posters
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Share a video testimony with the Revival Worship Planning Team | |
As we prepare for our April Revival, the Worship Planning team would like to hear where we are seeing loved planted and hope harvested in our Diocese!
We are asking for short (2-3 minute) videos of how you have experienced God’s love and grace in daily life, in the church, or in serving others. We will review all the testimonies we receive for use at the Revival event or in other diocesan events and communications. Emails have gone out to the congregations with more details. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us: or
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Save the Date:
Vestry Essentials
Saturday, March 16 | On Zoom
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Registration opens next week!
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
The Racial Justice Audit Webinar
Thursday, February 1 at 5:00 pm held via Zoom
All are encouraged to attend.
The Racial Justice Audit fulfills the requirements of the 2023 Diocesan Convention Resolution R3-2021
We will be discussing the results of the Year 1 audit, and how we will be moving forward into Year 2.
Please join us.
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Missioner for Church Life | |
2024 Ash Wednesday & Lent Resources Available Now
Ash Wednesday will be here before you know it, so be sure to begin your planning for Lent! Our diocesan website now has a page with various resources for use as individuals, families, or congregations.
Visit our lent resources page for more information:
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Resources for Black History Month | |
Black History Month starts Thursday, February 1! The diocesan website now has a page with resources for use as individuals, families, or congregations.
Be sure to check the page frequently, as more resources will be added in the coming weeks.
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Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health | |
Living Compass 2024 Lenten Meditation Booklets
are ready to order!
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2024 Living Compass Lenten Study Booklets - Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength & Mind
Each year, tens of thousands of people across various denominations use our daily devotionals as preparation for the coming of Easter. Faith communities also use the devotionals for Lent programs, classes, small-group discussions, and retreats with the help of our FREE downloadable and printable Facilitator Guide. Below you will find multiple ways to engage these resources, either as an individual, or as a lay or clergy leader.
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Este devocionario tiene como propósito el ayudarte a conectarte con la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesucristo. También te va a ayudar a tener una mejor relación con Dios, contigo mismo, con los demás y con el mundo. Estas reflexiones para la Cuaresma del 2024 pueden ser usadas por grupos o individuos con el objetivo de profundizar tu conocimiento acerca de los fundamentos de la fe cristiana y fortalecer el regalo de fe que profesamos.
To order free copies supported by the Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health,
Contact: Susan Wahlstrom, Coordinator
Please provide your congregation name, how many books you want to order and a mailing address – we will take it from there.
Download as a FREE PDF file in English and Spanish
Learn more at
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Upcoming Events around the Diocese | |
When was the last time someone stopped everything to listened to you? They put down their phones, turned off the T.V., turned their bodies towards you, and listened intently to you? Listening is world altering gift. If you have the gift of listening I am asking you to join a Regional Discernment Group (RDG). We especially need people in the Russian River Deanery and Capital Deanery to join RDGs. We need people who are willing to listen and discern people’s calling. Deep listening acts as a mirror to help people see themselves and one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Please sign up here for the training on March 2nd.
Please contact The Rev. Anny Genato,, if you have any questions.
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Brian McClaren's A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith Book Study
Tuesdays starting January 30 |Trinity Cathedral or Zoom
Tuesday Morning Group will begin reading Brian McClaren's, A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith, on January 30th, 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
All are welcome.
If you are interesting in joining, please contact Susan Hotchkiss:
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Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival | Trinity Cathedral
Saturday, January 27 | Open to all choral singers
Our guest conductor is Mr. Nigel Groome,
Director of Music at St. Matthew's/Westminster, London, England
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The Compass String Quartet Presents Valentine Concerts
Friday, February 9 | Pilgrim Congregational Church, Redding | 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 10 | St. John's Episcopal Church, Chico | 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 11 | St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Red Bluff | 3:00 pm
Read more and view the program.
Free event, Donations Accepted!
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Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper, and Raffle!
February 13 | St. Luke's, Galt | 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
$12 for ages 12+
$8 for ages 5-12
Free for ages under 5
For more information:
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Trinity Cathedral’s Sobriety Support Ministry Offers Spirituality and the Twelve Steps Zoom Book Group
February 22 - May 23 | Trinity Cathedral | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Kenny Pierce and the Rev. Anne Dryden McKeever of Trinity Cathedral’s Sobriety Support Ministry will facilitate a thirteen-week discussion group of Richard Rohr’s book, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps, meeting Thursday evenings via Zoom, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm, from February 22 through May 23, except for March 28, Maundy Thursday.
Read more
To register for the group and to receive your free books and the Zoom link, please email your postal address to the Rev. Anne Dryden McKeever at
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Episcopal Foundation of Northern California | |
Programs and ministries in our diocese need YOUR support! | |
Featured Dreams from the 2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams:
West Coast Collaborative Episcopal School for Ministry
(Goal: $2,000)
The West Coast Collaborative Episcopal School for Ministry is a new, combined ministry of the Dioceses of Northern California, El Camino Real, and San Diego. It provides innovative lay and diaconal formation programs based in the curriculum of the Iona Collaborative. Appeal funds will serve to support the School for Ministry including helping provide financial support to students from the Diocese of Northern California being formed for lay ministry, which will assist in lowering the cost to students, as well as offering partial scholarships towards tuition and books. Read more...
The Center at St. Matthew's| Sacramento, CA | (Goal: $10,000)
The Center at St. Matthew's is a community service center and outreach ministry that serves neighbors in need in the poverty-stricken Arden Arcade area of Sacramento County. Appeal funds will aid in responding to the ongoing Afghan and Ukrainian refugee crises. Located in the largest Afghan refugee community in the U.S., the Center also reaches growing numbers of Ukrainian refugees. In 2024 we will continue to expand classroom space, improve food bank space, and partner with refugee resettlement agencies and other organizations. Read more...
Book of Dreams Featured on FOX40's "Faith Matters"
Fox40's Richard Sharp interviews The Rev. Cliff Haggenjos (Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Roseville, CA) and Dianne Williamson (Outreach Coordinator) as they discuss St. Johns' partnership with the Neighborhood Wellness Program and how it helps to heal generational trauma.
Watch the interview from their "Faith Matters" segment on the Fox40 website or on YouTube.
Will you support these dreams?
Giving in honor of, or remembrance of someone you love can make for a heartfelt and generous gift. You can download a gift card in English or Spanish to share with them
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Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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