TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Jan. 26: Teacher Grading Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 14: Early Release Wednesday
Feb. 16: Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 19: Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 5: Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 12-16: No After School Activities
Mar. 15-16: Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar. 16: Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 21: Registration Opens for Session 3 of After School Activities
Mar. 28: School Board Meeting
Mar. 29: Winter After School Activities End
Mar. 30 - Mar. 6: Spring Break - No School
Administrative Information
Reminder: No School Tomorrow Friday, January 26
This is a friendly reminder that there is no school tomorrow, 1/26, due to a teacher grading day. Enjoy the long weekend! |
Last Call: Sibling Applications Due February 7
We are currently accepting sibling applications for the 2018-19 school year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please fill out this
application form
and return it to the school office at your earliest convenience.
The application deadline is February 7, 2018, at 4:00pm.
We cannot guarantee placement for any students whose applications are received after this date.
Spirit Week January 29 - February 2
We hope you join us showing your school spirit next week, January 29 - February 2! Click here to see what our themes will be! 
Monday: Pajamas
Tuesday: Rainbow
Wednesday: TCGIS Spirit
Thursday: Fancy
Friday: Football and hat day
Listening Sessions Hosted by TCGIS Board & Admin
On 2/27 and 3/6 the School Board and the Administration will host listening sessions for the TCGIS Community regarding TCGIS Staff and Teachers (2/27) and TCGIS Facilities (3/6). Each session will include a presentation on the current status of the Board's and the Administration's efforts regarding the respective topic as well as time afterward reserved for engagement with the Board and Administration on that topic. Specific times and locations for these sessions will be communicated through future Elternbriefs. We encourage all interested community members to attend! |
Join the TCGIS Volleyball Teams!
Volleyball Season is starting soon! We are looking for players for our co-ed 5th/6th and 7th/8th grade teams. Practices will be from 4:30-6:30pm - players will be able to stay with their coach in a classroom after school from 3:30-4:30pm.
Please click on
this link
for more information, including a link to the registration page. If you have questions, please contact Coach Kulhanek at
Our Goal for Next Year: 30 Host Families!
Now is the time to apply to become a host family for the next school year. Options are available for short-term hosting, Fall semester, Spring semester or for full-year arrangements. Hosting a TCGIS intern from Germany, Austria or Switzerland can be a valuable experience for your family and expand the horizons of your children forever! So far we have 6
host families!
Click here to find out more about our intern program! Have any questions? Contact
Tina Haarbusch. Already sold and excited to host?
Click here to sign up by
February 1, 2018!
Call for Non-Functioning or Unused Electronics Donations!
Do you have any old electronic devices or household items sitting around? If so, please bring it to school for us to take apart!
Items need not be functional as they will be taken apart to learn from.
Wind-up toys have moving parts that could also be interesting to explore.
The donated items will be disposed of after being taken apart. If you have anything, please bring them to the office on Friday, January 26th. (We will only take accept donations Friday.)
You might be wondering what kind of technology you can donate. Below is a list:
Old DVD players, CD players, VCRs, blow dryers, tape recorders, modems, old computer towers or laptops, old phones, motorized toys (remote-control cars, etc.), radios, boom boxes, kitchen mixers, etc.
TVs, CRT monitors, or microwave ovens as they are too dangerous.
History Day Judges Needed
Grades 6-8 will be having their school History Day competition on March 1st. They have been working on these projects since October and we need judges to help make the big school competition happen.
Judging is a fantastic way to connect with students, support your community, and learn about history.
Read more
National History Day. If interested in judging, or if you want more information, please contact Catie Jacobs at
2nd Kinder Karneval at the Clubhaus!
Mark your calendars for January 28, 2018 from 2pm - 5pm! There will be a Kinder Karneval at The Klub Haus on Rice Street. Admission to the Kinder Karneval is free, families are encouraged to wear their favorite costumes and will have the opportunity to play a variety of games for all ages.
For more information and to RSVP please
click here.
Puzzlers Needed
Are you a puzzler? Do you enjoy creative word smithing? Do you have an acronym for remembering everything? Or do people laugh at your puns? Then we have a competition for you!
Currently our school has three behavior expectations:
Sicherheit (Safety),
Verantwortung (Responsibility),
Respekt (Respect). We want you to come up with a catchphrase using each first letter of our 3 behavior expectations: S, V, R. Please submit your catchphrase to by
February 4. The winner will be announced at the Carnival of Cultures on
February 22nd. The winner will receive a $25 gift card for Amazon.
The example below may bring some inspiration! This example is from Wyoming
Elementary School in Forest Lake, Minnesota, notice their use and prominence of the school mascot.
Feel free to bring any ideas forward!
Thank you for your time and support,
The PBIS Leadership Team
PTO Announcements
Plant Sale Coordinator Needed
We need someone to head the spring plant sale. Commitment is needed in the next week. Please contact
Christine Ustun if willing!
German Movie Night - Febreuary 2
Urban Forage Winery Outings
GAI Announcements
Karneval Euro Tanzparty on Saturday, January 27, 2018 from 7pm to 1am (21+)
Party in the Haus - from the Disco Ballroom to the Ratskeller.
Join us for our annual Karneval event - The theme this year is DISCO, so pull out your bell-bottoms and platform shoes and dance ... dance ... dance!
HERE for more information and to purchase your tickets
Registration now open for Spring Classes - Classes start Feb. 5, 2018
Click HERE for Adult Class Registration.